Imitation skill

So Tkei

He is a famouns Japanese comedian.

But he has specific history of his life compere to other Japanese comedian.

Although he has been popular as a comedian,he spend time without his family when he was child. 



But his characteristic was outgoing and he loved to play baseball with his friends.

One day,he was confusing how I hit the ball.He didnt have enough strength to carry the ball for long distance but he wanted to do it. 

He was curious about it so he asked his baseball coach ,teacher and professer who has knowledge about baseball.

But all of them said that even for professional player,it is so difficult to make homerun.It's impossible for you to get it.

He was dissapointed little bit but he didnt want to give up to do it.

First of all,he decided to look for the way to make it by analyzing his movement.

As a result,his movement to swing his baseball bat was completely different from a professional player's movement that he loved and imitated.

At the moment,he realised there is no meaning to have his strength training,batting training unless he gets the ability to deal with his body freely and accurancy.

For example,when you rise your arms to the side parallel while closing your eyes,is it possible for you to make perfectly 90 degrees? Can you stand by single leg while closing your eyes?

When you try to imitate something movement,if you cant handle your body,it's gonna be impossible to make it because some of bit gaps between the movement by you and something you try to imitate will happen.

Even if you think yourself that your moving is as completely same as another movement,it is different.

So takei,when he was child,spend a lot of time to analized his roll model's degrees on shoulders,arms,hips,and so on.

And he imitated it.

As a result,he got completely same movement to his role model player's moving and finally succeeded in hitting homerun.



Now,he works as a comedian.His job needs the speaking skill to attract people.

In order to get the skill,what he did was that first of all,recorde both his talk and his role model's talk,after that analize the difference and common point.

How long I should put empty time before say important thing,

How volume I should make during talking,

Whatever he needed.

And he imitated it...

At the end of the day,there is no day I dont see him on the TV.

Everyone is laughed by his talking,he got a lot of attention from so many people as a person who is an essential existence.

He has made it as a comedian,why?,cause he was genius about imitation...   

The key to become genious about imitation is to know yourself

