



このプロジェクトを推進するTools For Humanity社は、ワールドコインの保有者がAIボットではなく、オンライン上の本物の人間であることを証明できると考えている。これは、人気の高いChatGPTのような生成的AIチャットボットの時代には必要なことだという。


同社のウェブサイトでは、ワールドコインはイーサリアムをベースとした「できるだけ多くの人々に公平に配布される、集団所有の新しいグローバル通貨」と説明されている。同社が "クロムオーブ "と呼ぶ、首を切られたロボットの頭部を模した特別にデザインされた装置で虹彩スキャンをすることに同意すれば、世界中の誰もが無料で分け前を得ることができる、と同社は提案している。



アルトマンとOpenAIは、ChatGPTの背後にいる新興企業で、昨年末から注目を浴びており、人工知能への関心が飛躍的に高まる中、多くの投資家の関心を集めている。6月、Tools For HumanityはBlockchain Capitalが主導するシリーズC資金調達ラウンドで1億1500万ドルを調達し、a16zや、Andreessen Horowitz、Blockchain Capitalなどシリコンバレー最大手のベンチャーキャピタルから著名な投資家が参加した。





クラーク氏は、ビットコインのような暗号通貨は誰でも使うことができ、好きなだけ多くのIDでサインアップすることができるが、ワールドコインは "地球上の基本的にすべての人にたった一つの(アドレスを)提供しようとしている"と説明した。



さらに、WLDの価格は月曜日の早い取引で上昇し、世界最大の取引所であるバイナンスで5,29ドルでピークに達し、バイナンスのウェブサイト(ソース)によると、1000 GMTでは、2510万ドルの取引量を見た0.15の開始価格から2.49ドルであった。





しかし彼は、UBIのある世界は「非常に遠い未来」であり、「どのような主体がお金を配ることができるのか、明確なアイデア」を持っていないと考えていた。彼は、ワールドコインが現実になるための土台を築き、AIが "現在人が行っている仕事をより多く行うようになる"ため、現実が所得格差と闘う助けになると信じている。







このプロジェクトが2021年に初めてツイートで紹介され、スノーデンが "Don't catalogue eyeballs"(目玉をカタログ化するな)という返答をツイートした際には、元アメリカ情報機関の契約者であるエドワード・スノーデンから、バイオメトリックデータの取り扱いをめぐって批判を浴びたこともある。



ユーザーのプライバシーを確保するため、システムが最適化された時点で、ユーザーのバイオメトリックデータを匿名化し、破棄する」と述べているにもかかわらず、同社がデータを破棄していないことについて、MIT Technology Reviewの調査でも懸念が提起された。





「ワールドコインの代表者は1日か2日現れ、バイオメトリック・データを収集していた。その見返りとして、彼らは無料の現金(多くの場合、ワールドコイントークンだけでなく現地通貨)からAirpods、将来の富の約束まで、あらゆるものを提供することで知られていた。場合によっては、地元政府の役人にも支払いを行っていた。彼らが提供していなかったのは、彼らの本当の意図に関する多くの情報だった"  これらの個人に対するインセンティブは、わずか20ドル相当のWLDトークンであり、一部の人々にとっては1週間あたり2.50ドルのレートであり、通貨はローンチすらしていなかった。"同社は「20米ドルに相当するWLDトークンの数をまだ把握していない」とMITは述べている。

「発展途上国で行われたテストは、「主体性をあまり持たず、プロジェクトに参加するよう強要されやすいコミュニティで実験を行うというテック業界の慣行を象徴している」。Web3 is Going Just Greatというサイトの暗号研究者、モリー・ホワイト。





The New Crypto Digital ID Data Steal
ON JULY 30, 2023

The cryptocurrency project Worldcoin was launched on July 24th, 2023, by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman with the core offering of a World ID, in other words, a “digital passport.”

The company behind the project, Tools For Humanity, believes that it will be able to prove that its holder is a real human online and not an AI bot. This they say will be necessary in the age of generative AI chatbots like the popular ChatGPT, which produce remarkably humanlike language.

The company also distributes a crypto token, the Worldcoin (WLD), to people “just for being a unique individual” they say as Worldcoin will function differently from market leader’s Bitcoin or Ethereum by offering people a token of the future currency without requiring that they invest any funds.

The company’s website described Worldcoin as an Ethereum-based “new, collectively owned global currency that will be distributed fairly to as many people as possible.” Everyone in the world would get a free share, the company suggested—if they agreed to an iris scan with a specially designed device that resembles a decapitated robot head, which the company refers to as the “chrome orb.”

We know by now that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t we?

ChatGPT and OpenAI

Altman and OpenAI, who are in fact the startup behind ChatGPT, have been in the spotlight since late last year and with interest in artificial intelligence growing by leaps and bounds attracted significant investors’ interest. In June, Tools For Humanity raised $115 million in a Series C funding round led by Blockchain Capital and joined by a16z and other prominent investors from some of Silicon Valley’s biggest venture capital firms, including Andreessen Horowitz and Blockchain Capital.

Iris Scan

Undeterred customers who sign up and obtain a World ID, must do an in-person iris scan using Worldcoin’s ‘orb’, a silver ball approximately the size of a bowling ball. This scan is a way of ensuring that it is only humans that are able to sign up and once the person is verified by the orb’s iris scan their World ID is created (Source).

The Orb
“Worldcoin is mostly trying to innovate on the authentication side,” said Jeremy Clark from the Canada-based Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering.

Anyone can use cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, Clark explained, signing up with as many identities as they want, but Worldcoin is “trying to get one and only one (address) to basically everyone on the planet.”

The Crypto Coin

This, it seems, is going well too, as since its beta period, which started in 2019, the project has 2 million users who have perhaps been enticed by the “free” tokens, and the worry of total control over their finances with the soon to be launched Central Bank Digital Currency. The result is that those who sign up in certain countries and the crypto token Worldcoin is scaling up “orbing” operations to 35 cities in 20 countries since its launch on Monday.

Additionally, WLD’s price rose in early trading on Monday, peaking at $5,29 on the world’s largest exchange, Binance, and at 1000 GMT was at $2.49 from a starting price of $0.15, having seen $25.1 million of trading volume, according to Binance’s website  (Source).

However, the WLD token is subject to the same volatility as all other cryptocurrencies, and “there’s nothing to say that any company is going to accept this for payment or that you can do anything with it,” said Peter Howson, a crypto expert from Britain’s Northumbria University.

Altman and co-founder Alex Blania admited in a roll-out announcement that “Worldcoin is an attempt at global scale alignment, the journey will be challenging, and the outcome is uncertain.”

Universal Basic Income

The founders do, however, seem certain that they want the currency to act as a form of universal basic income that would allow more equitable access to the global economy. UBI social benefits program is usually run by governments where every individual is entitled to payments.

Yet he thought a world with UBI would be “very far in the future” and he did not have a “clear idea of what entity could dole out money.” He imagined that Worldcoin lays the groundwork for it to become a reality and believes that the reality could help to combat income inequality because AI “will do more and more of the work that people now do.”

Altman claims that Worldcoin can help address how the economy will be reshaped by generative AI “People will be supercharged by AI, which will have massive economic implications,” he said, and “We think that we need to start experimenting with things so we can figure out what to do,” he said.

Are we really going to fall for another experiment, this time for free crypto?

Biometric Data

However, this is not free “money” that is being doled out to individuals, by the issuing of these crypto tokens as each and every individual is giving the company access to their biometric data in return.

Despite Blainia’s claims that Blockchains can store the World IDs in a way that preserves privacy and can’t be controlled or shut down by any single entity, Worldcoin has drawn criticism from tech experts over perceived privacy risks.

Don’t Catalogue Eyeballs

It has even drawn criticism over its handling of biometric data from former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden when the project was first introduced in 2021 in a tweet and Snowden tweeted the response “Don’t catalogue eyeballs.”

Snowden’s tweets continued “Don’t use biometrics for anti-fraud. In fact, don’t use biometrics for anything.” (source) Snowden quoted Altman “We use ZK-proofs!” and said, “Great, clever. Still bad. The human body is not a ticket-punch”.

MIT Technology Review

Concerns were also raised in an investigation by MIT Technology Review who also picked up on the company’s failure to destroy data despite saying “To ensure users’ privacy, once its systems are optimised, it will anonymize and destroy users’ biometric data.”

Even though it has recorded and stored thousands of iris scans to train its algorithms the company admits that “biometric information remains on the orb and is deleted once uploaded—or at least it will be one day, once the company has finished training its AI neural network to recognize irises and detect fraud” (source).

In the meantime, valuable data was not receiving privacy at all.

Deception, exploited workers, and cash handouts

The MIT review also voiced concerns over Worldcoin’s method of collecting biometric data from developing countries, such as Indonesia, Kenya, and Colombia during the testing of the project. The MIT researchers revealed that “the high-tech orb itself, armed with advanced cameras and sensors that not only scanned irises but took high-resolution images of “users’ body, face, and eyes, including users’ irises,” according to the company’s descriptions in a blog post.

“Worldcoin representatives were showing up for a day or two and collecting biometric data. In return, they were known to offer everything from free cash (often local currency as well as Worldcoin tokens) to Airpods to promises of future wealth. In some cases they also made payments to local government officials. What they were not providing was much information on their real intentions.”  The incentive for these individuals was a mere $20 worth of WLD tokens, at the rate of $2.50 per week for some and the currency had not even launched, “the company “do[es] not yet know how many WLD tokens would be equivalent to USD $20,” said MIT.

“The testing conducted in developing countries is “emblematic of a practice in the tech industry to experiment on communities that don’t have as much agency and might be more easily coerced into engaging in the project.”Molly White a crypto researcher from the website Web3 is Going Just Great.

MIT researchers argue that “it’s unclear how this data is being handled” The company has yet to provide a deadline for deleting data.” in the meantime all data is at risk of falling into the wrong hands. (source).

Our data is very much sought after and we are fast becoming a data colony and it can be used both covertly and efficiently to gain total control over us all. Due to advances in computer science, machine learning, and AI, those monitoring the data will have the ability to know us better than we know ourselves, according to historian Professor Yuval Noah Harari

Advisor to Klaus Schwab and the WEF, Harari warned us in 2018  that there will be no hiding from the technology, nor will we as individuals have any say whatsoever about refusing it (source). It is our data that our enemy will use to further enslave us and strip away our human rights. Let’s not be tempted by their child-snatcher tactics, hey?

Altman – Would you trust this man?
