


We might apologize to a certain veteran pitcher aged 36, although we wouldn’t criticize the brains’ strategy, our favorite team Hiroshima cannot afford to compete with an opponent superior pitcher with our capable regular counterpart, in short, the brains didn’t have any ideas to capture something victorious in the night match, though such a result should be unexpected advantage when the veteran pitcher demonstrated his superior performances.
We frequently heard that the previous wise brains of the baseball team functioned well to gain numerous wins because they deliberately created several lost games during the season, not many, an online article says.
We could easily understand that several starting pitchers and only a few relievers need off days enough to refresh themselves, which might prevent the team from winning.

An athletic professional organization wouldn’t have any matches where entitled participants work poorly without any pains and efforts, so that a hitter should compete with a capable opponent pitcher enthusiastically.
It is natural that even a batter with something technical cannot produce something satisfactory when a capable pitcher should demonstrate his superior performances.
Our favorite team could make a seesaw match when the brains appoint a capable pitcher as a starting one, where Hiroshima has accumulated numerous wins so far.
When an opponent pitcher is a superior one, we should compete with our capable counterpart, which wouldn’t have positive influences in the strategic viewpoint, though the opponent team must reluctantly fight with us.

Our favorite team unwillingly compete with several too capable pitchers once in a while, and one of the starting pitchers avoids throwing according to brains’ command.
Almost all the teams appoint the capable starting pitcher on Tuesday and Friday, when these two days cannot necessarily provide us with something victorious, in other words, the possibility of winning seems uncertain, as a result, we want the possibility of winning to be higher and higher on the rest four days, which might be far from the baseball theories, but our favorite team has been in the leading position, the first match of the continuous three games should be likely to be the lost one, to our regret.
