


We have never seen such an eccentric author as he.
He was awarded with something famous and honorable.
A certain TV reporter asked him what he was doing when he was awarded, his answer was an explosive utterance.
He was about to visit somewhere sexual, which nobody announces openly to the public on TV interviews.
This entertaining expressions of his suddenly captured numerous MXTV supporters’ mind over Japan.
Without any persuasive reasons, we remember him.

This incident happened about a decade ago, “Yuki Kashiwagi,” whom the writer cheered up, hadn’t come of age yet, and the awarded work of his was featured in the film business, where “Atsuko Maeda” was an actress.
That novel was an autobiography of his own, and we wanted to see the movie, but such a film wasn’t on air in our neighborhood, to our regret, an online article says.
His disastrous and catastrophic character attracted our mind, but none of us could imitate his lifestyle.

His father had been arrested due to his sexual crime, which forced him to move to various neighborhoods.
At the same time, he didn’t enroll a high school, which makes us to find him on the bottom of our society.
He must have felt something downhearted without any persuasive reasons, which enabled him to write such a masterpiece as “The Drudgery Train” in 2011.
His tombstone in Noto was destructed due to the huge and destructive earthquake about seven months ago, which isn’t going to be repaired, an online article says.

He was asked on TV interview the reason why he had no intention to become married, and he answered as usual, and he said that a wife was to be ugly as she gets older.
He died of a heatstroke in the taxi, when he was only 54.
His custom to write sentences didn’t use the modern technology like a personal computer, but his handwriting was the only weapon to release his explosive novel.
