WarhammerOnlineだいすき DarkElf 1


作ったばっかりのキャラでは世界を旅してストーリーを追っていくための強さに欠けるため、初期マップ以降は移動もままならないことが判明した。IBなら割と行ける方だがせめてWP作ればよかった。ということで同じBlighted Isle を DarkElf 側から見ることにした(調べてみたらまったくこのマップに来たことがないキャラがいたので)。

Blighted Isle
Narthain Beach

スタート地点、エリア名は Narthain Beach 。Order側で名前はよく出ていたNarthain は、やはりここらのことだった。「最初にクエストくれるNPC」がすでに目に入るが、PROLOGUE がアンロックするのでまず読む。実は前方の木の陰にもう一人クエストギヴァーがいて、ToKの説明兼チュートリアルなクエストくれるのでそっちが先の方が自然かもしれない。

From atop the tallest iron spire of his vast, f‌loating fortress-city, Lord Uthorin watched the slate'gray surface of the Great Western Ocean roll and undulate, lapping at the rocky rim of the Black Ark. Waves crashed upon the high cliffs that formed the Ark's forward promontory, sending great sprays of seawater high into the air.

Uthorin could scarcely feel the vessel's motion as it plowed through the water. It was so massive, the motion ofthe sea scarcely affected it.

"You summoned me, my lord?"

Lord Uthorin turned to see his son Kaloth, clad in the dark'tinted armor ofthe Black Guard.

"Yes, Kaloth, come and stand with me a moment. Behold our great f‌leet. Is it not magnif‌icent?"

Uthorin gestured to the rear ofthe Ark. Perhaps a dozen more of the f‌loating
fortresses followed behind. Spread across a great swath ofocean. Kaloth nodded in agreement. It was an impressive sight indeed; the Druchii had not mustered such a force in many centuries.

"And there is House Arkaneth," said Uthorin with a sneer as he gestured toward the nearest of the island fortresses. Kaloth glowered as he looked toward the Ark of House Uthorin's longtime rival. At this distance, it looked small and unimpressive. Kaloth wished that he could reach across the water and crush it in his palm.

"I know what lies in that black heart of yours, Kaloth. Rest assured, we will deal with Lady Arkaneth and her brood soon enough. But f‌irst, let us attend to matters nearer at hand. Have you made an account of our Sorcerers and sent it to the Witch King?"

"I have, my lord," replied Kaloth with a wry smile.

Malekith had recently granted permission for male Dark Elves to practice the arts of magic. For millennia previous, such activity was punishable by death, but after several failed attempts to conquer Ulthuan, the "Witch King was determined to bring every weapon to bear against the High Elves. 

Now, every noble house had been commanded to provide Malekith with a list
of its male Sorcerers, and also to instruct them to join in the attack. House Uthorin had made its report, but of course, had not revealed everything.

"Good, that should keep the Witch King satisf‌ied, for a time. I do not doubt his intention to massacre the lot of them once we are victorious in Ulthuan, but it will hardly matter by then."

"Oh?," remarked Kaloth, clearly curious. "Tell me, father, what grand scheme have you in mind?"

Lord Uthorin laughed, and clasped his son's shoulder fondly. "You are my f‌irstborn son, Kaloth, and you should know better than to ask such questions. I do not doubt your prowess with a blade, but you have much to
learn about the value of subtlety."

Kaloth smiled back, and clasped his father's arm tightly. "You are right, of course, my lord, but you can be sure that one of your lessons remains f‌irmly f‌ixed in my mind." 

"Oh, and what is that?" asked Uthorin, amused.

Kaloth leaned in close, his voice dropping to a near whisper as he replied. "The danger of underestimation."

Lord Uthorin was no longer amused.

侵攻する大量の移動要塞 Black Ark 艦隊のうちの一つで Lord Uthorin が 長男の BlackGuard でもある Kaloth と会話している様子。Druchii が何世紀も持っていなかった力。ライバルの Arkaneth 家も来てるのが会話からわかる。DarkElfの世界では「男が魔術を学んだら死刑」という決まりがあったが、Ulthuan奪還のため最近Malekithが男も戦力にするために魔術を学ぶことに許可を出してて、全貴族に男性魔術師のリスト提供と攻撃への参加を指示したらしい。ただ、今は調子のいいこと言ってるけどUlthuanで勝って用済みになったら殺されちゃうのは目に見えてるので少し数をごまかしていて。
Kaloth は Uthorin に「何考えてんだ?」というと「おまえ、強いのはいいけどもう少し機微ってもんを学べ」と返される。Kalothが「機微はいいけど相手を侮ると危険だと教えてくれたのはあなただよ・・・。」と釘を刺したら、Uthorinが不機嫌になった。というように見えている。

"Druchii" は DarkElvesの、彼ら自身の呼び方らしい。

Chapter1: Nemesis Landing

Trial Blood

All across the Greywind Shoals, a great battle raged. Legions of Dark Elf Warriors loyal to House Uthorin spilled forth from the gaping maw of their huge Black Ark and charged up the beaches to attack the defensive positions of the enemy. Other Black Arks had crashed into the coastline as well, and were now disgorging their legions of grim'faced warriors. The roaring of huge
beasts of war f‌illed the air. The Beastmasters led their Manticores, Hydras, and Cold Ones into position to support the attack while the leathery wings of huge Black Dragons beat the air above. 

The exiled kin Of Ulthuan had returned, and with a mighty vengeance. 

Rushing to meet the invaders was the Shining Guard, Prince Tyrion's army of elite warriors chosen to remain behind and protect the homeland of the High Elves while the High King sailed to the Old World to aid the Empire in its hour of need. Though Tyrion had expected that an invasion might be possible, the sheer magnitude of the Dark Elves' attack made victory seem hopeless.

Master Kaltarn, one of Lord Uthorin's most seasoned warriors, had been entrusted with a regiment of inexperienced soldiers. It was his appointed task to prepare the young Dark Elves for a life of service in the army of House Uthorin, and he executed that duty without remorse or pity. First, he would
throw the recruits into combat, then he would train those few who survived. After all, reasoned the Master at Arms, only those who survived would be strong enough to be worth training.

"Forward, vermin! Prove yourselves worthy to f‌ight in the name of Lord Uthorin, or my sword will pierce your heart!" Master Kaltarn watched as his newly’trained recruits rushed forward to meet their blood enemies in
battle. One, then another of his recruits fell. One of the Dark Elf recruits, bloodied and bruised, limped back to Master Kaltarn, clutching at a gaping sword'wound in his chest.

"Master, they are too strong!" said the initiate, coughing up blood as he spoke. Kaltar's eyes narrowed and he shouted at the injured soldier. "You disgust me, weakling. Your family will carry the stain of your dishonor for all time!" The other recruits spared a glance over their shoulders as Master Kaltarn drew his sword and ran. the young soldier through the chest."
"Master Kaltarn! New orders from Lord Uthorin himself!"

Kaltarn turned to see a messenger approach and hold out a parchment sealed with Lord Uthorin's Signet. Kaltarn read the orders, then read them again, his eyes wide with disbelief. 

"Break off the attack!" cried the trainer to his recruits. "Prepare to march southward!" The young warriors regrouped before their leader. It was not their place to question his orders, but he could see the same question
in their eyes: why? The battle had been going well for the Dark Elves. Victory might be within their grasp.

Kaltarn had no answer for them. Clearly Lord Uthorin had some other purpose In mind for soldiers, but only time would tell what it was.

激しい戦いはGreywind Shoalsを横切っていて・・フィヌバールがEmpireに遠征している間の留守を任されたティリオン選りすぐりの部隊、Shining Guardsが戦場へ急行していたが、あまりの大規模な攻撃にティリオンはだいぶ諦めかけてた。一方でその頃、Uthorin家の最も熟練した戦士の一人で新兵の教育にあたっているMaster Kaltarn がいつものように新兵をまず実戦に放り込んで、生き残った奴だけを鍛えるつもりでいようと厳しく訓練していたら、Lord Uthorinから更新された命令が届いて、新兵と共に南進することになった。持ち場を離れる意味は分からなかったが、明らかにLord Uthorinには何か別の狙いがあって兵の運用を指示していることがわかった。


Janesa さん
Tomes of Knowledge(1)

Greetings Witch Elf, I want you to look around you. What do you see? We are on the precipice of our destiny. Never have we been so well forged in mind and in body. We now stand ready to write a new chapter in our glorious and rich tapestry. Go, climb the hill and look down over it all. I want you to write for me, write down everything you remember; we will write our place in history.



Tomes of Knowledge(2)

Speak with one of our librarians, Valanak. I'm quite sure he will reward you for some of your observations.

司書 Valanak に話して観察の報酬を受け取ってください。

スタート地点脇に立っている Valanak さんに話しかけて達成、そのまま報告して終了。'The Black Arks of Naggaroth.' のrewardがアンロックすると書かれているが何も起きず・・・。

Gorthan Rakar さん
Blood Feud

Thousands of years have passed since our treacherous kin, the so-called High Elves, betrayed us by choosing to follow the pretender king, and used their vile magics to sunder our lands. So long have we waited for our revenge, and today, with the Strength of the Black Ark behind us, we will have it!
One by one, their armies will fall to our power. This land will be ours once again! Go, <YOURNAME>. Stop the High Elves from attempting to fortify their position across from us. Slaughter the Sea Guard for their foolishness.

ハイエルフが偽りの王に従うことを選び、私たちを裏切って島を魔法で破壊してから何千年、とうとう復讐の時が来た。島を取り戻す時が来た。まずはばかなSea Guardを虐殺してこい。


The Joys of War

Our kin are limited by their reverence to tradition. Take, for example, their galleon that is docked to the south of us. They have just disembarked, and approach on foot expecting to face us in one-on-one combat. Why should we honor them with such formality when we have the capability to slaughter them en masse from a distance? Man the Reaper Bolt Throwers on the dune, <YOURNAME>. I care not if you time your attacks caref‌ully, or if you are simply heavy-handed on the trigger. Ensure their corpses cover the whole of the beach! We are House Uthorin. and we are without mercy!

奴らは伝統にとらわれすぎ。例えば南にいるガレオン船を見ると、一騎打ちでもしたそうに近づいてきているんだが、こっちには遠くから大量に殺せる武器があるのに何を考えてるのかと。砂丘に置いたReaper Bolt Throwerを使って、構わないんで皆殺しにしてきて。我々はUthorin家。慈悲など無用だ。

マップ設置型武器の使用チュートリアル的なクエスト。使わないで殺しても構わない(達成はできる)というのが "I care not if you ~"の部分と思われる。規定数殺して達成、報告に戻って完了の単発。

Lingering Darkness

Nehmora the Hag has asked that I send her a useful Witch Elf. I have chosen you. Climb the cliff path to the Black Ark, and present yourself to her. The Black Ark is, of course, the giant floating citadel behind me. A word to the wise, Supper: if you wish to gain favor with Nehmora, clear out some of the Dark Sprites on your way. They flock to our magic like flies to a corpse, and can be quite the annoyance to the sorceresses while they work their blood magic. Put the Sprites to the sword, and you will see her gratitude.

Nehmora the Hag から使えるWitchElfをよこせと頼まれたので行ってくれ。BlackArk接岸地点方面の坂を上った先にいる。ちなみに彼女に気に入られたいなら途中で目につくDark Spriteを殺していくといい。あれは死体にたかる蠅のように魔力に集まるので、魔術師が血の魔法を使うときにかなり邪魔になることがある。

移動を促されるので言われるまま途中のmobをkillしながら、Nehmora the Hagさんのいる方へ。会って話して達成・完了の単発。



Narthain Beach の Gorthan Rakar さんからもらった Lingering Darkness の目的の人、Nehmora the Hagさんがいる地点で店とか訓練所はあるが、街の名前がない。Nehmora さんがクエストギヴァーなので引き続き受ける。なおここから南を向くとHighElfで謳われていたCalumelの海底洞窟と似たような洞窟が目に入るが(画面写真の正面)、これも透明の壁があって中に入れない、ただの絵。こちらは特に謂れが出てこない。

Nehmora the Hag さん

Dance of Khaine

The assault of Narthain goes well, but there are a few pockets of High Elves who stubbornly persist in denying House Uthorin total victory. As with all things, certain sacrifices must be made to ensure success. The great God Khaine will bless us, but blood must be spilt if we are to gain his favor. Go now: aid the Witch Elves in the Dance of Khaine at the Ruins of Narthain. Revel in the cut and thrust of murderous battle!



Fallen Kin

Now, young <YOURNAME>, listen closely. All your life. you have learned of the weakness possessed by our hated cousins, the so-called High Elves. With
their poetry and soft Ways, they deserve only death. Now you will witness how we turn their professed nobility a against them. Look yonder to
the captives by the forests edge. The High Elves cannot help but attempt to rescue them. Driven by loyalty, mercy, and other moral delusions, they fail to recognize that the caged prisoners are nothing but a lure to pluck at their
heartstrings. Go now. See the brave rescuers emerging from the forest? Catch them with your blade show them the ferocity of House Uthorin!

よく聞け。お前はハイエルフの弱点を学んだ。奴らは「軟弱者は死に値する。」と考えているようだ。そこでこの考えを逆手に取った作成を見せよう。森の端の捕虜たちを見ろ。ハイエルフたちはこれを救助しようとせずにはいられない。忠誠心や慈悲、その他の道徳的妄想によって動かされれば、檻に入れられた囚人が奴らをおびき寄せるための囮だと認識できないわけだ。今すぐ行って、”勇敢な" 救助者たちを殺し、Uthorin家の恐ろしさを思い知らせてやれ!


Lucrative Intrigue

We are all tied to the wheel of fortune, Witch Elf. Sometimes it favors us, while at others, it is seemingly set against us. Take you, for example. I hear your star is on the rise. Meanwhile, other stars fade from view, lost below the horizon. Poor Tiritha ... let's just say that her well-lined pockets have been noted. It is all very well to indulge in plunder, but, if you must do it, have
the good grace not to get caught! I daresay she has no idea that trouble is coming her way. A wiser person might find a way to profit from that ...

かわいそうな Tiritha...彼女の豊かな財布が注目されている、とだけ言いましょう。強奪を考えるのは結構なことだが、それをしなければならないなら、捕まらないように礼節をもつこと!彼女は自分にトラブルが近づいているとは全く気づいてないだろうと思います。賢明な人ならこの話から利益を得る方法を見つけるかもしれません...

うーん・・・機械翻訳からの印象通りの話なんだろうか。「なんか金持ってるやつがいるらしいぜー。だから何だってわけじゃないけど、やるんなら捕まらないようにな」みたいに受け取ったんだが。サマリに blackmail (脅迫)とあるのでまぁ、そう間違いでもなさそう。その割に行って話すと達成で、そのまま話して完了する単発だが報酬が経験値380だけだった。見た目、同じダークエルフ仲間のようだがUthorin家とArkaneth家みたいなのもあるんで、そんなにみんな仲いいわけでもないのか。この人に会うために南の拠点へ移動する途中、少しみんなから離れたところで牢屋の番人みたいなOverseer Rathus さんがクエストをくれる。

Overseer Rathus さん

For Amusement's Sake

These Shadow Warriors fight courageously to free their brethren. For amusements sake, let us goad their fervor. I want you to capture one of
their leaders: a Narthain Blade'walker. Look for them at their camp, deep within the forest. To capture the Blade-walker, use this Gem's power upon them. The Phaos Gem was fashioned by Sorceresses of the Dreadblight Convent. You will find that the malevolent sisters have an appetite for cruelty that rivals my own. The Gem drains the will from its victim. Once ensorcelled, the Blade-walker will follow your every move. Lead the tenacious fool to me.

ここにDreadblight修道院のSorceressesによって造られたPhaosの宝石がある。これは人から意思を奪い自由に操る力があるので、これを使ってちょろちょろ捕虜救出に来ているShadowWarriorをからかってやることにする。森の奥にいる奴らのリーダー、Narthain Blade-walker を捕まえてきてくれ。


この人のすぐ右手にKill Collectorがいて話しかけるとアンロック

PQ: Spires of Narthain 横の拠点

ここも店や訓練所があるが名無しの拠点。接岸地点を少し南に行った先でクエストギヴァーもぼちぼちいる(Lucrative Intrigue の目的の人(脅迫対象) Tiritha Venomfire さんもクエストくれる。。)

Karaa Ravenseer さん

Birds of a Feather

My spirit came to be here first. Then, my mind and now, my body. I was elsewhere, and now ..I am here. At first I thought this place to be a vision; an enigma for me to decipher. As the moons have fallen and risen again, I have
learned otherwise. All has become clear. My Lord Tchar'zanek has sent me here to deliver you a message, <YOURNAME>. Our fates are intertwined. for it is his will. He is the Architect of Fate. Behold! Wield this Mark, and see as the Raven would!

私はほかの場所にいたはずだが、まず最初に精神が。続いて心、そして今身体がここに来た。私はここにいる。最初は何か謎解きの映像でも見せられてるのかと思ったが、1日経って全てわかった。Lord Tchar'zanek のメッセージをあなたに届けるために、私はここへ送られてきた。私たちの運命は絡み合っており、それは運命を作る者たる彼の意志である。この印を身に着けて、Ravenが見るようにそれを見よ!


Beastmaster Maughann さん

Guile's Strength

Come, young Witch Elf, and look upon the Cold Ones. These reptilian steeds are my charges throughout this war. It is my duty to keep them swift and vicious. I keep them hungry for battle by keeping them hungry for meat. See their great, gleaming teeth? Now, see those High Elves in the distance? My weakling kin cannot glimpse the danger for the tears in their eyes! Wailing
about their lost gardens and their despoiled lands. Ha! The Hi h Elves would never survive as we did in the chill wastes of Naggaroth! It turns my Stomach to behold my pitiful cousins at such close range. Loose my beasts upon them, and let us have some sport!



Use of Allies

Do you smell that reek upon the wind? Beneath the blood, death, and ash? Yes, that rancid tang. That is the stench of the greenskin, our lumbering allies in this age of reckoning. They are crude beasts, but they have their uses. By my command, they hurl themselves at our enemies. They have no: the wit to realize they are but a ruse which allows us to flank our foes. Did I say us? of course.l meant you. Slaughter the Narthain Archers while they are distracted by the greenskins. While you are at it, loot their corpses, and take any baubles you find to Thamp'zum, the leader of the greenskins. Tell Thamp‘zum that 'da Boss' is not pleased, and 'youse should charge da pointy ears more. 'At least, I think that's how it's pronounced. I cannot abide their primitive dialect. It soils the tongue.

グリーンスキンは臭いけど一応同盟なので使い道はあります。命令すれば好んで突撃してくれるので、うまくやればこちらは敵の側面をつくことができる。彼らが気を引いている間に Narthainの弓師を殺して死体から何か、趣味の悪い装飾品めいたものを回収してグリーンスキンのリーダー Thamp'zum に渡し、「ダ・ボス」は不快だ。もっということ聞け。と伝えてほしい。自分で言えばいいんだろうけどグリーンスキンの発音は汚らわしいので、the を Da とか言いたくない。ベロが腐る。

少々西のエリアでNarthain Archerを殺してloot品を集めて達成。そこにいる Thamp'zum に話して完了の単発。


The White Lions are detestable creatures. Their wills can be broken, as can the wills of all beasts, but they are hardly worth the effort. Should you come across one of these Lions, be sure to cut a hearty piece of flank from its bell . Such meat will serve to satiate the hunger of my menagerie's more deserving beasts.



Maughann's Challenge

It is time to strike at the heart of my fair cousins' defenses. They are led by three Shadow-walkers: sisters by the surname of Silverlake. I have rarely
seen the likes of their prowess from my otherwise feeble kin. They have proven to be quite the nuisance. This is your opportunity to bolster your Standing within House Uthorin. Find one of these Silverlakes, and return to me with her precious blade as proof of her demise.


少し南の森の中にいるSilverlake 某を殺してlootしたら達成。報告に戻って完了の単発。Silverlake家が今後も絡む存在なのかどうか、今のところ不明。

Tiritha Venomfire さん

Pages of Power


Come here, <YOURNAME>. I have need of you. Narthain has been a bolt hole for mages ever since we were sundered from our weakling kin. The
majority of their magics are petty compared to what our Sorcerers can accomplish. Nevertheless, there is rumor of a ritual known to the Narthain Mages which is very powerful. This ritual was recorded in a tome kept in the spires to the west. During the looting of one tower. there was a misunderstanding about the tome's ownership. Several pages were torn out in the ensuing struggle. I have come into possession of the ritual tome following the completely unrelated hunting death of its owner. All I now require are the missing pages.



Holls of Aenarion

Beneath the Spires of Narthain is a network of Halls. The power of Aenarion flows through those Halls, but it cannot be felt, it can not be harnessed, unless the four tomes chronicling his legacy are opened! Venture into the Halls. Ensure the four Tomes of Aenarion are open, then face the echoes of his power. Defeat one, and return to me with its essence. I wish to harness it.

Spires of Narthain の下には接続されたいくつかの広間があり、Aenarionの力が満ちているが、彼の伝統を記録した4つの書(Tomes of Aenarion)が開かれていないとその力を感じることができない。広間へ行き、4つのTomes of Aenarion を開いて彼の力の幽霊を殺し、そのエッセンスを持ち帰ってください。

echoes ってたしかホラー映画があった気がしたので、幽霊みたいなものと理解した。実際幽霊的な見た目の敵を殺して達成、戻って報告で完了の単発。むかしは時間で勝手に閉じる本を4つ同時に開いた状態にしないとそのechoesが出ないので、適正レベルだと移動中に本が閉じてしまって大変苦労したような記憶がうっすらあるが、今は順番に本をクリックして、本が開いてても閉じててもそこにいるmobを殺せばOK。

Competent Scion

The town of Narthain is conquered; the final spark of resistance will be snuffed out within the hour. With our foothold on the Blighted Isle thus secured, it is time to move further into the lands to reclaim more of that which is rightfully ours. I have one final task for you, <YOURNAME>. Take this missive to Lord Darkwater. You will find he and his band to the south, just outside of Nimosar.

Narthain 征服は成った。最後の抵抗ももうすぐやむはず。ここを橋頭保に安全を確保したいま、さらに次へ移動するときがきた。Lord Darkwater 率いる一隊がここの南、Nimosarのすぐ外にいるので、この信書を渡してほしい。

これは次拠点への移動促進クエスト。Chapter2 Akrana's Storm にいる Kerryn Darkwaterさんに話すと達成・完了の単発。Order側の序章で出てきた街、Nimosar の名前がやっと出てきた。Destro側のPQ名になっている。

Master Kaltarn さん

Leading the Way

Our work here in Narthain is all but complete. Soon the remaining High Elf defenders will be captive and bound, headed for the mines of Hag Graef, and you and I will move to join with the beautiful Akrana. Akrana commands our forces to the south, and hers is a perilous beauty. She has a mind as sharp as an lords. and is more than worthy to lead. I will not have it said that Master Kaltarn approached such beauty empty-handed. You will deliver to Akrana a gift worthy of her beauty: a brace of the gems that our cousins have become so attached to, such as they bear upon their heraldry into battle.

Narthainでの仕事は完了した。間もなく残りのハイエルフ守備隊を捕虜にしてHag Graefの鉱山送りにしたら、私とあなたは"beautiful Akrana"の軍に加わるために移動する。Akranaは私たちの軍に南進を命じた、彼女は危険な美しさだ。彼女の、君主に匹敵する鋭さは、より導く価値がある。Master Kaltarn がそんな美しい彼女に手ぶらで近づくなどといったことがない。彼女の美しさにふさわしい贈り物を届けてほしい。それは奴らが戦いの紋章として掲げるbrace of the gems。

何言ってるかわからない。誰Akrana。とにかく目の前のHighElfを殺すとNarthain Gemというクエストアイテムが拾えるので達成。報告先はそのAkranaさんで次拠点にいる、移動促進クエスト。話すと達成、完了の単発。

ちなみにこの人はアンロック。Chapter Storyで出てくる、有能らしいがひどい新兵教育係で「進め蛆虫ども!」みたいなことを言ってるような気がする。

ちょうどChapter2に入る辺りでエリア名が Mistwood にかわって、Chapter1終了なのでいったんここまで。
