


In a week, this custom will have been for two months.
He writes five passages in English in one day on average because the total number of his works will be 300.
His habit in the community center is to improve his English composition, but whether numerous participants read these passages or not never fails to make a vital difference because everyone has a desire for approval.

In his workplace, Juku, his usual job is to teach how to understand what English sentences express to several high school senior students, but his ability to capture the author’s opinion, his or her suggestion, has improved.
His recent training in English has made positive contributions to his improvement described above.
English has the grammatical system that something vital is explained in detail by something supplemental, where the former is followed by the latter, an expert says.
We have only to enjoy the relationship between someone important is accompanied by something supplemental.

He doesn’t have to suffer from English composition supplied by the challenging university because his usual sentences in Japanese seem even difficult to translate into English, which requires him to make tremendous efforts in order to complete his translation, he assumes.
It takes him about an hour to do such a task.
He has something secret, where he has several kinds of  vocabularies to express the same phrases, and this ability prevents him from using the same words over and over again, and makes his expression non-monotonic.

She couldn’t come up with his opinion.
His opinion was absent from her head,
She forgot his suggestion.
His suggestion ran away somewhere.
These changes might require us to have a superior command of Japanese language, which enables us to compose a simple structure of English sentence, he says.
