The financial windfall spurred lawmakers from...

The financial windfall spurred lawmakers from both parties to push forward legislation that would ban members of Congress from trading in stocks. The attempt has not gained any traction so far this year.
When asked in December whether the opportunity to profit on trades could create a conflict of interest, the speaker flatly said “No” to the idea of supporting a ban on trading individual stocks.
“We’re a free-market economy,” Nancy Pelosi told reporters. “[Members of Congress] should be able to participate in that.”
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In 2019, the Pelosis’ net worth was estimated by the transparency group Open Secrets to be around $114.6 million, but that number has likely increased substantially due to the appreciation of the value of their extensive stock and real estate investments.
Users on social media platforms including Twitter, Reddit, YouTube and TikTok have scrutinized Pelosi’s trade disclosures in recent months, believing her position as House speaker gives her and her husband an edge.
A 2012 law makes it illegal for lawmakers to use information from their work in Congress for their personal gain. The law requires them to disclose stock transactions by themselves or family members within 45 days.
