
カレー好きのためのSNSを考え中。 カレーをもっと楽しく、深く知りたいあなたへ。 カレ…


カレー好きのためのSNSを考え中。 カレーをもっと楽しく、深く知りたいあなたへ。 カレーの写真を投稿したり、口コミやレビューをしたり、カレーのレシピを共有したり。 カレー好きのコミュニティで、カレーライフを充実させませんか?




タイトルについて(書く経緯)映画「花束みたいな恋をした」に出てくるブログのパロディです。 (傑作なので、ぜひ見てください!) SIerからWeb系エンジニアになりたくて…


TL;TD私が知っている従来型WebとモダンWebのフロントエンドではできることの概念がくつがえる 従来型WebとモダンWebのフロントエンドの線引きがあいまいだったが、「ブラ…

【Day30】How to Chat

TextTomorrow, I start a new job. So I read a book about chatting skills to get good first impressions. Because the target of chat is building good relationships…

【Day29】Traditinal Clothes

TextYesterday I went to Kusatsu, the famous hot spring area. Usually Japan, many Japanese people spend days wearing the Yukata that is an item of Japanese tradi…


I subscribe to "Disney Delux" so that I can watch Disney shows on, like NETFLIX. Disney's 3D animation has two good points that are stage setting and unique sto…


TextTomorrow, my girlfriend and I are going on a trip. We will go to "Kusatsu", where are famous of hot spring. In Japan, The term to refrain from going out is …

【Day26】East Japan earthquake

SummaryTen years have passed today since the East Japan earthquake, but problems have remained. TextTen years have passed today since the East Japan earthquake…

【Day25】Habitual saying

SummaryEveryone has a habitual saying, and it appears as an individual personality. TextEveryone has a habitual saying, and it appears as an individual persona…

【Day24】New project I will join

SummaryThis diary is about the project description and the motivation I have for it. TextNext week, I will join a new project. This diary is about the project …

【Day23】Sasaki in my mind

Summary"Sasaki in my mind." tells about the importance of days spent with friends, and of speaking honestly to others. TextYesterday, I watched a movie called …

【Day22】Look back on last month

SummaryLast month, I started this online class and I also developed a news-software. TextI look back on last month. I started this online class because I want …


【Day21】How to make relationship with coworker

SummaryIt is important to make relationship with coworker present day. TextThere are 5 tips that you make relationship with coworker. Frist "writing letter", I…

【Day20】A quotation makes me affect my personality.

SummaryIt is important to know the correct position and correct direction to reach the goal. TextA quotation, after below, make me affect my personality. "If y…


SummaryJapanese food, "SOBA" is healthy and delicious than any other nodules. TextWhen I go overseas, I often miss Japanese food. Especially, I want to eat "SO…

【Day18】Love Sauna, Deeply

SummaryI think the sauna has 2 good points, a relaxing effect and concentrating on thinking things. TextI love the sauna. I live in Katsushika , the city of To…












【Day30】How to Chat

【Day30】How to Chat

TextTomorrow, I start a new job.
So I read a book about chatting skills to get good first impressions.
Because the target of chat is building good relationships it is important to enjoy conversation r

【Day29】Traditinal Clothes

【Day29】Traditinal Clothes

TextYesterday I went to Kusatsu, the famous hot spring area.
Usually Japan, many Japanese people spend days wearing the Yukata that is an item of Japanese traditional clothes.
I visited 5 hot springs



I subscribe to "Disney Delux" so that I can watch Disney shows on, like NETFLIX.
Disney's 3D animation has two good points that are stage setting and unique story.
Especially, Wreck-It Ralph is my fav



TextTomorrow, my girlfriend and I are going on a trip.
We will go to "Kusatsu", where are famous of hot spring.
In Japan, The term to refrain from going out is extended, but I booked it a long time be

【Day26】East Japan earthquake

【Day26】East Japan earthquake

SummaryTen years have passed today since the East Japan earthquake, but problems have remained.

TextTen years have passed today since the East Japan earthquake.
When it happened, I was a high school

【Day25】Habitual saying

【Day25】Habitual saying

SummaryEveryone has a habitual saying, and it appears as an individual personality.

TextEveryone has a habitual saying, and it appears as an individual personality.
My habitual word is "certainly".

【Day24】New project I will join

【Day24】New project I will join

SummaryThis diary is about the project description and the motivation I have for it.

TextNext week, I will join a new project.
This diary is about the project description and the motivation I have fo

【Day23】Sasaki in my mind

【Day23】Sasaki in my mind

Summary"Sasaki in my mind." tells about the importance of days spent with friends, and of speaking honestly to others.

TextYesterday, I watched a movie called "Sasaki in my mind".
This film is a kind

【Day22】Look back on last month

【Day22】Look back on last month

SummaryLast month, I started this online class and I also developed a news-software.

TextI look back on last month.
I started this online class because I want to improve my English skills.
As a resul



【Day21】How to make relationship with coworker

【Day21】How to make relationship with coworker

SummaryIt is important to make relationship with coworker present day.

TextThere are 5 tips that you make relationship with coworker.
Frist "writing letter", It just puts that extra effort to show so

【Day20】A quotation makes me affect my personality.

【Day20】A quotation makes me affect my personality.

SummaryIt is important to know the correct position and correct direction to reach the goal.

TextA quotation, after below, make me affect my personality.
"If you are in the right position, the right



SummaryJapanese food, "SOBA" is healthy and delicious than any other nodules.

TextWhen I go overseas, I often miss Japanese food.
Especially, I want to eat "SOBA".
This is a kind of noodle, made of b

【Day18】Love Sauna, Deeply

【Day18】Love Sauna, Deeply

SummaryI think the sauna has 2 good points, a relaxing effect and concentrating on thinking things.

TextI love the sauna.
I live in Katsushika , the city of Tokyo, there are many bathhouses.
So I go
