Feminist Archiving

Hi y'all:) I'm a college student in Japan majoring in media studies! Honestly, I'm not used to blogging as you can possibly tell, but I decided to start creating a feminist archive as a live record of what it's like living in Tokyo as a female, heterosexual student just about to enter the world of adulthood. This platform will be a place where I write my firsthand encounters with sexism and oppression with complete honesty. I may also write my opinions towards current social issues. I'm amidst planning what to do, but we'll see soon what I feel about writing. Anyway, although I feel grateful for the feminist frontrunners whose names we see in history textbooks that endeavoured to challenge misogyny, there's still so much to be done. I mean, I don't deny that women have more opportunities compared to the past. We do have access to higher education and are allowed to build careers. De jure equity is there to protect us from unlawful aggressions. But, know what? Micro aggressions and stereotyping continue to loom their shadows over us, darkening our future expectations. Their presence is naturalised to the level that even we, women, tend to internalise negative thoughts as innate to ourselves. I don't think anything should be taken for granted. I think everything could be subjected to scrutiny. I believe injustices should be exposed to create a more liveable world for all of us. I beg solidarity and communal affection that hugs us all tight, like a mother would do for her child. That's why I feel obliged to write here. I'll write to record the daily de facto aggressions I confront, my barely courageous challenges against sexism and anticipations for the future world. I hope this archive will become a useful source of reference for future-me as well as my many feminist comrades.
