
大学院受験のための心理学英語購読会 note #001


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▼ 大学院入試対策
▼ 心理学英単語 A to Z
▼ 大学院受験のための心理学英語講読会-初級編
▼ 大学院受験のための心理学英語講読会-中級編


2. There is increasing biological evidence for these distinctions.
Recent brain-scanning studies of long-term memory indicate that most of the brain regions activated during encoding are in the left hemisphere and that most of the regions activated during retrieval are in the right hemisphere.
Evidence from both animal studies and studies of humans with brain damage indicates that different brain regions may mediate working memory and long-term memory. In particular, in both humans and other mammals, damage to the hippocampal system impairs performance on long-term memory tasks but not on working memory tasks.
3. There are three kinds of memory that differ in terms of their temporal characteristics: Sensory memory lasts over a few hundreds of milliseconds; short-term store (now called working memory) operates over seconds; long-term store operates over times ranging from minutes to years.
4. Sensory memory has a very large capacity but decays in a very short time.
Information within sensory memory that is attended to is transferred to the next memory, working memory.
5. Information in working memory tends to be encoded acoustically, although we can also use a visual code. The most striking fact about working memory is that its storage capacity is limited to 7 ± 2 items, or chunks. Although we are limited in the number of chunks we can remember, we can increase the size of a chunk by using information in long-term memory to recode incoming material into larger meaningful units. Information can be lost or forgotten from working memory. One cause of forgetting is that information decays with time; another is that new items displace old ones.
6. Retrieval slows down as the number of items in working memory increases.
Some have taken this result to indicate that retrieval involves a search process, and others have interpreted the result in terms of an activation process.
7. Working memory is used in solving various kinds of problems, such as mental arithmetic, geometric analogies, and answering questions about text. However, working memory does not seem to be involved in the understanding of relatively simple sentences. Working memory may also serve as a way station to permanent memory, in that information may reside in working memory while it is being encoded into long-term memory.
8. Information in long-term memory is usually encoded according to its meaning.If the items to be remembered are meaningful but the connections between them are not, memory can be improved by adding meaningful connections that provide retrieval paths.
The more one elaborates the meaning of material, the better memory of that material will be.

出典:Smith, E. E., Fredrickson, B., Loftus, G., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Barbara, F.(2003). Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology 14th Wadsworth Pub Co.





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