
Learinngs from 9 months old

It's almost unbelievable how much we can learn from a toddler.

I went to see my littlest friend the other day at my friend’s house.
She is only nine months old, quickly picking up things in life.

We've already met and mingled before but yet, soon after she first saw me yesterday she was covered with full of doubts and suspiscions towards me. She cried out loud to seek for a help from her momma while giving me a countless glimpse to make sure of her safety. Very slowly, though she got used to a stranger at her house "invading" her safe space.

She took enough time to process this unpleasant situation, understand what was going on around her, make sure that she can fully trust me, before making friends with me. She didn't at all hesitate to express her uncomfortableness and didn't even think it would've come across rude to me or anything; very straightforward and crystal clear with her emotions.

Learning that we've all gone through this phase in our life time to become who we are today was a little awakening to me. We were once very clear with our emotions, we all knew firsthand that we'd always put ourselves first, and protect our boundaries so we could all be in a safe space.

It's not my intention to suggest we should all go back to who we were as toddlers; it'd be such a chaos. In fact, I believe that understanding the feelings of others and how to corporate with them is one of the key learnings we have in life. We, as adults however, tend to forget to tune in to our inner feelings and desires by always putting others first. We've learnt to pull fake smiles when people try to invade our safe space, choke back tears when feeling sad or emotional, and stop asking for a help when we, deep in our hearts, know that we could very much use that.

Life is all about the balance.

I truly believe that a well-balanced life is where we can find a way to have a great relationship with people around us, without being a full-time people pleaser, beating up our true emotions and feelings.

It was quite astonishing to see how fast a baby can grow and pick up things. I have so much respect for her momma for raising her with full of love.
Can't even imagine how it feels to raise another human being in life when I'm still in the middle of the journey figuring out myself...!

