
最初にお読みください [音源/画像List]

フリーMP3音源倉庫 MP3 Sound Source Warehouse




音源名: [音源の名称] ←こちらに音源の名称を入力
提供: [Shadowy Veil]
URL:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmhVbtc2-tUvovq7rlDaAKw




二次配布を禁止します。原音のままでご利用ください。本音源は無保証で提供されており、利用によるいかなる損害についても[Shadowy Veil]は責任を負いません。


❖Music created using AI software. No copyright infringement intended.

❖All images are from Midjourney and ORDERMAID AI.
This image was generated by me using the AI model.

■フリーBGM - かっこいい Playlist

🎧フリー音源 EDM Playlist

■フリーBGM Chill Lo-fi Playlist

❖Credit notation is optional.

Sound Source: [Name of the sound source]
Source: [Shadowy Veil]
URL: [URL of the website from which the sound source was downloaded or distributed].

-Cautions for use

❖Commercial use of sound sources is prohibited. You may use them for non-commercial purposes only.

❖Modification and secondary distribution of the sound source/lyrics is prohibited. Please use the original sound. This source is provided without warranty and [Shadowy Veil] is not responsible for any damages resulting from its use.

❖The producer is not responsible for any damages caused by the use of the sound source. Please use at your own risk.

❖Music created using AI software. No copyright infringement intended.

❖All images are from Midjourney and ORDERMAID AI.
This image was generated by me using the AI model.

May your light shine brightly! God bless you!
