
Jesus Christ was a Jew and claimed to be the Messiah. Based on the region of his birth, he is speculated to be of a non-white race, with Arab descent being considered the closest resemblance in appearance.

During the time Moses was raised as an Egyptian prince, Egypt embraced a religious context rooted in polytheistic traditions, occasionally incorporating aspects of solar monotheism. 
Moses himself was exposed to Egypt's religious context, and later, the narrative unfolds as he is chosen by God to become a leader guiding the Israelites.

The inundation of the motherly Nile moistened the land.
God formed HaAdam from the soil moistened by its motherly Nile, and HaAdam became a living being by inhaling the breath of life.

So, God brought forth the night, and HaAdam, concealed in the night, fell asleep.
Isha is completed from the aspect of HaAdam.
God took Isha to Haadam.

In the morning, as Haadam woke up, it said, "The newly risen Isha is my companion, my half, and my essence. 
The completed Ish, the moon, shall be called, and the new sun shall be known as Isha.

So Ish departed from the father of the land and the mother of the sky, becoming a pair with Isha. 
The father Haadam and his wife, the sky, both remained pure and knew no sin.

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

"Tell the children of Hebrew, I am your God, the Lord."

Do not follow the customs of the land of Egypt, where you lived, and do not follow the customs of the Promised Land, where I am bringing you. 

You must not walk in their practices. You are to practice My ordinances and keep My statutes, walking in them .

I am the Lord your God. You must keep My statutes and ordinances; a person will live if he does them. I am the Lord.

From Atum, the goddess Iusaaset,symbolizing the universe and Earth, was born, and between her and Atum, the god Shu, representing the atmosphere, emerged.

Mout is the wife and mother of Amun-Ra, also being the mother of Khonsu, the moon. She serves as the wife, mother, and the mother of the sun for Amun-Ra. Khonsu, born of Amun-Ra and Mout, represents the moon in Egyptian mythology.
