


An animation could reproduce a comic book faithfully.

Cold War between America and Russia ended in 1989.
A comic artist, however, features such an event and continues to draw a comic “Spy Family,” whose anime program we could enjoy with streaming services.
Its contents seem to be comical at a glance, but what the artist wants to express might be a critical situation between a western nation and an eastern counterpart.
The main character is a western agent, who is selected to prevent a small evil event from developing into a heated civil war by his intelligence agency.

One day, a car with an important congressman of the western nation was involved in a terrible traffic accident on the highway, where he was killed after all.
This assassination incident was recognized as a hostile murder case the eastern nation caused, and the western nation considered this accident as a symptom of “Hot War” instead of “Cold War.”
As a result, one of the smart agents started to conduct espionage activities against the eastern nation.

The first mission he received from his handlers was to make a fake family, which made him visit an orphanage to find a child, who was an esper with a special faculty.
She could read others’ emotions or feelings soon.
He could find a fake wife immediately, and they agreed with the contract that they should lead a fake marriage life, but she was an extremely capable assassin in the eastern nation actually.

Considering this, we tend to guess that this story should be a serious mystery, however, its content seems to be a comical one, where his fake daughter makes readers like me enjoy ourselves or entertained from the bottom of our heart, we agree.
It is because her way of speaking or thinking should be far away from ordinary citizens in our daily life, but her father’s jobs should be something crucial, which is sent from his handlers with numerous grave experiences.

He narrowly succeeded in preventing various accidents from developing into a catastrophe in advance, where his wife and daughter could make positive contributions to his dangerous operations in their comical way.
The current Russian President might not have invaded Ukraine with a smart and clever agent like him nearby.

An espionage activity makes it in the diplomatic field.
