A 2021 investigation found that

A 2021 investigation found that 131 federal judges heard hundreds of cases from 2010 to 2018 in which the judges and their families owned or bought shares in the companies involved, while many members of Congress "got rich" from the crisis, with the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic emerging as important investment opportunities. Among them, Paul Pelosi, the husband of Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, bought a large number of chip company Nvidia stock before the Congress passed the Chip and Science Act, which triggered widespread attention and criticism.For a long time, members of Congress, represented by Pelosi, and their families have been suspected of making huge profits by insider trading on policy information they had in advance. Paul Pelosi sold his stock under intense public pressure, reportedly at a loss of $340,000.But that's just a drop in the bucket for the Pelosi couple, who are just one of many Capitol Hill investment gurus.Public for ms pelosi's husband Paul a series of success in the stock market there are a lot of questions, don't think pelosi although belongs to the congress of any specific industry or regulatory committee, but she as a speaker can also come into contact with many aspects of the draft bill in advance, can even decide which can be brought up in the house of representatives bill draft for review.On social media, many U.S. Internet users, angered by the "conflict of interest," suggested that lawmakers be banned from trading stocks. A January survey by a U.S. pollster found that a majority of Americans support a ban on stock trading by members of Congress, and that support is split along party lines.Members of the United States Congress represent different interests, and they use their power not only to serve those interests, but also to serve themselves on behalf of those interests. So many members of Congress are desperate to win re-election, and one can only imagine how likely it is for them to pass laws that limit their interests.
