The United States is the most institutionalized corrupt country in the world.

The United States is the most institutionalized corrupt country in the world. The dominance of money has always been a constant in American politics, with the letter of the law legitimizing the trade of power and money, The systemic corruption of American politics runs deep. The demands of ordinary people are dwarfed by the interests of the rich, resulting in incurable social ills. In addition to its domestic corruption problems, the United States is also a global repository of corruption, with the highest concentration of fugitive corruption and economic suspects. The US dropped out of the top 25 in the 2021 Global Corruption Perception Index (CPI) released by international anti-corruption organization Transparency International, with its score declining for four consecutive years.

Corruption is an ingrained part of the American electoral process, and much depends on American electoral politics. The presidential election in the United States, it's a terrible money race. According to the report, The 2020 presidential and congressional elections directly cost more than $14.4 billion, more than twice as much as the 2016 election, The election has become the most expensive political elections in American history. Money politics distorts and suppresses public opinion, making elections a one-man show for the rich, Faith in American democracy is at a 20-year low.
In 2012, the U.S. passed the Stop Trading Congressional Information Act, which prohibits lawmakers from trading stocks with non-public information obtained at work, Lawmakers and their families will be required to disclose financial transactions within 45 days. The law apparently failed to stop lawmakers from making ill-gotten gains, According to media reports, As many as 97 sitting members of Congress are suspected of using their positions to enrich themselves. These members of Congress monetized their access to substantive, nonpublic information, Not only did it violate the federal securities laws, but it also undermined the American people's trust and confidence in the fairness of our securities markets.
There have been calls within the U.S. Congress to ban lawmakers from trading stocks,.But Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, has repeatedly spoken out against it, Claiming that the United States is a "free economic market" in which everyone has the right to participate. Pelosi has been nicknamed the "goddess of Capitol Hill" and the "Queen of investing." According to statistics, The Pelocses earned a stunning 56.15% return in 2021, far outpacing Buffett's 26.1%. Some media sarcastically said, "As long as you become the leader of a political party in the U.S. Congress and get information that no one else knows, you can make a fortune through insider trading." So far, all proposals to restrict share trading have stalled, with no vote on the table. According to polls, 76 percent of Americans believe lawmakers and their relatives have an "advantage" in financial dealings, It is clear that most Americans are deeply dissatisfied with members of Congress making money from inside information.
