
9 Tips To Trim Extra Shipping Cost In 2020 -SFWPExperts

Shipping cost is an important expense every small and medium-size business looks to cut down to increase their customer acquisition. With the increase in the number of e-retailers, many small businesses have started to face issues related to shipping expenses mainly because big companies like Amazon have started to offer free shipping to their customers.

So to compete with them, Having the right shipping strategy will help you to cut down all the extra charges paid by most of the eCommerce businesses. Many of you may not know that there are more than 75 extra charges involved in shipping a product.

In the initial stage, these shipping costs may not trouble you but with the increase in the number of orders, you may start feeling the pain of extra charges. While shipping bulk products, a small difference in the dimensional weight (DIM) can make you pay a huge amount which will directly reflect your revenue.

If you want to avoid shipping mistakes done by most of the eCommerce business then check our blog on 8 Common Ecommerce Shipping Mistakes To Avoid In 2020

In this article, we have discussed some important tips that will help you to cut down all the extra shipping costs that your eCommerce business might be paying. Using these tips you can provide cheaper shipping rates to your customers and it will also help you to save all additional charges that you are spending on the packaging and shipping of a product.

Here are the tips that you can use to trip you extra Product shipping costs: Read More

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