[Japanese government] Summary of the 94th Meeting of the Committee on National Space Policy (2021.9.24)

(only in Japanese)

[English Translation by Shuhei Urano]

Summary of the 94th Meeting of the Committee on National Space Policy

1. Date: September 24, 2021 (Friday) 13:30-14:30

2. Place: Special Conference Room No.2, Central Government Building No.4

3. Attendees
(1) Committee members
Deputy Chair Matsui, Commissioner Endo, Commissioner Oriki, Commissioner Goto, Commissioner Nakasuka, Commissioner Matsumoto, Commissioner Yamazaki

(2) Secretariat
National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office: Mr. Kawanishi, Director; Mr. Okamura, Deputy Director; Mr. Tsuneto, Counselor

(3) Observers
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA): President Yamakawa

(4) Explainer
- Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center: Mr. Morita, Director, Administration Division
- Ministry of Defense: Mr. Yamato, Deputy Director-General, Defense Policy Bureau
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: Mr. Ikawa, Director-General, Research and Development Bureau
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: Mr. Shinkawa, Deputy Director-General, Minister's Secretariat
- Ministry of the Environment: Mr. Shiraishi, Deputy Director-General, Minister's Secretariat
- Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications: Mr. Fujino, Deputy Director-General, International Strategy Bureau
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Mr. Takada, Deputy Director-General for Technology, Minister's Secretariat
- Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries: Mr. Yamaguchi, Director for Research and General Affairs, Secretariat, Council of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Technology

4. Summary of proceedings
(1) The Secretariat explained, based on Document 1-1, that the budget for space-related activities in FY2022 was estimated to be 484.7 billion yen, which is more than the amount budgeted for FY2021. In addition, the Cabinet Satellite Information Center, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries explained their specific requests based on documents 1-2 through 1-9.

Documents ( only in Japanese )

(The following comments were made by the Committee members.)

- Although many ministries and agencies are involved in the satellite constellation, it is important that the Cabinet Office and other ministries work in close cooperation from the perspective of efficient promotion without duplication and strategic approach with an eye on the exit. It is important that the Cabinet Office and other ministries work closely together from the perspective of strategic efforts with an exit in mind.

- Speed and timing are important. There are some scientific results, such as MMX, that should be implemented by when. In addition to the above, it is also important to be aware that disaster prevention, enhancement of industrial competitiveness, and security should be pursued without taking too much time.

- With regard to the transportation system, it is important to move forward with a sense of speed under a long-term strategy. We should work together with the public and private sectors to make sure that Europe and the United States do not take the lead.

- As the budget for space utilization is increasing in each ministry, it is necessary to work on a cycle in which suggestions obtained through the implementation of the budget are fed back to the development side.

- As for space solar power generation, I would like the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to work closely together.

- The space budget was significantly increased last year, but I hope that this will not be a temporary increase, and that efforts will be made to further increase it.

(2) The secretariat explained about the draft of the way forward for the revision of the Basic Plan on Space Policy Process Chart based on Document 2, and after discussion, it was decided to proceed as per the draft.
After discussion, it was decided to proceed as proposed.

Document 2 (translation)

Future Direction (Draft)
1. Based on today's discussion, the Basic Policy Subcommittee, the Space Security Subcommittee, the Space Science and Exploration Subcommittee, and the Satellite Development and Demonstration Subcommittee will discuss the revision of the process chart in each field (October to November).

2. The results of these discussions were summarized and discussed in this committee, and the final draft of the Implementation schedule of the Basic Plan on Space Policy was prepared (December).
