2021/9/28 Super rough story memo Yakuza 0

Majima side

8 hours before Majima arrives at Camellia Grove, Kiryu has already received Makimura from Sera.
When they are getting in a taxi, Makimura got scared by hearing the voice of Oda.

While being chased by Yakuza, they arrived at a place and take a rest for now.
Asking Makimura the reason why she got scared by Oda's voice, it was revealed that a guy with a bat tattoo is Oda!!
The person who sold Makimura is Oda, and at the same time, Makimura is Tachibana's little sister!!!

Afterward, a bunch of things happened, Tachibana got kidnapped then now he is being tortured. I need to rescue him! Kiryu had an exciting battle with Nishiki against Yakuzas. Today's story ended with the scene that we will raid to Dojima family.
