
What to Notice About when Using a Professional Aquarium to Keep Fish

This article will talk about the precautions about aquarium set up and fish keeping in detail.

Purchase and add aquarium supplies
1. Choose the location where the aquarium is placed.
① It meets the requirements of indoor landscape layout. Note that once it is placed, it is difficult to move;
② It’s suitable for viewing and daily management;
③ There is a power outlet nearby;
④ it is best not to backlight because the viewing effect is poor when there is no light. It is better to be in a place where there is brighter scattered light and the direct sunlight cannot reach it, otherwise, it is easy to breed algae;
⑤ Relatively safe and quiet place, it is not easy to be bumped;
⑥ If placed on the furniture, the furniture should have enough ability to bear, and not easy to be destroyed by water;
⑦ The aquarium that raises tropical fish may consider being a little closer to heating equipment, in order to reduce the winter heating electricity, but can not stick to it.

2. The size of the aquarium is based on living conditions and furniture. The spacious hall with a large aquarium looks luxurious. In the corner of the study and bedroom, a palm aquarium maybe even more exquisite. However, for most fish keepers, it is more important to determine what fish they keep and how many fish they can keep. The larger the volume of the tank, the more water capacity, the more stable the water ecosystem and water temperature. The closer the aquarium to the natural environment, the more in line with the needs of fish.

3. Add aquarium related supplies. If you are not buying a ready-to-use tank, you should also purchase the necessary supplies such as filtering facilities, heating facilities, thermometers, lamps and lights. If you plan to plant aquatic plants, you should also purchase bottom sand, aquatic plants, aquatic base fertilizers, etc. If necessary, the carbon dioxide supply system, sunken wood and some accessories can be purchased at the same time. But be careful not to rush to buy fish!

Set up the aquarium (Note: if you keep the fish in the naked tank you can skip this part.)
1. Determine the type of aquarium styles. According to personal preferences and room layout, different styles can be selected. For the first time, you can learn from others' works. Generally, the most basic types are as follows:
① there are mainly fish, supplemented by rocks.
② there are mainly fish, supplemented by water plants.
③ water plants are the main part, fish as the supplement.
④ combinations of fish and scenes.
⑤ three-dimensional. It should be noted that setting up a tank is actually an artistic creation and is not the same as fish keeping.

2. Set up the tank
① If you use tap water, you need to leave it in an open container for 1-2 days, and wash the purchased bottom sand and other equipment ready to be put into the water. Soak aquatic plants, rocks and other ornaments in a medium-red potassium permanganate solution for 5 minutes, and then rinse with water.
②Place the tank in a predetermined position. If you choose the bottom heating or filtration system, the installation of it comes first.
③ Lay the bottom sand and place large ornaments such as rocks and sunken wood.
④ Place a plate flat on the bottom sand, slowly pour the water on the plate and spread it around to prevent the sand from being washed up. When it is injected into the 1/3 of the tank, the purchased plants are implanted. Then, top up the water. Take out the plate, arrange the water plants properly, place smaller ornaments, and remove floating objects on the water surface.
⑤ Install the temperature control, filtration, lighting, gas addition and other systems.
⑥ Adjust the temperature control system to an appropriate number, and turn on the air supply and fish tank filtration system, but do not turn on the lights.
⑦Because the substrate in the bottom sand is easy to dissolve in the water, change 1/2 of water every day for the first two days. Then began to patiently nourish water.

It is generally determined before the fish species are added to the aquarium to most fish owners. Many aquarists may have decided what fish to keep, and some are even added to the aquarium for the purpose of keeping certain fish. If you haven't decided yet, it's time to consider what kind of fish you are breeding. Goldfish, koi, or tropical fish? It depends on your preference. For novices, start with easy-to-breed fish. The simplest criterion is the price: cheap ones are often easy to breed.

About what species of fish to keep, generally before the adding and set up of aquariums, most aquarium lovers have decided what fish to raise. Some even bought a certain aquarium just for certain kinds of fish. If it's not decided, it's time for you to think about what fish to keep. Goldfish, koi, or tropical fish? This mainly depends on your preferences. For aquarium beginners, start with fish that are easy to breed. The simplest criterion is price: cheap ones are often easy to keep and breed. Come to Senzeal.com to check out all categories for aquarium tanks, supplies, or decorations now!
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