
グローバリストは、未来の警察を軍事装備されたトランスヒューマンなロボット警察によって行うことを計画している - これは今すぐ阻止する必要がある!

グローバリストは、未来の警察を軍事装備されたトランスヒューマンなロボット警察によって行うことを計画している - これは今すぐ阻止する必要がある!


エリートの "グレート・リセット"によって、私たちは政治的、経済的、医学的、技術的に打ちのめされているのです: なぜ、どうすれば効果的な反撃ができるのか?」- このプログラムは、人類のかなりの割合を殺し、生き残った人々をトランスヒューマンの奴隷として、第4次産業革命技術(5G、デジタルID、CBDC、ジオフェンシング、AIポリス、ロボット化された労働力など)の対象となる「スマートシティ」に幽閉し、コモンズを永遠に封じ込め、すべての富をエリートに移転させます。


このように、大きな変化をもたらすのは、まさに「取り締まり」である。 これからの取り締まりは、より少数の軍隊装備の警察、トランスヒューマン警察、企業の民間警備技術に支えられたテクノクラート警察によって行われるようになるだろう。




より長期的な傾向を反映して、2019年、国際警察署長協会は、"全米の法執行機関が警察官の募集・雇用に苦慮している "と報告しました。警察が無実の市民を殺害する一方で - 「Mapping Police Violence」と「Not just "a few bad apples": 米国警察は他国よりはるかに高い割合で一般市民を殺害している」 - 報告書では言及されませんでしたが、少なくとも「警察に対する監視の目、警察と一般市民とのやりとりを携帯電話で記録したもの、メディアの報道、大衆娯楽の警察描写によって、多くの若者が両親とは異なる警察の見方をするようになった」ことは認められました。「採用の現状: 法執行機関の危機」を参照。

パンデミックの取り締まりを始めて2年目の2021年後半、米国警察は警察官の退職・辞職率が大幅に上昇し、2021年にニューヨーク市警を退職した警察官の数は2020年に退職した警察官の5倍以上になったと報告しています。報告書によると "抗議行動やパンデミック、さらに凶悪犯罪の余波を受けたこの年は、この職業が世代を超えた、そしておそらく歴史的な清算に急接近しているのかもしれない。「法執行機関は新人の雇用と維持において前例のない難題に直面している」を参照。

地球の裏側では、ビクトリア警察がコビットの封鎖措置に反対する抗議行動を暴力的に取り締まり、イメージダウンに見舞われていたー「オーストラリア: Covid-19の際の警察の厳しい対応」を参照。 状況は同じだった。"ビクトリア警察は、1500人の前線警官が余分に必要な人員危機に直面していると、秘密のモデル化が警告した。「シークレットレポートが暴露したビクトリア警察は人員不足の危機に直面している」を参照してください。


しかし、警察官の数に関する長年の問題に加え、警察官の行動に関する政治の方向性によって悪化している。パンデミック」による封鎖措置を実施する一方で、過去3年間にわたり、2つの追加的なメカニズムを用いて、現役の警察官の数を減らしてきたことは明らかである: 例えば、「ビクトリア州警察、過酷なコビド規則で退職を余儀なくされる」などを参照。そして、どこでも、射殺を義務付けられた警察の何割かを殺すことで、これは今後も影響を与え続けるだろう。



いずれにせよ、問うべき重要な質問は以下の2点である: パンデミック時に警察の暴力を招いた政府の政策は、国民の怒りを買い、警察の数を簡単に減らす方法として、警察の退職や辞職を誘発するように設計されていたのか?また、注射による死亡を調査するかどうかという警察の決定に対する公式の干渉は、良心的な警官の意欲を失わせ、さらなる辞職・退職を誘発するために行われた部分もあったのか?

なぜ政府はこのようなことをするのだろうか。警察活動のあり方の転換を促す計画の一環なのだろうか。結局のところ、世界経済フォーラムは、労働力をロボット化するというエリートの意図を明確に示しており、数年以内に人間の労働者の半分以上がロボットに取って代わられると予測されている。 「2025年までに機械が人間より多くの仕事をするようになるが、ロボット革命によって今後5年間で5800万人の純然たる新規雇用が創出されるだろう」を参照。



数字の問題とは別に、世界各地で進む警察の軍国主義化は、多くの研究者によって指摘されている。米国での警察活動に関連するいくつかの問題の要約は、2017年に書かれたこの記事を参照してください: 「なぜ米国の警察はこんなに怖いのか」。


「警察の軍国主義化 地域の法執行機関を軍の延長に変えた国土安全保障省、司法省、FBIは、変革の次の段階に進み、虹彩スキャナー、ボディスキャナー、赤外線ドップラーレーダー装置、顔認識プログラム、ナンバープレートリーダー、携帯電話抽出ソフトウェア、スティングレイ装置など、多くのものを備えたテクノ・ウォリアーに全米の警察官を変えようとしています。 " 参照:『2023年、政府に期待することは?More of the Same』『Stingray Tracking Devices: Who's Got Them?




トランスヒューマニズムとは何か? 要するに、トランスヒューマニズムとは、人間は遺伝子操作や脳や身体への埋め込み技術によって、より高い能力を得ることができるという前提に基づく一連の信念のことである。参照:「トランスヒューマニズムに注意: エリートのコビド19クーデターによって『人間であること』がいかに再構築されつつあるか」を参照。


しかし、エリートにとって、エリートのエージェントがコントロールできない限り、これらのテクノロジーを展開する意味はほとんどない。結局、2016年に世界経済フォーラムが明らかにしたように、2030年までに『あなたは何も所有せず、そして、あなたは幸せになる』。 『2030年の世界に関する8つの予測』を参照。

明らかに、何も所有せず、それで幸せになれるとしたら、所有物がもはや重要でない人間の意識の高貴な状態に達しているか、誰かがあなたの心をいじって、真実でないことを信じ込ませているかのどちらかです。 誰かの心を弄ぶには、マイクロチップを体に埋め込んで、その心を誰かがコントロールできるようにするのが一番です。



以前は拒否していた民主主義国でも、大規模な監視システムが構築されるようになり、監視の性質も変化しています。以前は、監視は主に皮膚の上で行われていましたが、今では皮膚の下にまで及んでいます ...




今までで一番怖い映画: THIS Is How Elon Musk's Neuralink Microchip Will Be Put in Your Brain(2020年)』2020年8月29日(10分)。

つまり、数十年の努力の末に完成した技術は、受信機用ナノチップを人体に噴霧、注射、その他の方法で埋め込むことを可能にしたのです。現在進行中の5Gの展開には、宇宙と地上の広範な技術が含まれています(「Deadly Rainbow : 5Gは地球上のすべての生命を絶滅させるか?」参照)、これらの技術の組み合わせによる一つの成果は、外部からの指示によって、埋め込まれた各人の個々の行動を指示することが可能になることです。

コビッド注射は、EMF信号を介して他の個人の指示により、トランスヒューマンとそれをコントロールする責任者との間に恒久的な通信と制御リンクを確立するために組み立てられるナノテクノロジーを人々の体に注入するために使用されてきたという説明を見ることができます。コビド注射の中のナノテクノロジーが、ナノテクノロジーの開発を誘導するロボットアームを組み立てる様子をリアルタイムで映し出すデビッド・ニクソン博士のマリア・ジーのインタビューはこちら:「世界初:COVID-19『ワクチン』内部のナノテクを介したロボットアームの組み立て - リアルタイムで撮影されたもの」。

Faiez Kirsten博士によるアナ・ミハルチェア博士のトランスヒューマニストのアジェンダを議論する別の優れたビデオインタビューがあります。これには、大気中に金属微粒子(アルミニウム、バリウム、ストロンチウムなど)と合成生物学を散布するジオエンジニアリングが、地球上のすべての生命を改変するためにどのように使用されているか(「すべての細胞、すべての微生物を改変し、デジタル化して、合成生物学を用いて自然の状態で融合する」)、この計画における5Gなどの電磁周波数(「EMF」)の役割、注射のナノテクノロジー成分の目的についての考察が含まれています。要するに、彼らは膨大な数の人々を殺すだけでなく、生き残った人々の心をコントロールしたいのだと結論付けているのです。ミハルチェアは、まとめとして、彼女の研究は、ワクチン未接種者は安全ではないことを示しており、大気中の地球工学や汚染された食品を通じた合成生物学の攻撃から健康を守るために、さらなる行動を起こさなければならないと強調した。






2016年、世界銀行は、ロボット化がもたらすであろう問題や、それらが理論的にどのように対処されるかを含む、いくつかの結果を考察した報告書を発表しました。 「The rise of the machines : ロボット化の経済的・社会的影響」をご覧ください。要約はこちらをご覧ください: 「ロボット化の経済的・社会的影響」。

ロボットが労働力の増加につながるという、非常に衛生的な世界経済フォーラムの説明(「ロボットが実際に人間の雇用を増やす理由はここにある」参照)があるにもかかわらず、別の世界経済フォーラムの報告書は、「2025年までにロボットが全仕事の半分を行う」ことから不平等が悪化すると率直に指摘しています。『The Future of Jobs Report 2020』や『WEF: 2025年までにロボットが仕事の半分をこなすようになるため、不平等が悪化する可能性が高い』と述べている。



しかし、これらの技術をどのように組み合わせ、どのように展開するかは様々です。その一例として、イスラエルの民間警備会社Gabriel Protectsが提供する監視・制御サービス群を紹介します: 「スマートテクノロジーで、物理的な脅威をリアルタイムに先取りし、封じ込める。スマートテクノロジーで物理的な脅威をリアルタイムに先取りし、封じ込める。Gabrielはそれを検知し、対応します。Gabrielの次世代セキュリティ技術は、暴力的な脅威を瞬時に検知し、対応を自動化することで、貴重な時間と人命を節約します。"

ホイットニー・ウェッブ氏はこう説明します: "同社の将来ビジョンの多くは、事前犯罪、ロボットによる取り締まり、生体認証による監視といった、同社を支援する情報機関のビジョンと一致している。" したがって、大量殺戮を阻止するという名目で、「モサド、CIA、FBIのトップが支援する監視システムが、アメリカ中の学校、礼拝堂、その他の民間の場所に設置されている」のです。ガブリエルシステムには、同社の「脅威検知」技術が含まれており、AIだけでなく顔認識や関連技術を駆使した「スマートカメラ」を使って、特定のエリアにおける武器や「喧嘩」、「異常行動」などを検知するものです。施設内に設置されたカメラと、手動でも遠隔でも作動するパニックボタン「スマートシールド」が「作動トリガー」となり、トリガーはAIによってほぼ自動化・管理されます。トリガーが作動すると、ガブリエルシステムは、緊急、パニック、サイレントパニック、イエロー(軽微な事故用)など、適切な「警戒モード」に入ります。パニックボタンが作動すると、双方向通信、ライブ映像の配信、音響による銃声の検出が可能になります。「CIAとモサドに連動した監視システムが全米で静かに設置されている」「匿名の慈善家がイスラエルの救命技術を米国のシナゴーグと学校500カ所に贈呈」を参照。


もちろん、"pre-crime "プロトコルは、"国民の反対意見を排除する "ためのものである。「CIAとモサドに連動した監視システムが全米で静かに設置されつつある」を参照。

こうした分野の技術を研究・提供している企業は、ガブリエルだけではありません。他の著名な企業としては、Palantir Technologiesがあります。ほかにもある。言うまでもなく、これらの企業は、アカデミー、軍、情報機関とも密接な関係があり、これらすべてがエリートプログラムの実施に重要な役割を担っているのだ。


しかし、技術主義的な取り締まりには、空中警察として使われるドローンや、ハイテク界の第一人者アマン・ジャビが「ゲロ銃」と呼ぶ、対象者を嘔吐させる電磁波兵器を搭載したロボットも含まれます。 参照:「アイデンティティのデジタル化は、奴隷への早道だ: 自由を守るにはどうしたらいいのか?

また、この先どうなるかを知りたい方は、「サイコトロニックと電磁波兵器: 人間の神経系を遠隔操作する」をご覧ください。

この他にも、警察ロボットが化学兵器の配備に利用されています-「特別送達: 警察ロボットを使った化学兵器の配備」-スタンガンの発射。 「TASERを搭載したロボットが警察を危険から遠ざける」参照。


もっと劇的なのは、警察の「殺人ロボット」が銃乱射容疑者の殺害に使われたことがすでにあることだ。2016年、米国ダラスの警察は、もともと爆発物を調査し安全に排出するために設計されたロボットに爆弾を粗雑に取り付け、容疑者の近くに配備して遠隔操作で爆発させた。 「ダラス警察が即席の殺人ロボットを使ってガンマンを倒した方法」をご覧ください。

他の警察では、容疑者を殺すためにロボットを使うことを検討しています。 例えば、『オークランド市警、ロボットに致死性のショットガンを装備させることを希望』などを参照されたい。 しかし、サンフランシスコ警察は、ロボットを使って人を殺すためのプロトコルをすでに策定している: "ロボットは、一般市民や警官の命が失われる危険が切迫しており、SFPDが利用できる他のいかなる武力手段よりも優れている場合にのみ、殺傷力の選択肢として使用される。「Law Enforcement Equipment Policy : Inventory Acquired Prior to January 2022」、「SFPD authorized to kill suspects using robots in draft policy」を参照。





そして、以前にも説明したように、「エリートの『グレート・リセット』によって、私たちは政治的、経済的、医学的、技術的に打ちのめされています: なぜ、どうすれば効果的な反撃ができるのか?- なぜなら、グローバルエリートは従来の政治、経済、金融、技術、医療、教育、メディア、その他社会の重要なレバーを支配しており、エリートは出来事がどのように展開するかをコントロールすると同時に、何が起きているのかについての物語をコントロールすることができるようになったからです。その結果、エリートの計画に関する真実は容易に隠蔽されることになる。その結果、この複雑で洗練されたプログラムに対する効果的な抵抗には、エリートの深い意図の完全な理解に基づく、同じく洗練された対応が必要となります。 つまり、政治的、法的、その他、従来のいかなるチャンネルにも頼ることはできないのです。





そこで、「グレート・リセット」とそれに関連するアジェンダに戦略的に抵抗することに興味がある方は、「We Are Human, We Are Free」キャンペーンに参加されることを歓迎します。 これらの戦略的目標の1つは、次のように書かれています:

5G、6G、モノのインターネット(IoT)、人工知能(AI)、ジオフェンシング、スマート街路灯(顔認識カメラや環境センサーでデータを収集し、デジタルサイネージを表示し、スピーカーで直下の人々に行動を指示する)、デジタルアイデンティティなど、監視・制御技術の導入と使用に警察や警備員が抵抗するようにすることです(その他多数)、 監視カメラや顔認識カメラ、ナンバープレートリーダー、車両キルスイッチ、ドローン(空中警察として使用)、ロボット(「殺傷力のオプション」として使用)、自律型兵器、電磁波兵器など、これらは人間のアイデンティティ、人間の尊厳、人間の意思、人間のプライバシー、人間の自由を破壊する技術主義の刑務所を建設するために進行中のエリート計画の一環として、警察を変革してデータを収集し行動を制御するために使用されています。



さらに、誰でもできる重要な非暴力的行動の短いシリーズを特定した1ページのチラシ「We Are Human, We Are Free」をダウンロードすることができます。このチラシは現在23カ国語(中国語、クロアチア語、チェコ語、デンマーク語、オランダ語、英語、フィンランド語、フランス語、ドイツ語、ギリシャ語、ヘブライ語、ハンガリー語、イタリア語、日本語、マレー語、ポーランド語、ポルトガル語、ルーマニア語、ロシア語、セルビア語、スペイン語、スロバキア語とトルコ語)、さらにいくつかの言語で準備中ですが、ここからダウンロードすることが可能です: 「ワンページフライヤー」。

さらに、「グレート・リセット」と関連するアジェンダに対する戦略的な抵抗に魅力を感じるなら、「We Are Human, We Are Free」テレグラムグループ(ウェブサイトからアクセスできるリンクがあります)への参加を検討してみてください。



この時点で、警察を相手にする場合を含め、事実上すべての文脈で、深く耳を傾けることが非常に重要であることを心に留めておく価値がある。そうすることで、相手のことをより深く理解することができ、将来的に相手の側がより大きな気づきを得るための扉を開くことができるかもしれません。いずれにせよ、それがどのような結果であれ、素晴らしい贈り物となるのです。『ニステリング: 深く聴く技術』をご覧ください。

もしよろしければ、このキャンペーンに関する短いビデオをこちらで見たり、共有したり、上映を企画したりすることもできます: 「We Are Human, We Are Free」ビデオ



ごく簡単にまとめると 人間の警察官は短期的には軍用装備となり、急速にトランスヒューマン警察や「テクノクラート警察」に取って代わられる。人工知能(「AI」)が警察を指揮し、トランスヒューマン警察、ドローン、ロボット、自律・電磁波兵器システム(「AWS」)などが関与する。これは、私たちのほとんどを殺し、生き残った人々を奴隷にし、コモンズを永遠に囲い込み、すべての富を手に入れるというエリートの包括的なプログラムの、小さいながらも重要な一部なのです。



警察官を含む多くの人間は、ひどく精神的に傷ついた人間である。『なぜ暴力なのか』や『恐れを知らない心理学と恐れを抱く心理学: 原則と実践』をご覧ください。




ロバート・J・バロウズは、人間の暴力を理解し、終わらせることに生涯をかけて取り組んでいる。1966年以来、人間がなぜ暴力を振るうのかを理解するために幅広い研究を行い、1981年からは非暴力活動家として活動しています。著書に『なぜ暴力を振るうのか』がある。彼のウェブサイトはこちらです。また、「Global Research」にも定期的に寄稿している。

Globalists plan for future policing to be done by militarily-equipped, transhuman, robotic police – this needs to be stopped NOW!
ON APRIL 27, 2023

As has been carefully documented, under cover of the “virus/vaccine” narrative, the Global Elite is implementing long-planned and profound changes to 200 areas of human life.

In essence, as documented elsewhere – see ‘We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s “Great Reset”: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?’ – this program will kill off a substantial proportion of humanity, imprison those left alive as transhuman slaves in their “smart cities” subject to their Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies (including 5G, digital ID, CBDCs, geofencing, AI policing and a robotised workforce), enclose the Commons forever and transfer all wealth to Elite hands.

Needless to say, with some people already resisting and more people likely to perceive the truth of what is happening and join the resistance with the passage of time, policing the imposition of this program will be a critical factor in ensuring its success.

As indicated then, just one area in which profound change will take place is policing.  Future policing will be done by a smaller number of militarily-equipped police, transhuman police and technocratic police supported by corporate private security technology.

In this article, I will briefly outline the key changes to policing, in these three distinct categories, and also explain why these changes must be resisted and how we can do this most effectively.

By Robert J. Burrowes as published by Global Research

Fewer and Militarised Police

Reflecting a longer-term trend, in 2019 the International Association of Chiefs of Police reported that “Law enforcement agencies across the United States are struggling to recruit and hire police officers.” While police killings of innocent civilians – see ‘Mapping Police Violence’ and ‘Not just “a few bad apples”: US police kill civilians at much higher rates than other countries’ – failed to rate a mention in the report, it did at least acknowledge “scrutiny of the police, cellphone recordings of interactions between the police and public, media coverage, and popular entertainment portrayals of police have led many young people to view police differently than their parents may have.” See ‘The State of Recruitment: A Crisis for Law Enforcement’.

In late 2021, two years into policing the pandemic, US police reported a substantially increased rate of retirement and resignation among police officers, with more than five times as many police leaving the New York Police Department in 2021 as left in 2020. According to the report: “In the wake of a spasmodic year of protests and pandemic, plus an aftermath of violent crime, the profession may be fast approaching a generational and possibly historic reckoning.” See ‘Law enforcement faces unprecedented challenges in hiring and keeping recruits’.

On the other side of the world, where the Victoria Police had suffered an image-battering following their violent policing of protests against covid lockdown measures – see ‘Australia: Harsh Police Response During Covid-19’ – the situation was the same: “Victoria Police is facing a staffing crisis with an extra 1,500 frontline officers needed, secret modelling has warned.” See ‘Secret Report Reveals Victoria Police Facing a Staffing Crisis’.

Of course, other police forces around the world suffered image batterings in response to their violent response to those protesting “pandemic” lockdowns and other restrictions. See, for example, ‘Serbia: Violent police crackdown against COVID-19 lockdown protesters must stop’.

But on top of long-standing issues in relation to police numbers exacerbated by political direction of policing behaviour while enforcing “pandemic” lockdown measures, it is clear that the number of serving police has been reduced throughout the past three years by using two additional mechanisms: In many places, forcing those who resisted the “kill shot” to resign from service – see, for example, ‘Victoria Police facing exodus due to draconian Covid rules’ – and, everywhere, by killing off a proportion of the police who were mandated to take the shot – which will continue to have impact in the years ahead.

Apart from this, the damaged reputation police suffered as a result of their role in enforcing the Elite program against those people willing to non-violently protest the violation of their constitutional and human rights, has meant that the conscience-based resignation rate of police has risen – see, for example, ‘Conscientious Resignation of Police Officer in Australia’ – while recruitment has suffered in many places.

Separately from this, other resignations and retirements have probably occurred following official interference to thwart conscientious police officers asked or attempting to investigate deaths from covid injections – see one initiative by New Zealand doctors to have the issue investigated (‘Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination’) which ran into government obstruction (‘Jacinda Ardern Left Reeling As New Zealand Police Look at Investigating COVID Jab Deaths’) and a Canadian officer punished for conducting an investigation (‘Ottawa police officer charged for examining COVID-19 vaccine deaths’). Of course, any attempts to expose injection deaths among police colleagues have no doubt been “discouraged” despite evidence of their occurrence.

In any case, two critical questions to ask are these: Were government policies that led to police violence during the pandemic designed to provoke public anger and induce police retirements and resignations as ways of reducing police numbers easily? And was official interference in police decisions about whether or not to investigate injection deaths partly designed to disenchant conscientious officers and induce further resignation/retirements?

Why would governments do this? Could it be part of a plan to facilitate the transformation of how policing is conducted? After all, the World Economic Forum has been clear about the Elite intention to robotise the workforce, with more than half of human workers projected to be replaced by robots within a few years.  See ‘Machines Will Do More Tasks Than Humans by 2025 but Robot Revolution Will Still Create 58 Million Net New Jobs in Next Five Years’.

So why should we expect police to be forced out of the workforce, one way or another, at a lesser rate than elsewhere?

Moreover, there is an additional problem: Any human police officer with a reasonably “normal” psychological profile has a conscience. And these will not serve well in enforcing the coming technocratic order.

Separately from the numbers issue, the ongoing militarisation of police forces around the world has been noted by many scholars. For a summary of some issues in relation to policing in the USA, see this article written in 2017: ‘Why are Police in the USA so Terrified?’

But it is clear that the trend to militarise policing has been accelerating for some years. In a recent article, US constitutional attorney John Whitehead succinctly elaborates this trend as just one of the features to be expected from the US government in 2023:

“Militarised police. Having transformed local law enforcement into extensions of the military, the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the FBI are moving into the next phase of the transformation, turning the nation’s police officers into techno-warriors, complete with iris scanners, body scanners, thermal imaging Doppler radar devices, facial recognition programs, license plate readers, cell phone extraction software, Stingray devices and so much more.” See ‘What to Expect from the Government in 2023? More of the Same’ and ‘Stingray Tracking Devices: Who’s Got Them?’

So, police numbers are being reduced and police are being militarised. But that is not all.

Transhuman Police

A critical component of the Elite program is to turn those not killed into transhuman slaves.

What is transhumanism?  In essence: Transhumanism is a set of beliefs based on the premise that human beings can be improved by genetic manipulation and/or implanting technologies into the brain and body to achieve enhanced capacities. See ‘Beware the Transhumanists: How “Being Human” is being Re-engineered by the Elite’s Covid-19 Coup’.

While many people involved in this field are concerned with treating disabilities to improve the life experience of those afflicted, and some are engaged in ongoing discussions to consider the ethical issues this raises, it is clear that this is the sanitised version of a program that has far more hideous implications. For a sanitised version, watch this video of a World Economic Forum discussion held on 24 January 2020: ‘When Humans Become Cyborgs’.

But, for the Elite, there is little point deploying these technologies unless they can be controlled by Elite agents. After all, as the World Economic Forum made clear in 2016, by 2030 ‘You’ll Own Nothing. And You’ll Be Happy.’  See ‘8 predictions for the world in 2030’.

Obviously, if you are to own nothing and be happy about it, either you have reached some exalted state of human consciousness in which possessions no longer matter or someone is messing with your mind so that you believe what is not true.  And the best way to mess with someone’s mind is to implant a microchip into their body that enables control of that mind by someone else.

After all, altering what people think, feel, believe and do – through genetic manipulation and implanting technologies – is the very essence of transhumanism. So, to reiterate, transhumanists don’t want individuals with free will, they want individuals whose thoughts, feelings and behaviour can be controlled; that is, they want slaves. While this is explained at some length in the article ‘Beware the Transhumanists’ above, it is also made emphatically clear by World Economic Forum spokesperson, Professor Yuval Noah Harrari, in a 3-minute video which includes these words:

Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimise, total biometric surveillance.

We now see mass surveillance systems established, even in democratic countries which previously rejected them, and we also see a change in the nature of surveillance. Previously, surveillance was mainly above the skin, now it’s going under the skin …

… free will: That’s over.

Watch ‘Mr. Harari has just revealed the Reason for the Plandemic’.

You can also watch a video demonstration of Elon Musk’s neuralink chip illustrating how this will work. Watch ‘This Is How Elon Musk’s Neuralink Microchip Will Be Put in Your Brain’.

The Scariest Movie Ever: THIS Is How Elon Musk’s Neuralink Microchip Will Be Put in Your Brain (2020), 29 August 2020 (10 mins)
In summary then, the technology now available after decades of effort enables receiver nanochips to be sprayed, injected or otherwise implanted into human bodies. With the ongoing deployment of 5G – which includes extensive space and ground-based technologies: see ‘Deadly Rainbow: Will 5G Precipitate the Extinction of All Life on Earth?’ – just one outcome of these combined technologies is that it will be possible to direct the individual behaviour of each person so implanted with directions from an external source.

You can watch a description of how the covid injections have been used to inject nanotechnology into the bodies of people which, under the direction of other individuals via EMF signals, can be assembled to establish a permanent communication and control link between the transhuman and those responsible for controlling it. Watch Maria Zeee’s interview of Dr. David Nixon who shows real time video footage of the nanotechnology inside the covid injections assembling robotic arms that guide the nanotechnology development: ‘World First: Robotic Arms Assembling Via Nanotech Inside COVID-19 “Vaccines” – Filmed in Real Time’.

There is another excellent video interview by Dr. Faiez Kirsten of Dr. Ana Mihalcea discussing the transhumanist agenda. This includes consideration of how geoengineering – by spraying metal particulates (such as aluminium, barium and strontium) and synthetic biology into the atmosphere – is being used to modify all life on this planet (“to modify every cell, every microbe, to digitise it and then to fuse it in its natural state with synthetic biology”), the role of electromagnetic frequencies (“EMF”) such as 5G in this scheme, and the purpose of nanotechnology ingredients in the injections. In essence, they conclude, besides killing vast numbers of people, they want to control the minds of those left alive. In summarising, Mihalcea emphasised that her research demonstrates that the unvaccinated are not safe and they must take further action to defend their health from the synthetic biology attacks through atmospheric geoengineering and contaminated food.

“We are running out of time as the human species and our planet is being destroyed via synthetic biology. If you want to survive and you want your children and grandchildren to have a chance of survival you must rise now and you must fight.” Watch ‘A Discussion with Dr Ana Mihalcea on Transhumanism and EDTA Chelation’.

Moreover, given that the control technology of its transhuman slaves will be owned by corporate executives, this means that the Elite will be able to control everything from the launch of nuclear weapons – by using remote control to direct the chosen individual in a particular chain of command to order (or execute) the launch of one or more nuclear weapons at the target(s) nominated at the time(s) specified – deploy “cyborg soldiers,” “cyborg workers” and “cyborg consumers” to do as directed and, of course, “cyborg police” to carry out the orders issued by those controlling the command technology.

In the case of transhuman police, this could range from duties resembling those now performed by police to any other task whatsoever to which they are assigned. And because the implanted chip will override free will, the transhuman individual will have no awareness of choice and will simply robotically perform the tasks delivered by an artificial intelligence program to the technological implants in its body and brain.

So, whether programmed to issue a fine, kill a noncompliant individual, forcibly relocate one or more people from a rural area to the nearest “smart city” or simply go home, the cyborg police officer will do as directed without thought or feeling of its own.

Technocratic Police and Corporate Private Security

In 2016, the World Bank published a report considering some of the consequences of robotisation, including the problems that would be caused and how these might, theoretically, be addressed.  See ‘The rise of the machines: Economic and social consequences of robotisation’ with a summary here: ‘The economic and social consequences of robotisation’.

Despite one highly sanitised World Economic Forum account of robots leading to an increased workforce – see ‘Here’s why robots are actually going to increase human employment’ – another World Economic Forum report candidly noted that inequality would worsen as “robots will do half of all work tasks by 2025.” See ‘The Future of Jobs Report 2020’ and ‘WEF: Inequality likely to worsen as robots set to do half of work by 2025’.

And this is clearly evident in relation to police work where, beyond even the measures outlined above, a substantial range of new technologies will robotise policing, particularly in relation to primary functions: surveillance and control.

In essence, an increasing number of policing functions are being technologised to make policing more ruthlessly efficient. This involves use of a range of technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things (“IoT”), the Internet of Bodies (“IoB”), the Internet of Places (“IoP”), artificial intelligence (“AI”), geofencing, digital identity, surveillance and facial recognition (3D) cameras, smart street poles and lights – which gather data via facial recognition cameras and environmental sensors, display digital signage and use speakers to instruct the immediate population how to behave – license plate readers and vehicle kill switches as well as autonomous and electromagnetic weapons.

But how these technologies are combined and deployed varies. To illustrate this, consider the Israeli private security company Gabriel Protects which offers a suite of surveillance and control services: “Pre-empt and contain physical threats in real time with smart technology. Billions are spent monitoring and recording security incidents. Gabriel detects and responds to them. Gabriel’s next generation security technology instantly detects and automates the response to violent threats, saving precious time and lives.”

As Whitney Webb explains: “Much of the company’s future vision coincides with the vision of the intelligence agencies backing it – pre-crime, robotic policing and biometric surveillance.” Hence, under the guise of stopping mass shootings “a surveillance system backed by top Mossad, CIA and FBI officials is being installed in schools, houses of worship, and other civilian locations” throughout the USA. The Gabriel system includes the company’s “threat detection” technology, which involves the use of “smart cameras” that use AI as well as facial recognition and related technologies to detect weapons, “fights” and “abnormal behaviour” in a particular area. The cameras throughout a facility, along with “smart shield” panic buttons which can be activated both manually and remotely, are meant to act as “activation triggers,” with the triggering largely automated and managed by AI. When a trigger is set off, the Gabriel system enters the appropriate “alert mode,” which includes emergency, panic, silent panic and yellow (for minor incidents). Once activated, the panic button offers two-way communication, a live video feed and gunshot detection by acoustic means. See ‘CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US’ and ‘Anonymous Philanthropist Gifts Israeli Life-Saving Tech to 500 US Synagogues and Schools’.

As one would expect, given the company is providing technologies that enable implementation of the Elite program to lock us all into their “smart cities,” Gabriel intends to expand far beyond schools and houses of worship to retail stores, warehouses, data centres and banks and is already heavily reliant on AI and machine learning while using drones and robots as security tools. Beyond this, it intends to develop predictive policing (“pre-crime”) capabilities. See ‘Incident Response Solutions’ and ‘Disrupting Legacy Security’.

Of course, “pre-crime” protocols are designed to “eliminate public dissent.” See ‘CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US’.

Gabriel is not the only corporation researching and providing technologies in these fields. Another prominent corporation is Palantir Technologies. There are others. Needless to say, these corporations have close ties to the academy, the military and the intelligence community as well, all of which are also playing key roles in imposing the Elite program.

Obviously, these surveillance and control technologies are being widely deployed around the world with countries like China, Israel, including in Palestine, and the United States leading the way.

But to highlight precisely where this is headed, technocratic policing will include drones, used as aerial police, and robots equipped with electromagnetic weapons, such as those that tech guru Aman Jabbi calls “puke guns” to make the target individual vomit.  See ‘Digitising Your Identity is the Fast-Track to Slavery: How Can You Defend Your Freedom?’

And if you would like a taste of where this might go, see ‘Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System’.

Beyond this, police robots are being used to deploy chemical weapons – see ‘Special delivery: Using police robots to deploy chemical agents’ – and fire tasers.  See ‘TASER-armed robots keep police out of harm’s way’.

But “explosive ordnance disposal robots” have been used offensively since 1993 when a one-metre tall, 218-kilogram remote-controlled robot was sent into an apartment, used a television camera to locate a suspect hidden in a cupboard and then, under the remote-control direction of a technician, used a high-pressure water gun to knock the shotgun out of the suspected gunman’s hands, enabling the county police department’s version of a SWAT team to arrest him.

More dramatically, a police “killer robot” has already been used to kill a suspected gunman. In 2016, police in Dallas in the USA crudely attached a bomb to a robot originally designed to investigate and safely discharge explosives and then deployed it near a suspect where it was detonated remotely.  See ‘How the Dallas Police Used an Improvised Killer Robot to Take Down the Gunman’.

Other police forces are considering using robots to kill suspects.  See, for example, ‘Oakland Cops Hope to Arm Robots with Lethal Shotguns’.  But the San Francisco Police Department has already developed a protocol for its use of robots to kill people: “Robots will only be used as a deadly force option when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers are imminent and outweigh any other force option available to SFPD.”  See ‘Law Enforcement Equipment Policy: Inventory Acquired Prior to January 2022’ and ‘SFPD authorised to kill suspects using robots in draft policy’.

The fundamental point is that human police officers are being replaced by a series of technologies guided by artificial intelligence and ending with the use of autonomous weapons systems (“AWS”).

And these technologies are already being widely deployed and used as part of the ongoing Elite program to build a technocratic state that will subvert human identity, privacy, dignity, volition and freedom.

How Can We Resist this Technocratic Policing Model Effectively?

A long-planned, vast range and parallel sequence of measures is being rapidly implemented to capture political, social, economic, medical and technological control of the human population. The intention is to kill off a substantial proportion of humanity and imprison those left alive as transhuman slaves in the Elite’s technocratic (surveillance and control) “smart cities,” which will be policed by a range of current and emerging technologies.

And, as I have explained previously – see ‘We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?’ – because the Global Elite controls conventional political, economic, financial, technological, medical, educational, media and other important levers of society, the Elite has control of how events unfold while simultaneously giving it control of the narrative about what is taking place. As a result, the truth about the Elite plan is easily concealed. Consequently, effective resistance to this complex and sophisticated program requires a response based on a full understanding of the Elite’s deeper agenda and that is equally sophisticated.  This means that we cannot rely on any conventional channel, political, legal or otherwise.

Hence, the most effective defence against any aspect, including the technocratic policing model, of the full program that Elite agents in the World Economic Forum and elsewhere are imposing on us is to take action now that prevents foundational components of their program from being put into place.

Obviously, this requires us to clearly identify the foundations on which the Elite program is being built and to then mobilise as many people as possible, in as many countries as possible, to non-violently non-cooperate with the building of these foundations or, to the extent they exist already, to disrupt them so that they cannot function effectively.

And the time to do this is now.

If we do this effectively, the technologies – including 5G, Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currencies (“CBDCs”), geofencing, a plethora of “smart” devices, and the surveillance and facial recognition cameras – that will make the technocratic policing model possible will be stopped before they are fully deployed.

So, if you are interested in being strategic in your resistance to the “Great Reset” and its related agendas, you are welcome to participate in the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ campaign which identifies a list of 30 strategic goals for doing so.  One of these strategic goals reads as follows:

To cause the police and security personnel to resist the introduction and use of those surveillance and control technologies – including (among many others) 5G, 6G, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), geofencing, smart street poles and lights (which gather data via facial recognition cameras and environmental sensors, display digital signage and use speakers to instruct the immediate population how to behave), digital identity, surveillance and facial recognition cameras, license plate readers, vehicle kill switches, drones (used as aerial police), robots (including as a ‘deadly force option’), autonomous and electromagnetic weapons – that are being used to transform policing to collect your data and control your behaviour as part of the ongoing Elite program to build a technocratic prison that will subvert human identity, human dignity, human volition, human privacy and/or human freedom.

So, one vital role that you can play is to talk to individual police officers that you know personally, inform them of the role they are slated to play in the coming technocratic order, and invite them to consider the implications of this for them and their loved ones, and then listen to them as they talk about it.

And you can visit your local police station or write them a letter to raise awareness of what is happening and ask them to consider whether this is a future they wish for themselves or their family.

In addition, you can download the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ one-page flyer that identifies a short series of crucial non-violent actions that anyone can take. This flyer, now available in 23 languages (Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Slovak and Turkish) with several more languages in the pipeline, can be downloaded from here: ‘One-page Flyer’.

Moreover, if this strategic resistance to the “Great Reset” and related agendas appeals to you, consider joining the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ Telegram group (with a link accessible from the website).

And if you want to organise a mass mobilisation, such as a rally, at least make sure that one or more of any team of organisers and/or speakers is responsible for inviting people to participate in this campaign and that some people at the event are designated to hand out the one-page flyer about the campaign.

Ideally, prior to any such event, a liaison team should visit the police responsible for policing the event to discuss it but also raise awareness of how police are being used by the Elite in this context. See ‘Non-violent Activism and the Police’ and ‘How To Do Police Liaison’.

At this point too, it is worth keeping in mind that in virtually all contexts, including when dealing with police, it is invaluable to listen, deeply. This should help you understand the other person better and might help open a door to greater awareness on their part in the future. In any case, it is a great gift, whatever its immediate outcome. See ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep Listening’.

If you like, you can also watch, share and/or organise to show, a short video about the campaign here: ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ video.

In parallel with our resistance, we must create the political, economic and social structures that serve our needs, not those of the Elite. That is why long-standing efforts to encourage and support people to grow their own biodynamic/organic food – see ‘23 Reasons You Should Start a Garden in 2023’ – participate in local trading schemes (involving the exchange of knowledge, skills, services and products with or without a local medium of exchange), such as ‘Local Exchange Trading Systems’ and ‘Community Exchange Systems’, as well as develop structures for cooperation, governance, non-violent defence and networking with other communities are so important.


To summarise very simply. Human police officers are being militarily-equipped in the short term, to be rapidly replaced by transhuman police as well as “technocratic police”: artificial intelligence (“AI”) that will direct policing and involve transhuman police, drones, robots, and autonomous and electromagnetic weapons systems (“AWS”). This is one small but vital part of the comprehensive Elite program to kill off most of us, enslave those left alive, enclose the Commons forever and capture all wealth.

Hence, one valuable function we can perform is to inform police of this and invite them to resist it.

Of course, it is not a message that will resonate with every police officer or every member of the community, for that matter. As you already know.

Many human beings, including police officers, are badly emotionally-damaged people. See ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.

But it is crucial that we keep telling the truth and giving people chances to perceive the deeper Elite program and what it portends for humanity. Because it is not a future any human being, including police officer, should want to embrace if they value human identity, privacy, dignity, volition and freedom for themselves or their children.

Hence, our persistence in presenting the information, while listening well when appropriate, is crucial to mobilising the resistance we need to succeed.

About the Author

Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 to understand why human beings are violent and has been a non-violent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His website is HERE. He is a regular contributor to ‘Global Research’.
