
Let's Learn English With Me!

できるだけわかりやすくまとめたいと思います。 ご要望があればいつでも伺いますので、お聞かせください:)))


Pride month pt3

#pride month #video here’s the video for you to watch! hope you like it!!

Pride Month -pt.2-

# Pride month pt 2 # more words to know...・in style・・・立派に、堂々と、盛大に ・aptly・・・適切に ・rallies・・・集会 ・take pride in・・・誇りに思う ・commemorations・・・記念式典 ・memorials・・・記念碑 # Videoplease check the video below so you can practice shadowing with me! than

Pride month pt.1

# what's pride month? #videocheck the video below and practice shadowing with it! Thank you so much! (i said see ya! right after i said see you next... i guess i wanna see you again so bad) # the info are from...all the information and

Nailed it!

#nailed it! #videocheck the video down below and repeat after me!! thank you so much! ill see you next!❤︎

A or AN?

# A or AN? #videohere's my video! plz check it! Thank you so much! see ya next!

What’s hangover?

#hangover #videoplz check the video as well! thank you so much! have a nice day!☀️

Book quotes

#book quotes #video thank you so much! see ya!


#平日は英語で? # videoplz check the video too! thanks🤍