Ridge Alkoni 判例







Name: Ridge Hannemann Alkonis

Rate: LT, USN

Social Security #:

Organization: USS BENFOLD (DDG-65)

U.S. Address:


The Accused was charged with causing death and bodily

injury through negligence while operating an automobile. The

alleged offens was in violation of Article 5 of the Law

Concerning the Punishment for the acts and so forth causing

bodily injury and death of others in the operation of an

automobile. The offense allegedly took place on 29 May 2021,

on the road in the vicinity of #59 , Yamamiya, Fujinomiya city,

Shizuoka prefecture Japan.


(Facts constituting the offenses charged)

The Accused did, at approximately 1:00 P.M. on 29 May

2021, while in the process of operating an ordinary passenger

vehicle and proceeding on the road in the vicinity of #59 ,

Yamamiya, Fujinomiya city, Shizuoka prefecture, feeling

drowsy, as a result of which, when there existed a fear of

having difficulty of watching things closely in the frontal

direction, notwithst nding that, under such circumstances, he

had a duty of driving a car carefully by stopping the vehicle

immediately, neglecting therewith, without stopping the

operation of the car immediately, continue driving a car

under the aforementioned circumstances inattentively, and

through such negligence, did, at approximately 01:09 P.M. on

the same day, while driving to proceed the roads between the

vicinity of the road at 1611-1, Yamamiya, the same city and

the vicinity of the road at 2525-1, Yamamiya, the same city,

at a rate of approximately 45 kilometer per hour, from the

direction of Awakura towards that of Kitayama, fall into a

state of drowsiness, around which time, did, on the road in

the same vicinity, permit his car to uncontrollably proceed

toward the northwest direction of the parking lot on the

south side of the building of establishment restaurant on the

road located at 2649-23, Yamamiya, the said city, which was

located on his right, did permit the front part of his car to

collide with the front part of an ordinary passenger car

(Fujisan340 SA 3940) (hereinafter called "No.1 vehicle") which

was parked at the southeast end of the said place, and

moreover, did permit the right front part of his car to

collide with the left front part of an ordinary passenger car

(Fujisan 341 CHI 1881) (hereinafter called "No.2 vehicle"),

which was parked on the northwest side of No.1 Vehicle, did,

due to the impact thereof, cause No.2 vehicle to be pushed

and rotated from facing the southwest direction to facing the

northwest direction, when Takeshi Endo (54 years old at that

time) was about to get into the driver's seat of an ordinary

passenger car (Shizuoka 330 SE 7072) (hereinafter called "No.3

vehicle"), which was parked right next to the aforementioned

vehicle, did cause No.2 vehicle collide with the said vehicle

together with the aforementioned Takeshi Endo to compress him

between them, and moreover, due to the impact thereof, did

cause the No. 3 vehicle pushed toward the north direction to

cause its left front part to collide with Fumiko Endo (53

years old at that time), who was violently struck by the said

vehicle to be knocked down on the ground, did, moreover, when

Seiko Sano (85 years old at that time) was walking on the

left side of the said vehicle, cause the left side of the

said vehicle collide with her and the left side of an

ordinary passenger car (Fujisan 588 NA 1017), which was

parked right next to the said vehicle, to compress her body

between those vehicles, did thereby inflict bodily injury of

tonic pneumothorax upon her, and did thereby cause her to die

due from the aforementioned injury, at approximately 03:42

P.M. on the same day, in the Shizuoka Prefectural General

Hospital, located at 27-1, 4 Chome, Kitayasu-higashi, Aoi-ku,

Shizuoka prefecture, and did inflict bodily injury such as

fracture of pelvis, etc. upon the aforementioned Takeshi

Endo, did thereby cause him to die due to diffuse cerebral

eduma caused by fat embolism resulted from the aforementioned

injuries, at approximately 06:28 P.M. on 11 June, the same

year, in the Shizuoka Hospital attached to the Medical

Faculty of Juntendo University, and did inflict bodily injury

of contusions and abrasions on both knees and left elbow,

upon the aforementioned Fumiko Endo, which requires medical

treatment for a period of approximately seven (7) days.


Causing Death or Bodily Injury through Negligence in

Automobile Operation

Article 5 A person who fails to use such care as is

required in the conduct of operation of an automobile and

thereby kills or injures another shall be punished with

imprisonment at or without forced labor for not more than

seven years or a fine not more than 1,000,000 yen. Provided

that if the injury is minor, the penalty may be remitted in

the light of extenuating circumstances.


The trial sessions were held at the Numazu Branch, Shizuoka

District Court, 21-1, Miyuki-cho, Numazu City, Shizuoka

Prefecture, Japan on 24 August 2021 and 18 October 2021.


In accordance with his plea of guilty, the Court found the

Accused guilty as charged.



Imprisonment without forced labor for a period of three



The Accused filed Koso-appeal with the Tokyo High Court of

Japan on 20 October 2021.


The Accused selected and was represented by Mr. Yuki

Ichikawa. Mr. Ichikawa has prior experience in defending
Japanese criminal cases and has a good command of the English

language. Mr. Ichikawa's defense of the Accused was able and

conscientious. The fee of 450,735 yen for the defense service

for the public trial including pre-trial provided by Mr.

Ichikawa was paid by the U.S. government.



Ms. Kaori Sumiya was appointed by the court as its

interpreter. Mr. Koichi Sekizawa and Mr. Rei Nakao of the Staff

Judge Advocate's Office, Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka,

Japan acted as the interpreter for the trial observer during the

trial session. Ms. Sumiya, Mr. Sekizawa and Mr. Nakao have an

excellent command of the English language and have legal

experience. The translation of the proceedings rendered by the

above interpreters was adequate.

11. BAIL:

Bail request was made on 19 June 2021. The request was

approved by the Numazu Branch Court on 21 June 2021. The bail in

the amount of 1,500,000 yen was deposited on 23 June 2021, and

the Accused was released on 23 June 2021.


a. First Session - 24 August 2020

(1) Persons present:

U.S. Trial Observer:




Court Interpreter:

Defense Counsel:


(2) Proceedings:

(b) (6), (b) , LT, JAGC, USN

Deputy FJA, Commander Naval

Forces, Japan

Mr. (b) (6), (b)

and Mr.

SJA Office, CFAY

Hon. Kumiko Maezawa

Ms. Yumi Ehara

Ms. Kaori Sumiya

Mr. Yuki Ichikawa

Ridge Hannemann Alkonis, LT,

(a) The Court began the trial at 1330 hrs. The court

interpreter was appointed and sworn in. The Court asked

identifying questions of the Accused, who answered the



(b) The prosecutor read the indictment against the

(c) The Court advised the Accused he had the right

to remain silent and to refuse to answer any questions, and that

if he did speak, any statements made could be used either for or

against him. The Court then asked if he admitted the facts as

stated in the indictment read by the prosecutor. The Accused.

admitted to the facts of the charge and stated that everything

was correct.

(d) Mr. Ichikawa, his defense attorney, concurred

with the Accused.

(e) The prosecutor made an opening statement in

summary as follows:


Personal history of the Accused:

1. The Accused was born in the United State and

graduated from the United States Naval Academy and so

on. The Accused is currently in the military serving

as a military service member.

2. The Accused is living with his wife and children at

the address identified on the indictment.

II. Sequence of events leading to the accident and the

circumstances of the accident:

1. The Accused visited Fujinomiya city, Shizuoka

prefecture, operating a vehicle, in which his wife.

and children were passengers, on the date of the

accident in this case, 29 May 2021.

2. While in the process of operating the vehicle and

proceeding on a road in the said city in order to

find a place to eat lunch, the Accused felt drowsy
and came to a state where there was a fear of having

difficulty of watching things closely in the frontal


Notwithstanding that, the Accused did not immediately

stop operating the vehicle, but kept operating it

under the same circumstance.

3. As a result, the Accused fell into a state of


The Accused permitted his vehicle to proceed

uncontrollably toward the northwest direction of the

parking lot on the south side of the building of the

off-street restaurant.

The vehicle that the Accused was driving collided

with an ordinary passenger vehicle (hereinafter

called "vehicle No. 1") which was parked in the said

parking lot.

The vehicle that the Accused was driving further

collided with another ordinary passenger vehicle

(hereinafter called "vehicle No. 2") parked on the

northwest side of vehicle No.1, the impact of which

pushed vehicle No. 2 out.

Vehicle No. 2 then compressed Mr. Takeshi Endo who

was about to get in the driver seat of another

ordinary passenger vehicle (hereinafter called

"vehicle No. 3") which was stopped adjacently to the

said vehicle between vehicle No. 2 and vehicle No. 3.

Furthermore, by this impact, vehicle No. 3 was pushed

out and hit Ms. Fumiko Endo who was walking in the


Additionally, the said vehicle hit Ms. Seiko Sano who

was also walking in the vicinity of the said vehicle,

and compressed her between the said vehicle and

another ordinary passenger vehicle parked adjacently

to the said vehicle.

4. Because of the above accident, Ms. Fumiko Endo

sustained contusions and abrasions on both her knees

and left elbow, which required medical attention and

rest for seven (7) days.

Although Ms. Seiko Sano was transported to a

hospital, she died due to the injury of tension

pneumothorax around 1542 on the said day.

Although Mr. Takeshi Endo was transported to a

hospital, he died due to diffuse cerebral edema.

caused by fat embolism based on the injuries of a

fractured pelvis and etc. around 1828 on 11 June, the

said year.

Other circumstances and etc.:

(f) The prosecutor offered evidence in two parts.

Part A contained 35 items, part B contained 12 items. (See

Appendix A)

(g) The defense counsel submitted 30 items of

documentary evidence, and asked the court to examine the Accused

and the Accused's wife as a witness.

All the evidence and a request of the court examining the

Accused and the Accused's wife as a witness submitted by the

defense counsel was accepted with the prosecutor's consent and

was examined by the court.

(h) The Accused's wife was sworn in as a witness,

whom the court advised on the caution of perjury, and the court

asked the witness to look toward the judge and answer questions

to the point. In response to questions by the defense counsel,

the witness testified as follows:

Q: Are you a wife of Ridge Hannemann Alkonis in this case?

A: Correct.

Q: How many years have passed since you got married to Mr.


A: It's been about 9 years.

Q: Do you live with Ridge in the same house now?

A: Yes, I do.

Q: Do you have children?


A: I have a 7 year-old daughter, a 5 year-old daughter and a

year-old son.

Q: What kind of husband and father is Ridge when he is home?
A: As a father, Ridge is kind, attentive, and a moral leader.

As a husband, he is respectful, loving, and caring.

Q: Were you in Mr. Alkonis' car at the time of the accident?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you have a driver's license?

A: Yes.

Q: How come you were not able to drive instead of Mr. Alkonis?

A: Ridge is usually the driver. He drives when we go beyond

Yokosuka because he is familiar with the roads, understands

signs in Japanese, and drives better than me.

Q: How were you at the time of the accident?

A: A few minutes before the accident, I kept my eyes closed due

to car sickness and was trying to just make it to where we were


Q: Were you not in condition where you were able to take over


A: I was not.

Q: What do you think Mr. Alkonis should do to prevent an

accident like this from occurring in the future? A: He will

never drive again.

Q: Will you ever let Mr. Alkonis drive under your supervision?

A: I will never let him drive.

Q: Do you have something to plead with the court for?

A: We are sorry that this occurred. We love this country and

only ever wanted to contribute. We will never let this happen

again and ask for mercy.

(i) In response to questions by the prosecutor, the

Accused's wife testified as follows.

Q: Did the accident occur when you were heading to Ideboku?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you need to rush there?

A: No.
Q: What did you think when you heard that the accident was

caused by the Accused falling asleep at the wheel?

A: I thought about a lot of things. I was confused. I am

terribly sorry that it happened.

Q: What should the Accused have done to avoid the accident?

A: My eyes were closed and I wasn't familiar with the road. He

should have pulled over on the shoulder of the road or I should

have taken over driving. He could also have stopped to rest.

Q: What could you have done if the Accused had asked you to

drive for him to have a rest before the accident?

A: That would've been fine, I could have driven the car myself

if he had asked me to drive.

Q: What was he doing when the ambulance arrived at the scene?

A: He tried to help, he tried to move the car with the other

people and he was talking to the people there.

Q: What was the Accused doing after the accident before the

ambulance's arrival at the scene?

A: I don't remember well, but he called for help and was doing

what he could before the ambulance arrived at the scene.

(j) The Accused's defense counsel noted concern

with the translation of a previous answer into Japanese and

asked the Accused's wife a question to confirm her answer to the

question asked by the prosecutor; the attorney's concern was

that it made it seem as if the answer was based on the wife's

observation before the accident instead of based on her past

experiences more generally with the Accused. In response to the

question by the defense counsel, the Accused's wife testified

substantially as follows:

Q: What should the Accused have done to avoid the accident?

A: He should have immediately stopped the car on the shoulder of

the road or should have immediately parked the vehicle in a

parking lot to have a rest, or should have woken me up and

should have switched driving with me. If my eyes had been open

and he was tired, he would have asked me to drive.
(k) Defense counsel questioned the Accused. In

response to questions by the defense counsel, the Accused.

testified substantially as follows:

Q: You were indicted for the charge that at approximately 1300

hours on 29 May this year, you were driving your vehicle in

Fuminomiya and fell into a state of drowsiness at the wheel,

caused a traffic accident, which resulted in causing Ms. Seiko

Sano and Mr. Takeshi Endo to die and Ms. Fumiko Endo to be

injured. Is it correct?

A: Correct.

Q: Do you understand the content of the written indictment?

A: Yes.

Q: What is your residency status in Japan?


Q: What is your profession?

A: I am a U.S. Naval Officer.

Q: When did you come to Japan as a military service member?

A: I first came in 2012 to 2016, and then came for a second tour

in Japan starting November 2020 to the present.

Q: Had you been in Japan before becoming a naval officer?

A: Yes. It was in 2008.

Q: What was the purpose of your stay in Japan then?

A: To devote myself to voluntary missionary work abroad. I

stayed for about 2 years at that time.

Q: Where did you do the missionary work?

A: In Nagoya, Gifu, Ishikawa, Nagano... mainly in the Chubu


Q: Were there any other times that you came to Japan?

A: Yes, another time.

Q: What did do then?

A: I was a delegate of the Naval Academy assigned to visit the

Government of Japan and various Japanese corporations such as JR

East, SONY, etc.
Q: What is your current home?

A: Yokosuka

Q: Who do you live with there?

A: I live with my wife and three children.

Q: What time did you leave your home on the day of the accident?

A: Between 0800 and 0830.

Q: Did you start driving your vehicle when you left your house?

A: Yes.

Q: Were the occupants your wife and children occupants of the


A: Correct.

Q: Where were you going?

A: We headed to the fifth station of Mount Fuji.

Q: What was the purpose of your trip?

A: My second daughter asked me to take her there before my ship

deployed for three months. I wanted to keep my promise to her.

Q: Was it your second daughter's request?

A: Yes.

Q: On that day were you off duty?

A: Yes.

Q: When did you decide to go to the fifth station of Mount Fuji?

A: We had been planning to go at some point for a few months. We

decided to go on this specific day two to three days before we

actually went.

Q: Were you permitted by the military to travel within Japan due

to COVID-19?

A: Yes, we were. Mount Fuji was not a restricted area at that


Q: What areas were off limits?

A: Tokyom, Osaka, Kawasaki, and other places were restricted

areas at the time.

Q: What time did you go to bed the night before?
A: I went to bed at around 2100.

Q: What time did you wake up in the morning of the day of the


A: I woke up between 0400 and 0500.

Q: What did you do before you left home on the day?

A: I exercised by riding my bicycle.

Q: Is it your routine to do that?

A: Yes.

Q: When you left home were you sleepy?

A: No.

Q: Did you go to bed at the usual time the night before and wake

up at the usual time that morning?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you sleep enough the night before the day of the


A: Yes.

Q: What time did you arrive at the fifth station of Mount Fuji?

A: It was 1100.

Q: Was it the fifth station of Mount. Fuji?

A: Correct.

Q: How long were you there?

A: We were there for about 1 hour.

Q: What time did you leave the fifth station of Mount Fuji?

A: It was about 12 0' clock.

Q: What was your next destination?

A: It was Ideboku.

Q: Is it a farm?

A: Yes, it is a diary farm that sells pizza, and ice cream as


Q: What were you going to do there?

A: We were going to eat lunch and get ice cream there.

Q: Is it correct that the accident occurred when you were

heading from the fifth station of Mount Fuji to Ideboku?

A: Correct.

Q: While you were driving, did you feel something wrong with

your body?

A: Yes.

Q: How did you feel wrong?

A: I felt my body weaken while I was turning at a large curve,

which caused the car to drift within the lane, but I recovered

before the car could drift out of the lane.

Q: Did you feel drowsy at that time?

A: No.

Q: What exactly felt wrong with you?

A: My arms felt weak.

Q: Before the accident, have you felt drowsy during the day?

A: Yes.

Q: In what situations do you feel drowsy?

A: I feel drowsy when I don't have enough sleep the night


Q: At the time of the accident, you felt different than ordinary


A: Correct.

Q: Did you yawn while driving before the accident?

A: No.

Q: While driving, did you feel your eyelids get heavy?

A: No, I never felt my eyelids get heavy while driving. [Note,

after saying "No," LT Alkonis' answer to this question was in


Q: Did you take any medicine or drink alcohol that day before

the accident?

A: No, and I never drink alcohol.
Q: About how much time before the accident was it when you felt

off like how you did on the large curve?

A: About five minutes before the accident.

Q: How long did it last?

A: For about one second.

Q: When did you feel the abnormal next?

A: Right before the accident.

Q: How did you feel then?

A: Once again, I felt very weak and tired.

Q: What did you do then?

A: I tried to talk with my daughter in the car.

Q: Did you actually talk with her?

A: I spoke to her, but when I was waiting for her response, I

lost my memory.

Q: Do you not remember anything thereafter?

A: No.


Q: Do you only have a memory after the accident?

A: Yes.

Q: What do you think you should have done to prevent the traffic


A: I should have immediately stopped my car when I felt

something wrong with my body.

Q: Why did you not stop your vehicle immediately?

A: Because we were very close to Ideboku.

Q: Is it correct to say that Ideboku was very close and you

thought it was okay if you would have a rest at Ideboku?

A: Yes.

Q: Could you have asked your wife to drive?

A: Yes, but my wife was very car sick because we drove on

winding roads so I didn't.

Q: Before the accident did you ever lose consciousness?

A: No.

Q: Do you have epilepsy or another disease that causes you to

fall asleep?

A: No.

Q: Did you see a doctor after the accident?

A: Yes.

Q: What did you see a doctor for?

A: The Navy wanted to see if there was a medical reason I

couldn't do my job.

Q: The Navy had you see a doctor to ascertain the cause of the


A: I was adked to do a Fit for Duty screening to see if I could

do my job safely.

Q: What did the doctor say?

A: I had a neurologic doctor and a primary doctor. Both of them

said that I had acute mountain sickness.

Q: Do you admit that the cause of the traffic accident in this

case is through your negligence?

A: Yes.

Q: What do you feel about the victims and the bereaved families

of the victims of the accident in this case?

A: I feel terrible and sorry for causing them great pain and


Q: Did you convey your feeling to the bereaved families?

A: Yes, I wrote letters of apology to the bereaved families.

Q: Are they included in the documental evidence submitted to the


A: Correct.

Q: Have the bereaved families received the letters of apology?

A: There was no response from the bereaved families though I

tried to see to it that my defense counsel would give the

letters of apology to them.

Q: Do you understand that the bereaved families are angry to

that degree?

A: Yes.

Q: When did you start driving?

A: When I was 16 years old.

Q: Have you ever been in a traffic accident before this


A: I have not been in a traffic accident, but one time

scratched my car in the driveway.

Q: Did you have a valid driver's license at the time of the

traffic accident?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you drive your car now?

A: No.

Q: Are you planning to drive a vehicle in the future in Japan?

A: No, I voluntarily gave up my driver's license to the U.S.

Navy after the traffic accident in this case.

Q: Do you feel remorseful about the traffic accident?

A: I regret it more than any mistake in my life.

Q: What do you think you should do to prevent a traffic accident

in the future?

A: I will never drive a car here again .

Q: Have you compensated for the bereaved families of Ms. Seiko

Sano and Mr. Takeshi Endo and injured Ms. Fumiko Endo?

A: Not yet.

Q: Why is that?

A: Because a response has not returned yet to the letters that I

asked my defense counsel to send to the representative of the

bereaved families.

Q: So you sent letters but received no response?

A: Yes

Q: How will you compensate the families for the damages?

A: By insurance and my own money.

Does the insurance mean your Japanese Compulsory Insurance

and your liability insurance?

A: Correct.

Q: What is the coverage of your Japanese Compulsory Insurance

and your liability insurance?

A: My Japanese Compulsory Insurance covers 30 million yen per

person and my liability insurance covers 30 million yen per

person. So, 60 million yen per person in total.

Q: What will you do if the damages exceeded the coverage?

A: I will pay by myself.

Q: You deposited your money with me, didn't you?

A: Yes, I deposited 50 million yen with you.

Q: How did you collect the amount of money?

A: I collected it from family, friends, and my savings.

Q: I will not return the sum of money to you until the civil

case is completed, right?

A: Right.

Q: You selected me as your attorney-at-law for your civil case,


A: Yes.

Q: Is it correct that I will represent you in this case wherever

you may go?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you pay for the damages to personal properties other than

those in this case?

A: Yes.

Q: What about the compensation for the damages to the vehicle of

Mr. Mochizuki's?

A: He had his insurance on his car and got paid for them by his

insurance company and he did not need me to pay for them.

Q: How much did your insurance company pay to you to cover the


A: About 3 million yen.

Q: Would you stay in Japan if you were awarded a suspended

sentence or would you be ordered back to the U.S.?

A: No, I would be ordered back to the U.S.

Q: Would any penalty be awarded to you by the U.S. Navy due to

this case?

A: Yes, I would probably lose my promotion and would be

discharged from the U.S. Navy.

Q: What do you think about your family after hearing your wife


A: I feel sorry for my wife and children for the consequences of

my action.

Q: Can you swear that you will never drive a vehicle again? 18

A: Yes. I will never drive.

(1) In response to questions by the prosecutor, the

Accused testified as follows.

Q: Did you reenact the driving route on the roads you took on

the day of the accident to show the police investigators for

their confirmation while you were detained?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you confirm with the investigator (s) that there were no

problems at all for you to stop and take rest at any points of

the roads on the course if you had so desired?

A: Yes.

Q: Why did you not stop your vehicle before you talked to your


A: I thought that I could continue driving a little farther

because we were almost at Ideboku where I then planned on taking

a break.

Q: Do you recognize that a car can be very dangerous depending

on how to use one? Your family was in your car. Were you not

afraid of driving a vehicle when you felt wrong with your body?

A: Yes, I recognize a car is dangerous. I never felt that that

way, that weakness, before so I did not understand what was

happening. I was not scared of what would happen, but I should

I have been scared.
Q: Did you not think at all of stopping your vehicle?

A: I was thinking of stopping my vehicle in Ideboku, because it

was so close.

Q: Do you understand that this accident could have been

prevented if you had stopped your vehicle when you felt

something wrong with your body?

A: Yes.

Q: In a statement that you made, you said that you did not think

that Seiko Sano would die because she was moving after the

accident. You also mentioned that Seiko Sano was caught in

between the cars. A witness made a statement of observing the

circumstances that she let out an agonized cry with severe pains

and was literally blue in her face. Did you not notice this?

A: No, after helping move the car someone picker her up so I

didn't get to see or speak to her.

Q: What were you doing while witnesses were trying to help Seiko


A: I was trying to move a car to free Mr. Takeshi Endo who was

caught in between another car.

Q: When the ambulance arrived at the scene, where were your wife

and your children?

A: They were in front of the soba restaurant.

Q: Were you also with them there when the ambulance arrived? A:

Yes, I saw a rescue worker talking to my wife, so I tried to

help translate for their conversation.

Q: Were you with your wife and children thereafter?

A: Yes, I spent some time with them and some time with the

police separated from them

Q: Is it correct that you spoke with the rescue worker about the

conditions of the victims, Ms. Seiko Sano and Mr. Takeshi Endo?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you know the content of the document from Tomoko Sano to

your defense counsel that your defense counsel asked the court

to examine?

A: I have difficulty reading Japanese but my defense attorney

explained the contents.

Q: Do you know that the bereaved families were angry that your

defense counsel contacted them for the first time after you were

released on bail?

A: Yes. I wrote letters of apology when I was in the police.

detention facility, but I heard that they were not accepted by


Q: The same question: Do you know that the bereaved families

were angry that your defense counsel contacted them for the

first time after you were released on bail?

A: Yes, and I am sorry that I made them more upset.

Q: Why did you not try to contact the bereaved families until

you were released on bail?

A: I tried to contact them.

Q: Did you try to contact them when you were detained?

A: Yes.

Q: Why is there a contradiction between the bereaved families'

statement and yours as to whether you were trying to contact the

bereaved families?

A: I do not know. I wrote letters of apology while I was under


Did you

Q: In this public trial, I asked the court to examine the

statements made by Fumiko Endo and Tomoko Sano.

understand them?

A: Yes.

Q: How did you feel after you read the statement made by Fumiko


A: I am so sorry for the pain and agony caused because of this


Q: How did you feel after you read the statement made by Tomoko


A: Once again, I am so sorry for pain and loss I caused to


Q: You stated in reply to your defense counsel's questions that

you will lose an opportunity of promotion. Are there any other

disciplinary actions to be taken by the military authority

against you?

A: Yes. The U.S. Navy will remove me and I will most likely be

discharged from the U.S. Navy.

(m) In response to additional questions by the

defense counsel, the Accused testified substantially as follows:

Q: Did you give the letters of apology to anyone besides me?

A: I gave the letters of apology to my wife and the

representative of the U.S. Navy.

Q: Were the letters of apology not delivered to the bereaved

families anyway?

A: No, they were not.

(n) In response to questions by the judge, the

Accused testified substantially as follows:

Q: Did you write the letters of apology to the victims when you

were under detention?

A: Yes.

Q: What was the content of the letters and to whom did you


A: I wrote to Fumiko Endo, Seiko Sano and Takeshi Endo. When

Endo-son's condition changed, I rewrote one to be sensitive to

the changing condition.

Q: Were the 3 letters to the victims and the 1 letter to Tomoko


A: Yes.

Q: Did you ask your wife and the representative of the U.S. Navy

because you were thinking of sending the letters with their


A: Yes.

Q: Did you know that the letters were not delivered despite


A: Yes, and I gave money to buy a gift along with the letters,

but they were not accepted.
Q: Were the letters those that you wrote at first or later?

A: I understand that none of the letters were accepted.

Q: Did you not know why the letters that you wrote at first were

not accepted?

A: I understand that the letter of apology and a gift through

the representative of the U.S. Navy, Mr. Sekizawa were refused.

Q: You stated that you felt weak before the accident. Is it

that you felt heavy or drowsy? Were your arms not movable?

What condition were you in?

A: I felt like my arms became a little bit weak, but it only

lasted for one second. I didn't feel sleepy then.

Q: Did you feel drowsy thereafter?

A: Not until right before the accident occurred.

Q: At which stage did you feel drowsy?

A: Just before I talked to my daughter.

Q: So that means first you felt something wrong with your body

physically, then you felt tired and sleepy?

A: I did not feel tired or drowsy in between the time when I

talked with my daughter and the time of the accident.

Q: Did you explain to the investigators exactly how you felt

when you were driving your vehicle?

A: Yes, I explained to them as same as today.

Q: Was there anything, like help, that you did for the three

victims after the accident?

A: Yes, I tried to move the car and free the victims.

Q: For which victim?

A: Seiko Sano and Takeshi Endo.

Q: What did you do for them when they were under what condition?

A: When Seiko Sano was unable to get up from beneath the car, I

tried to pick up the car and to move it after which other people

were watching me and came to help me.

Q: Did other people help to move the car when Seiko Sano was

caught in between the vehicles?

A: Yes.

Q: Were the letters those that you wrote at first or later?

A: I understand that none of the letters were accepted.

Q: Did you not know why the letters that you wrote at first were

not accepted?

A: I understand that the letter of apology and a gift through

the representative of the U.S. Navy, Mr. Sekizawa were refused.

Q: You stated that you felt weak before the accident. Is it

that you felt heavy or drowsy? Were your arms not movable?

What condition were you in?

A: I felt like my arms became a little bit weak, but it only.

lasted for one second. I didn't feel sleepy then.

Q: Did you feel drowsy thereafter?

A: Not until right before the accident occurred.

Q: At which stage did you feel drowsy?

A: Just before I talked to


Q: So that means first you felt something wrong with your body

physically, then you felt tired and sleepy?

A: I did not feel tired or drowsy in between the time when I

talked with my daughter and the time of the accident.

Q: Did you explain to the investigators exactly how you felt

when you were driving your vehicle?

A: Yes, I explained to them as same as today.

Q: Was there anything, like help, that you did for the three

victims after the accident?

A: Yes, I tried to move the car and free the victims.

Q: For which victim?

A: Seiko Sano and Takeshi Endo.

Q: What did you do for them when they were under what condition?

A: When Seiko Sano was unable to get up from beneath the car, I

tried to pick up the car and to move it after which other people

were watching me and came to help me.

Q: Did other people help to move the car when Seiko Sano was

caught in between the vehicles?

A: Yes.

Q: What about the other two victims? Did you try to move the

cars in between which Takeshi Endo was caught?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you successfully move the vehicles?

A: We moved one vehicle, but it looked like it was further

injuring Takeshi Endo so we stopped.

Q: What situation was Takeshi Endo in?

A: Takeshi Endo was caught in between two vehicles and conscious

when I started to move the car, but others shouted to stop. It

appeared by moving the car it was trapping him more.

Q: You said that you would never drive a vehicle again in the

future. Do you mean that you will never drive a vehicle again

in the future in Japan?

A: Right. I will never drive a car again in the future in

Japan, I can get to work in the U.S. by train or a bicycle if I


(o) In response to additional questions by the

prosecutor, the Accused testified substantially as follows:

Q: Did you try to move vehicles between which Seiko Sano was


A: Yes.

Q: Did other people help her first before you tried to do that?

A: No.

Q: You mentioned some reasons why you stopped moving the vehicle

that caught Takeshi Endo in between another vehicle. Did you

stop doing that because Takeshi Endo had pain and suffering?

A: I don't remember exactly, but it very could be true.

(p) In response to additional questions by the

defense counsel, the Accused testified substantially as follows:

Q: Did Mr. Sekizawa contact someone from the bereaved families

before I gave the letters of apology to him? If so, who?

A: I am not sure a hundred percent. But I think it was with Mr.


Q: Was it Tomoko Ichihara?

A: It was her husband.

Q: Did he not accept the letters of apology you prepared?

A: That's what I understand.

(q) Ms. Tomoko Ichihara, the representative of the

bereaved families took the stand and read aloud the content of

the following written statement of opinion.


1. I am the first daughter of the deceased Seiko Sano who

died in the accident in this case. Fumiko Endo, who was

injured in the same accident in this case, is my younger

sister. Additionally, Mr. Takeshi Endo, who died in the

accident in this case, is the husband of Fumiko.

2. My mother was born on 29 May 1936, and the day, when the

accident in this case occurred, was her 85th birthday.

Although being considerably old, my mother, who was a

person of sunny disposition, of positive character and

who was studious, without having any symptoms of

dementia, read the entire newspaper every morning, wrote

her daily activities in her diary, prepared every meal

on her own, went to exercise class, and lived alone

independently and properly at her house until the day

when she reached her 85th year in her life.

Around 1000 hours in the morning of that day, my mother

called me and let me know that she had received a

parasol, which was the birthday present sent from my

sister and me, and appreciated our gift with pleasure.

She also told me that she had been offered by Mr.

Takeshi and Fumiko who were going to take her to a Soba

restaurant later. Mr. Takeshi was a nice

erson, who

always kindly cared for my mother, for which I, who was

not able to go back to my childhood house to celebrate

her birthday due to the Corona Virus, was very much

thankful to Mr. Takeshi and Fumiko. The voice of my

mother I heard over the phone sounded happy and joyful.

Her encounter with the accident in this case was only

three hours after that.

3. Around 1630 of the day, when my younger sister Noriko

and I rushed and got to the hospital, where we saw her

dying with poorly exhausted complexion, we witnessed

that she never returned back to this world. Her body was

still warm, from which I was not able to come to terms

with the reality of her death, thinking of how she was

talking with me with cheerful voice just that morning of

the same day. When thinking of how dreadful it was and

how painful it was for her, my heart beats in agony.

Around that time, Mr. Takeshi was being transported to a

different hospital due to receiving serious bodily

injury, including a fractured pelvis. We were all full

of hope and belief of his recovery, but due to the

serious fracture his physical condition turned worse and

worse. While attending the wake and subsequent funeral,

Fumiko kept receiving phone calls from the hospital who

only passed the messages of his condition getting worse

and we all needed the help of Fumiko's daughter Minori,

who was a nurse, to understand the medical jargon used

by the assigned doctor for all of us who desperately

hoped to find a good sign toward his recovery. Looking

back on that time, it was a terrible time of suffering

from the pains and the cruelty.

4. As both my mother and Mr. Takeshi were cheerful persons,

we, the bereaved, are all left in the dark through deep

loss and deprivation after their disappearance.

I worry very much especially about Fumiko, who lost both

her husband and her mother, and their children. Fumiko

told me that she had been suffering from depression

since then, often sensed her husband's appearance coming

back home any day as he used to and often felt a sense

of loss and deprivation. My niece Minori had to have a

pitiless and painful experience that she had to face and

acknowledge the death of her grandmother at the

hospital, her workplace. She still remembers her father

when she saw patients, who always remained unconscious,

which made her feel keenly empathetic with the families

of those patients. My niece Hanao, trying to be strong,

helps Fumiko, who was no longer able to cook due to the

shock of the loss, cook every day for the bereaved

family, but she is also having a hard time and deep

feelings of loss and deprivation as a person who lost

her father as she loved being always with her father who

would often go for a drive with her. My husband and our

children, and the husband of Noriko and their children

are all trying hard to bear the pain of loss and

deprivation quietly. Accordingly, all of the family

members of the victims feel heartbroken every day.

5. The Accused deprived my mother and Mr. Takeshi of their

lives through the gross negligence of dozing at the

wheel. That being said, I have a strong skepticism of

whether the Accused truly realizes the gravity of the

sin he committed. I heard that after the occurrence of

the accident, all the people, who were inside the soba

restaurant, rushed out to the scene and tried to rescue

my mother and Mr. Takeshi. Likewise I heard that the

Accused also rushed to the scene right after the

occurrence of the accident saying, "I'm sorry", but it

is said that the people lost sight of him shortly after

that. About 10 minutes after the occurrence of the

accident, when an ambulance arrived, Mr. Takeshi was

still crushed between the cars, and Fumiko was not

allowed to get close to Mr. Takeshi due to herself being

injured, sitting on the step attached to the ambulance,

keeping her eyes on and worrying about both my mother

and Mr. Takeshi, and when she noticed she didn't hear my

mother's voice, who had been talking until that time,

she turned around with a start, and she saw my mother

vomiting blood. Even with such turmoil at the scene,

Fumiko said that she saw the Accused and his wife

hugging each other the whole time at a place distant

from the scene of the accident. Although there was

still a dying person with serious bodily injuries and

another person trapped between the cars due to the

traffic accident he caused, the Accused left the scene

and promptly went back to where his family was. I read

a statement written by the Accused the other day that

described his thought, i.e., he did not think my mother

was going to die because she was "moving" at the scene

of the accident. However, according to a written

statement made by a third person, it describes a

situation where the face of my mother looked all pale at

the scene already, and my mother was even vomiting blood

according to Fumiko. The Accused, who promptly left the

scene, did not even notice the situation. Such his

attitude as holding the victims at nothing compared with

his convenience can be seen in the circumstances after

his arrest. It seems that his defense counsel was

selected by 8 June, but the day the defense counsel

started his first communication with me was 25 June, two

days after the Accused's release. I can never

understand his attitude of trying to contact the victims

only after securing his release, and therefore, I sent a

letter of strong-worded complaint to the defense counsel

in the name of ICHIHARA, Tomoko as the representative of

the bereaved families on 28 June, in which I requested

him for sure to communicate the message of complaint to

the Accused, but no reply has been received so far. The

defense counsel only sent a letter to suggest a private

settlement to this attorney SANO, Tomoko on 13 July, two

weeks or more after I sent my letter to him.

6. My mother always tried not to make us sisters care too

much about her, enjoying watching her grandchildren

grow, wanted to have good and joyful times with the

family members, and piled up her daily efforts. My

mother, however, can no longer have such enjoyment with

us. Mr. Takeshi can no longer embrace his beloved wife

and daughters again. We will never see again those good

times when he made us laugh telling his funny stories

with his cheerful expression. Mr. Takeshi lost his

mother in April this year and worried a lot about his

father being left alone after the death of his wife. The

grief of Mr. Takeshi, who had to leave this world when

he was only as young as 54 years old, is beyond our

imagination. When we heard from the assigned doctor

about his condition that his brain was not functioning

at all, tears were coming out from his eyes.

7. In closing, we, the bereaved families, affirm that we

will never forgive the Accused who deprived the precious

lives of the two persons by dozing off at the wheel. We

request the court to render a severe penalty against the

Accused. Otherwise, we will see the same tragedies


The statement of opinion is made as above.

24 August 2021 Tomoko Ichihara

(r) The prosecutor made her final argument

substantially as follows:


I. The prosecutor is of the opinion that the facts

constituting the offense charged have thoroughly been proved

by the evidence examined at the court.

II. Circumstance:

1. Malicious in nature:

The Accused, while operating an ordinary passenger

vehicle, caused the accident in this case by not

stopping operation of his vehicle immediately and

continuing operation of the vehicle under the same

circumstances, notwithstanding he felt drowsiness and

had a fear of having difficulty in watching things

closely in the frontal direction.

Because of the accident that the Accused had caused,

two victims who happened to be at the accident site

were killed and another victim who was also at the

site sustained injuries.

Distance between the points where the Accused first

felt drowsiness and where he dozed off and lost

consciousness was approximately 4.4 kilometers.

On the road between these points, to the extent of

the condition of the road, there was no circumstance

at all that may have prevented him from stopping

operation of the vehicle.

Additionally, the Accused himself was not in a

situation with urgency or necessity that he did not

stop operation and had to continue operating the


On the other hand, the victims were only walking in

the parking lot of the building of the off-street

restaurant, into which in a normal situation, it is

unrealistic to imagine that an uncontrolled vehicle

could run into it.

In short, the accident in this case could have

definitely been prevented, only if the Accused had

exercised a duty of easy and due care as an operator

of an automobile to stop operation of the vehicle

since he felt drowsiness.

The degree of the Accused's negligence is very grave,

and the choice he took by easily continuing operation

until he caused the accident should be strongly


2. Grave consequences:

Ms. Seiko Sano (hereinafter called Ms. Seiko), in the

accident in this case, sustained injury of tension

pneumothorax and died. Eighty five (85) years old at

that time as she was, Ms. Seiko was living alone

actively, enjoying her everyday life surrounded by

her three daughters, their husbands, and her


It was Ms. Seiko's birthday on the date of the

accident in this case and she was very much delighted

by her birthday present she received from her


Ms. Seiko must have been looking forward to seeing

her grandchildren grow up and attending their wedding


Mr. Takeshi Endo (hereinafter called Mr. Takeshi), in

the accident in this case, sustained injuries of

fracture of the pelvis and etc. and died of diffuse

cerebral edema caused by fat embolism based on the

said injuries.

Mr. Takeshi was a 54 year-old male at that time.

Takeshi was a very fond father, commuted to his

workplace far away from his residence so as not to


live separately from his daughter and used to let his

daughter practice driving. He talked with his wife,

Ms. Fumiko Endo (hereinafter called Ms. Fumiko) about

going on a family trip, and was adored very much by

his collegues at his workplace. He got along well

with his mother-in-law, Ms. Seiko, too, and on the

day of the accident in this case, he took Ms. Seiko

and Ms. Fumiko to visit the scene of the accident to

eat soba. Ms. Seiko and Mr. Takeshi's regret is

immeasurable that they left their family and their

pleasure and hope from now were suddenly taken away.

Ms. Fumiko had injury of contusion and abrasion to

both her elbows and both her legs which required

medical treatment for a period of approximately 7

days, too.

Then, before she recovered from the shock of the

encounter of the accident, her dear mother and

husband died.

Ms. Fumiko's emotions are impossible to imagine when

she stated to the prosecutor "After my husband's

death, I can't find hope in my life."

The consequences that arose from the accident in this

case that the Accused caused are remarkably grave and

absolutely irreparable.

Ms. Tomoko Ichihara (hereinafter called Ms. Tomoko),

who is Ms. Seiko's daughter and Ms. Fumiko's older

sister, stated her feeling as representative of the

bereaved families.

Ms. Tomoko, in this public trial as well, made the

following statement;

● "As both my mother and Mr. Takeshi were cheerful

persons, we, the bereaved, are all left in the

ark through deep loss and deprivation after

their disappearance."

"My mother, however, can no longer have such

enjoyment with us. Mr. Takeshi can no longer

embrace his beloved wife and daughters again."

"We, the bereaved families, affirm that we will

never forgive the Accused who deprived the

precious lives of the two persons by dozing at

the wheel. We request the court to render a

severe penalty against the Accused."

As has been stated to this point, the degree of

negligence of the Accused is very high and the

consequences caused are remarkably grave and


It is natural that the bereaved families of Ms. Seiko

and Mr. Takeshi state grievous feeling and strict

feeling of penalization and they hope for severe

penalty upon the Accused converning the fact that the

two lives were suddenly taken by the Accused dozing

at the wheel. Even though the Accused has a

liability insurance etc. and the compensation is

going to be made from now, it will of course not be a

substitute for the precious lives of Ms. Seiko's and

Mr. Takeshi's, and it is not appropriate to interpret

this too much in favor of the Accused.

3. Conclusion:

Judging from the foregoing circumstances, the

criminal responsibility of the Accused is extremely

grave, and even though taking into consideration

circumstances in favor of the Accused that he has no

previous criminal record or no conviction, admits the

alleged facts and makes a statement of remorse etc.,

it should be appropriate to penalize the Accused with

institutional treatment for an appropriate period of


III. Recommended sentence:

In conclusion, taking all the aforementioned

circumstances into consideration, in application of the

applicable laws and ordinances, the prosecution deems it

proper that the Accused should be sentenced to imprisonment

without forced labor for a period of four (4) years and six

(6) months.

(1) The defense counsel made his final argument

substantially as follows:

Since the Accused admits the facts constituting the offense

charged in this case and has no argument against them, the

defense presents argument in mitigating circumstances as


1. Personal history.

(1) The Accused was born in the state of California,

U.S.A. in 1988, after graduating from high school in the

said state, he was admitted to the U.S. Naval Academy,

visiting Japan as a missionary, engaging in missionary

work and other volunteer activities in Japan while he

was in the Academy. Many Japanese citizens who got to

know him and were impressed with his gentle and sincere

personality have prepared letters to serve as petition

for a lenient sentence (defense exhibit 1 through 11).

After graduation from the Academy, the Accused joined

the U.S. Navy in 2006 and has been deployed to Japan

twice. His current cour to Japan started in November


(2) The Accused is married to his wife and has two

daughters (7 and 5 years old) and a son (3 years old),

who are all living in Yokosuka city. The Accused is a

very good husband and father in his family, and his

family loves and respects him.

(3) The Accused has no record of either criminal

offense or traffic accident either in Japan or the U.S.

2. Circumstance of the accident in this case.


Around 0830 on 29 May 2021, the Accused and his

family left their home in Yokosuka city in a vehicle

that the Accused was driving to visit the fifth station

of Mount Fuji and enjoy lunch at a dairy farm. After

arriving at the fifth station at Fujinomiyaguchi, they

spent about an hour there, and then with the Accused

driving, they headed off to the dairy farm.

(2) Thereafter, the Accused felt abnormal while driving

on a curved road about 5 minutes before the occurrence

of the accident in this case; nonetheless, he kept

operating the vehicle, since that abnormality did not

last more than a second. He further felt strong fatigue

right before the occurrence of the accident in this case

and tried to talk to one of his daughters in an attempt

to maintain his consciousness, however there was no

reply from the daughter. His wife in the vehicle also

had a driver's lisense, however at that time she was not

feeling well due to sickness from riding on the mountain

pass and did not seem to be able to take the steering

wheel for him. On the other hand, the Accused thought

that he could take a rest at the dairy farm, which was

not far from where they were, and so he kept operating

the vehicle.

However, soon after that, the Accused lost his

consciousness, and his vehicle ran into the parking area.

of the Soba restaurant on the right side of the road in

his direction. This is how the accident in this case


(3) The Accused had enough sleep on the day before the

date of the accident in this case. There was no sign

of, so to speak, dozing off such as yawning or eyelids

coming close to closing until immediately before the

accident in this case. Additionally, the Accused had no

chronic disease such as epilepsy, or he was not taking

any medication. According to the medical examination

the Accused had after the accident in this case,

mountain sickness could be the cause of the Accused's

loss of consciousness.

In any case, it is true that the Accused felt abnormal

on his physical condition before the accident in this

case. To this point, he had a duty to stop operating

the vehicle. Concerning this, the Accused himself also

admitted he is liable.

(4) The Accused was arrested at the scene of the

accident in this case and detained for a period of 26

days in a police station, until he was granted bail by

the court.

3. There are extenuating circumstances for the Accused.

(1) Absence of previous criminal/traffic accident


The Accused has no previous record of either criminal

offense or traffic accident at all, either in the U.S.

or in Japan.

(2) The Accused's deep regret of this case and promise

not to commit the offense again:

The Accused in this public trial addressed his deep

regret about the accident in this case and promised

never to commit any offense including causing a traffic

accident or drinking and driving.

(3) Supervision by the Accused's wife:

The Accused's wife testified in this public trial to

promise that she will keep supervising the Accused for

him never to conduct careless driving again, and that

she will not allow him to operate a motor vehicle, at

least in Japan.

(4) Not extremely malicious yet:

As stated above, the Accused had enough sleep by the

time of the accident in this case. This case seems to

differ from those cases of dozing off while driving

motor vehicle induced by lack of sleeping time.

Additionally, when he felt abnormal he was so close to

the destination that he continued operation of the

vehicle. Denouncing such action as extremely malicious

is too harsh.

(5) Completion of compensation for the property damage

and likelihood of full compensation for the death and

physical injury:

The Accused reached settlement with the victims who

sustained only property damage, except one party who

used his own insurance policy, and completed the

compensation to them. (defense exhibit 23 through 30).

Additionally, for compensation to the victim of physical

injury and the bereaved families, Automobile Compulsory

Liability Insurance insures ¥30,000,000 per deceased

victim (defense exhibit 12), and Extra Coverage

Automobile Liability Insurance insures ¥30,000,000 per

victim as well (defense exhibit 13). So, the total of

these insurances covers up to ¥60,000,000 per victim.

Furthermore, the Accused has raised ¥50,000,000 for

further needs of compensation and entrusted the defense

attorney with this amount (Defense exhibit 18 through

20). Because of that, the physical damages as well are

expected to be fully compensated. The Accused has

retained the defense attorney for the civil settlement

and compensation to the victims on whom death or

physical injury was inflicted (defense exhibit 22). No

matter where the Accused will be situated, execution of

settlement and compensation is possible.

(6) Expected recall to U.S. and likelihood of severe

penalty by the military authority:

One way or the other, because of the accident in this

case, the Accused is expected to be recalled to the U.S.

and punished severely by the military authority. In

other words, it is unrealistic to worry about a repeat

of the same offense by the Accused, and the U.S.

military authority will probably impose severe penalty

on him as a consequence of this case.

4. Conclusion:

In view of the foregoing circumstances, the defense counsel

would like to request to the court that the Accused be

given a suspended sentence.

(s) The Court announced that the fact-finding

process in this case was completed. The Court asked the Accused

if he had something to say about this case and he said:

I am sorry for the pain and suffering that I caused. I have

tried from the time of the accident to help all of those who

have been hurt. If those efforts were not enough, then I am

sorry. The pain and shame of the accident will be with me for

the rest of my life. There is nothing more that I regret than

my role in this accident.

(t) The court concluded the hearing and

announced that the next session for judgment is scheduled at

1500 hours on 18 October 2021.

b. Second Session - 18 October 2021

(1) Persons present:

Same as the previous session.

(2) Proceedings:

(a) The court announced reopening of hearing in

response to the prosecutor's and Accused's defense counsel's.

request of the court examine additional documentary evidence.

(b) The prosecutor submitted additional 3 items

of documentary evidence labeled as KOU-36 (MOJ' notice of

exercising the primary jurisdiction), KOU-37 (The content of

the MOJ notice) and KOU-38 (Protocol recording the statement

of Ms. Fumiko Endo made to the public prosecutor regarding

the uncompensated property damages and request for severe

penalty against the Accused) and asked the court to examine

them. All the additional evidence submitted by the

prosecutor was accepted with the Accused's defense counsel's

consent and examined by the court.

(c) The defense counsel submitted 2 items of

documentary evidence. They are Notarized Deed of Agreement of

Recognition of Debt and the Payment (Ben-31) and Defense

Report regarding Compensation for both physical and property

damages (Ben-32) and requested the court to examine them. All

the additional evidence submitted by the defense counsel was

accepted with the prosecutor's consent and examined by the


(d) After examining the additional evidence

submitted by both the prosecutor and the defense counsel, the

judge asked them whether they had any additional opinions to

be added to the previously made closing arguments. Both the

prosecutor and the defense counsel stated that their previous

opinions remained unchanged.

(e) The judge had the Accused take the stand and

asked the Accused what he had in mind after the court

examined the additional evidence and heard the opinion of

both the prosecutor and the defense counsel as

aforementioned. The Accused answered substantially stating as


"Thank you to Mrs. Endo and Ms. Sano's family for making a

settlement. I promised to fulfil the agreement as soon as

possible. I would like to thank you to Tomoko-san when I met

her at the settlement and said to me 'I will not have a mind

to continue to hate Alkonis-san all the time during the rest

of my entire life.' I am so sorry for the pain and suffering

this accident caused."

(f) The court announced its judgment as to the

cases of violation of the Law of Inflicting Bodily Injury

through Negligence in Operating A Vehicle versus the Accused

as follows.


(1) The Accused shall be sentenced to imprisonment

without forced labor for a period of three (3) years.

(2) The court costs shall not be borne by the Accused.

(3) The adjudged facts this court recognized are quoted

from the same respective facts described in the facts

constituting the offenses charged of the written indictment,


(4) The Accused did, at approximately 1:00 P.M. on 29 May

2021, while in the process of operating an ordinary passenger

vehicle and proceeding on the road in the vicinity of #59 ,

Yamamiya, Fujinomiya city, Shizuoka prefecture, feeling

drowsy, as a result of which, when there existed a fear of

having difficulty of watching things closely in the frontal

direction, notwithstanding that, under such circumstances, he

had a duty of driving a car carefully by stopping the vehicle

immediately, neglecting therewith, without stopping the

operation of the car immediately, continue driving a car

under the aforementioned circumstances inattentively, and

through such negligence, did, at approximately 01:09 P.M. on

the same day, while driving to proceed the roads between the

vicinity of the road at 1611-1, Yamamiya, the same city and

the vicinity of the road at 2525-1, Yamamiya, the same city,

at a rate of approximately 45 kilometer per hour, from the

direction of Awakura towards that of Kitayama, fall into a

state of drowsiness, around which time, did, on the road in

the same vicinity, permit his car to uncontrollably proceed

toward the northwest direction of the parking lot on the

south side of the building of drinking-eating establishment

on the road located at 2649-23, Yamamiya, the said city,

which was located to his right direction, did permit the

front part of his car to collide with the front part of an

ordinary passenger car (Fujisan340 SA 3940) (hereinafter

called "No.1 vehicle") which was parked at the southeast end

of the said place, and moreover, did permit the right front

part of his car to collide with the left front part of an

ordinary passenger car (Fujisan 341 CHI 1881) (hereinafter

called "No.2 vehicle"), which was parked on the northwest

side of No.1 Vehicle, did, due to the impact thereof, cause

No.2 vehicle to be pushed and rotated from facing the

southwest direction to facing the northwest direction, when

Takeshi Endo (54 years old at that time) was about to get

into the driver's seat of an ordinary passenger car (Shizuoka

330 SE 7072) (hereinafter called "No.3 vehicle"), which was

parked right next to the aforementioned vehicle, did cause

No.2 vehicle collide with the said vehicle together with the

aforementioned Takeshi Endo to compress him between them, and

moreover, due to the impact thereof, did cause the No.3

vehicle pushed toward the north direction to cause its left

front part to collide with Fumiko Endo (53 years old at that

time), who was violently struck by the said vehicle to be

knocked down on the ground, did, moreover, when Seiko Sano

(85 years old at that time) was walking on the left side of

the said vehicle, cause the left side of the said vehicle to

collide with her and the left side of an ordinary passenger

car (Fujisan 588 NA 1017), which was parked right next to the

said vehicle, to compress her body between those vehicles,

did thereby inflict bodily injury of tonic pneumothorax upon

her, and did thereby cause her to die due from the

aforementioned injury, at approximately 03:42 P.M. on the

same day, in the Shizuoka Prefectural General Hospital,

located at 27-1, 4 Chome, Kitayasu-higashi, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka

prefecture, and did inflict bodily injury such as fracture of

the pelvis, etc. upon the aforementioned Takeshi Endo, did

thereby cause him to die due to a diffuse cerebral edema

caused by fat embolism resulted from the aforementioned

injuries, at approximately 06:28 P.M. on 11 June, the same

year, in the Shizuoka Hospital attached to the Medical

Faculty of Juntendo University, and did inflict bodily injury

of contusions and abrasions on both knees and left elbow,

upon the aforementioned Fumiko Endo, which required medical

treatment for a period of approximately seven (7) days.

(5) The Accused shall be sentenced to imprisonment

without forced labor for a period of three years.

(6) The judge made the following supplemental


According to the protocols recording statement of the Accused

made to the public prosecutor (OTSU-9) and to the police

officials (OTSU-2, -4 through -8), together with respective

evidence listed above, it is sufficient to recognize the

adjudged facts. The Accused stated at the during the police

investigation that while proceeding at approximately 1:00

P.M. on 29 May 2021, on the road in the vicinity of No. 59,

Yamamiya, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture (hereinafter

referred to as "the point in this case") felt drowsy. The

Accused, however, made another additional statement at the

stage of this public trial that he did not feel drowsiness

around the point in this case together with a statement that

could be interpreted as a report that he was suffering from a

mountain sickness for a reason based on medical doctors'

diagnosis, because of which he fell into the state of

drowsiness, this court makes the following explanation


Firstly, during the investigation, the Accused stated to the

effect that he started feeling drowsy after passing through

the curves on the mountain road and then proceeding on a

straight road for a while, because of which, his reactions to

turn the steering wheel at the curves became slowed due to

the drowsiness, which occasionally caused the car to be too

close to the edges of the curved road but thought that he

would eventually get to "Ideboku" where he would be able to

take a rest, kept driving the car, talked to his daughter in

order to get over from the developing drowsiness, but finally

went to sleep and caused the accident before he knew it, all

of these statements of which can be said to be concrete and

vivid. Additionally, the Accused made consistent statement to

that effect, i.e., he pointed out the location in this case

to the investigating officer as a point where he felt

drowsiness, etc., and the content of those statements by him

were not linguistically difficult to understand because they

were translated into Japanese with the same meaning by three

different interpreters, from which it can be said that no

questionable points were recognizable in the accuracy of the

respective translations.

On the other hand, the Accused stated to this court that

though he felt weak in his arms when turning on the curves.

which caused him to fail to properly stay in his lane on the

road, when he did not feel drowsiness, he felt his body

getting weak or tired, and when he tried to start a

conversation with his daughter, he lost his memories

thereafter. This statement contradicts what he said during

the police investigation regarding the sequence of events

leading up to the accident as to whether he felt drowsy or

not, and is illogical as a reason why he failed to turn the

steering wheel properly to turn on the curves, and he was not

able to give a reasonable explanation as to why he suddenly

fell unconscious.

The Accused gave his testimony to this court to the effect

that he was suffering from mountain sickness by reasoning

based on the medical doctors' diagnoses, because of which he

fell unconscious, but according to the aforementioned

respective pieces of evidence, it can be recognized that the

Accused, on the day of the accident in this case, at the

point when he started driving the car at the fifth station of

the Mt. Fuji, did not have any abnormality in his physical

condition, having no problem in the operation of the car, and

additionally, judging from the height of the fifth station of

Mount Fuji, it is difficult to assume that he might be

suffering from serious altitude sickness.

Besides, it is generally recognized that the symptoms of

mountain sickness are alleviated gradually as the altitude is

lowered, and even if he was suffering a mild case of mountain

sickness at such a level he did not notice it at the fifth

station of the Mt. Fuji, while lowering the altitude, it is

difficult to believe that he suddenly fell into a situation

of having troubles in the operation of a car or spontaneously

fell unconscious because of such mild mountain sickness that

he asserts to be the direct cause.

Of course, it is conceivable that he might be suffering from

mild mountain sickness and his body accumulated fatigue from

driving a car for a long time continuously, yet, it is still

difficult to assume that he drove a car without feeling any

drowsiness at all but he suddenly fell unconscious only

immediately before the accident, thus taking such a sudden

progression of symptoms.

Judging from the foregoing, it should be said that the

statements he made during the investigation are reasonable

with high credibility, and in contrary thereto, the part of

his testimony made to this court is not credible.

(7) The judge gave rationale for determining the weight

of the penalty to read as follows:

This case is a case of causing death and bodily injury.

through negligence in automobile operation, in which the

Accused did, notwithstanding that he felt drowsy while he was

driving an ordinary passenger vehicle, continue driving,

through his negligence, falling into a state of drowsiness,

he steered his vehicle off into the off-street parking lot,

permitting his vehicle to collide with the vehicles parked in

the said parking lot, he permitted two persons to be killed

and one person to be injured.

The Accused did, at the time of this case, feel drowsy, and

as there existed a fear of falling into a state in which it

was difficult for him to pay close attention to his front,

the Accused did, notwithstanding that it was his extremely

basic and important duty to exercise due care as a driver of

operating an automobile to stop driving his vehicle.

immediately, neglect therewith, he did, as a result of

driving his vehicle, falling into a state of drowsiness,

steering his vehicle off into the off-street parking lot,

cause the accident in this case. Moreover, the Accused did,

notwithstanding that he not only felt drowsy, but also felt

concrete problems in his steering because of the drowsiness,

still continue driving, and conduct of such driving is

extremely dangerous, and the negligence is extremely grave.

The three victims, being relatives to each other, suddenly

encountered the accident in this case in the parking lot of

the restaurant where they happened to be, and no fault

whatsoever can be recognized on their part. Especially the

two victims who ended up being killed by their bodies being

compressed between the parked vehicles, etc., their death of

which is immeasurable, and the victim who was injured, not

only being injured, but also losing her mother and husband at

one time, has fallen into a situation where she cannot find

herself in hope to live, and the rest of the bereaved family

of the two victims who were killed, suddenly losing their

relatives who were healthy, keep bearing a deep sense of

loss. The consequences of this incident are really grave.

The bereaved family of the two victims, coupled with the fact

that the Accused's first response to the situation was

insufficient, ask for a severe punishment against the

Accused, and it is natural. In view of the foregoing

circumstances, the culpability of the Accused is extremely


At this court, as facts to be recognized and taken into

consideration, the Accused stated that he was sorry that he

caused a lot of pain upon the victims and their bereaved

families, promised that he would never drive a car nor commit

any offense in the future showing his remorse, and his wife

testified to the effect that she would closely supervise his

behaviors and make sure that something like this would never

happen again, and in addition thereof, facts that a civil

settlement as to the human damage was made to the deceased

victims and the injured victim, that the Accused had no

previous criminal record, and that the Accused had a wife and

small children to nurture, etc., are recognized. However,

even taking all of the mitigating circumstances to the

maximum extent, this court deemed it to be inevitable to

render the sentence without suspension as in the text, and

thereby adjudged the penalty as in the text.

The judge explained the right to appeal. Imprisonment without

forced labor for three years means that the Accused has to serve

time in prison for the period. This judgment is a judgement of

finding the Accused guilty. The Accused has the right to appeal

to the higher court filing an appeal of dissatisfaction with the

judgment. If the Accused is dissatisfied with this judgment, the

Accused may file a Koso-appeal with the Tokyo High Court within

fourteen days from tomorrow. If this rule of 14 days is not

abided by, an appeal of dissatisfaction of the judgement cannot

be done. If dissatisfied with the judgment, the Accused can have

his defense attorney write a letter of appeal and submit it to

the Tokyo High Court via this district court where three judges

will hear an appellate case.


In the opinion of the trial observer and as shown above,

all safeguards secured by the Status of Forces Agreement between

the governments of the United States and Japan were observed.

(b) (6), (b)


United States Representative

Date: 16 DEC 2021


(Summary explanation of the list of exhibits.)

The two groups of exhibits, exhibits KOU and exhibits OTSU,

consist of 35 exhibits and 12 exhibits respectively.

The first group is listed as follows.

Exhibit KOU

1. Protocol recording the procedure of on-the-spot

examination report prepared by Shiho Haruhara, Police

official, dated 2 Jun 21: Record including information

about circumstance of the accident site and reenactment

of the accident assisted by the Accused and witness and


2. Investigation report prepared by Shiho Haruhara, Police

official, dated 15 Jun 21: correction made on Exhibit

KOU. No. 1

3. Investigation report prepared by Akihiko Fukazawa,

Police official, dated 3 Jun 21: correction made on

Exhibit KOU. No.1

4. Investigation report prepared by Shiho Haruhara, Police

official, dated 4 Jun 21: correction made on Exhibit

KOU. No.1

5. Investigation report prepared by Yasuharu Nakayama,

Police official, dated 4 Jun 21: Record including the

facts such as that the motor vehicle operated by the

Accused did not collided into the guardrail affixed

along the road and etc.

6. Investigation report prepared by Shiho Haruhara, Police

official, dated 30 May 21: Record including

information such as circumstance of the accident scene,

condition of the damaged vehicles, reenactment of the

accident assisted by the Accused and witness and etc.

7. Protocol recording the procedure of on-the-spot

examination report prepared by Kouichi Izukawa, Police

official, dated 8 Jun 21: Record Including information

such as circumstance of witnessing the accident and


8. Investigation report prepared by Kouichi Izukawa,

Police official, dated 14 Jun 21: Supplementary

information to Exhibit KOU. 7.

9. Protocol recording the procedure of on-the-spot

examination report prepared by Yoshihiro Aranami,

Police official, dated 3 Jun 21: Record including

information such as the Accused's explanation of the

course he took when operating the vehicle from starting

point to the accident site and etc.

10. Protocol recording the procedure of on-the-spot

examination report prepared by Shiho Haruhara, Police

official, dated 3 Jun 21: Record including information

such as reenactment of the accident assisted by the

Accused and etc.

11. Investigation report prepared by Yukihiro Ito, Police

official, dated 9 Jun 21: Determination of speed of

the Accused's vehicle at the time of the accident

12. Investigation report prepared by Yoshihiro Aranami,

dated 10 Jun 21: Determination of time point when the

Accused felt drowsiness

13. Investigation report prepared by Yoshihiro Aranami,

Police official, dated 9 Jun 21: Determination of time

and date that the accident occurred.

14. Protocol recording the procedure of on-the-spot

examination report prepared by Hiroshi Yamaoka, dated 3

Jun 21: Record including information such as

description of shape of the Accused's vehicle and

damage on the vehicle and etc.

15. True transcript of automobile registration certificate

issued by Director of Transportation Bureau, Kanagawa

Branch Office, dated 11 Dec 20: Record including

information about status of registration of the

Accused's vehicle and etc.

16. Investigation report prepared by Hidetoshi Bito, dated

10 Jun 21: Determination of circumstance of the

accident when it occurred, and circumstance of the

collision and etc.

17. True transcript of postmortem examination report

prepared by Kei Iwashina, dated 29 May 21:

Determination of facts such as cause of Ms. Seiko

Sano's death (Victim) and etc.

18. Telephone conversation record prepared by Kyoko Kanbe,

Police official, dated 2 Jun 21: Result of telephone

interview with a medical doctor with regard to cause of

Seiko Sano's death

19. Telephone conversation record prepared by Shiho

Haruhara, Police official, dated 14 Jun 21: Result of

telephone interview with a medical doctor with regard

to cause of Seiko Sano's death

20. Investigation report prepared by Ryo Suzuki,

Prosecutor's assistant officer, dated 29 Jun 21:

Confirmation of location of Shizuoka Prefectural

General Hospital

21. Written diagnosis prepared by Kenichi Muramatsu, dated

14 Jun 21: Record including information such as name

of injury sustained by Takeshi Endo (Victim) and etc.

22. Copy of true transcript of postmortem examination

report prepared by Hiroki Nagasawa, dated 11 Jun 21:

Determination of facts such as cause of Mr. Takeshi

Endo's (Victim) death, and etc.

23. Investigation report prepared by Akihiko Fukazawa,

dated 1 Jul 21: Correction made to Exhibit KOU. NO.22

24. Investigation report prepared by Fumiaki Yamaguchi,

Police official, dated 14 Jun 21: Result of interview

with a medical doctor with regard to cause of Mr.

Takeshi Endo's (Victim) death

25. Written diagnosis prepared by Toshinobu Takahashi,

dated 29 May 21: Record including Information such as

name of injury sustained by Ms. Fumiko Endo's (Victim)

and term of medical attention needed and etc.

26. Protocol recording statement of Ms. Fumiko Endo made to

Police official, dated 8 Jun 21: Statement including

information such as circumstance of the accident,

desire expectation for level of punishment against

the Accused and etc.

27. Protocol recording statement of Ms. Fumiko Endo made to

Public prosecutor, dated 7 Jul 21: Statement including

information such as general condition of Takeshi's

(Victim) life before the Accident, the same after the

Accident, desire and expectation for level of

punishment against the Accused, and etc.

28. Protocol recording statement of Mr. Naotaka. Sano made

to Police official, dated 29 May 21: Statement

including information such as circumstance of the

accident site immediately after the accident and etc.

29. Protocol recording statement of Mr. Hirokazu Oshima

made to Police official, dated 29 May 21: Statement

including information such as circumstance of the

accident site immediately after the accident and etc.

30. Protocol recording statement of Mr. Noriyuki Mochizuki

made to Police official, dated 29 May 21: Statement

including information such as circumstance of the

accident site immediately after the accident and etc.

31. Protocol recording statement of Ms. Mina Kasai made to

Police official, dated 29 May 21: Statement including

information such as circumstance of the accident site

immediately after the accident and etc.

32. Protocol recording statement of Mr. Takanori Konishi

made to Police official, dated 31 May 21: Statement

including information such as circumstance of the

accident site immediately after the accident and etc.

33. Protocol recording statement of Ms. Britany Ann Alkonis

made to Police official, dated 1 Jun 21: Statement

including information such as background leading to the

accident and circumstance of the accident site.

immediately after the accident and etc.

34. Investigation report prepared by Ryoko Kubota, Police

official, dated 1 Jun 21: Correction made to Exhibit

KOU. No. 32

35. Protocol recording statement of Ms. Tomoko Ichihara

made to Public prosecutor, dated 15 Jun 21: Statement

including information such as general life condition of

Mr. Takeshi Endo and Ms. Seiko Sano (Victims) before

the Accident, and desire / expectation for level of

punishment against the Accused and etc.

The second group is listed as follows.

Exhibit OTSU

1. Protocol recording statement of the Accused made to

Police official, dated 30 May 21: Statement including

information such as the Accused's personal history and

professional career and etc.

2. Protocol recording statement of the Accused made to

Police official, dated 1 Jun 21: Statement including

information such as the background leading to the

accident and etc.

3. Investigation report prepared by Takumi Ishikawa,

Police official, dated 2 Jun 21: Correction made to

Exhibit OTSU No. 2

4. Protocol recording statement of the Accused made to

Police official, dated 8 Jun 21: Statement including

information such as the course that the Accused

traveled while operating the vehicle to the accident

site and etc.

5. Protocol recording statement of the Accused made to

Police official (8 Pages in total), dated 9 Jun 21:

Statement including information such as the

circumstance of the accident and etc.

6. Protocol recording statement of the Accused made to

Police official, dated 4 Jun 21: Statement including

information such as damage level of the Accused's

vehicle and etc.

7. Protocol recording statement of the Accused made to

Police official (24 pages in total), dated 9 Jun 21:

Statement including information such as circumstance of

the collision and etc.

8. Protocol recording statement of the Accused made to

Police official, dated 14 Jun 21: Statement including

information such as the Accused physical condition at

the time of the accident and etc.

9. Protocol recording statement of the Accused made to

Public prosecutor, dated 15 Jun 21: Statement

including information such as the background leading to

the accident, circumstance of the accident, and etc.

10. Telephone conversation record prepared by Kenichi

Miyahara, Police official, dated 29 May 21:

Confirmation of location of the Accused living place

11. Investigation report prepared by Kenichi Miyahara,

Police official, dated 2 Jul 21: Correction made to
Exhibit OTSU. No. 10

12. Investigation report prepared by Akihiko Fukazawa,

Police official, dated 3 Jun 21: Condition and status

of the Accused's Social Security Card
