


In recent days, there have been numerous reports about malicious investment frauds on the Internet news, where smart intelligent criminals have deceived innocent victims in various kinds of clever and cunning way.
A fraud criminal seems smart and clever, we know, but he or she should have employed a capable brain in the constructive viewpoint.
Lost 30 years’ depression must be responsible for this critical situation in our society these days.

In 1985, Japan had numerous grave accidents, when a large airplane crashed into the deserted mountain, a chairman of investment fraud company was killed in front of several press staffs, the situation of a strong yen and a weak dollar was forcefully imposed on Japan at the Plaza Hotel and so on, we remember.

There wasn’t genuine gold nuggets in the chairman’s office at all, actually, but many employees invited many senior citizens to purchase “Gold.”
However, what they received was only “Gold Family Policy,” which was called “Paper Commercial Law.”
They were completely deceived by vicious salesmen, who said that they would keep their precious “Genuine Gold” in the company’s safes, which was a complete lie.

A tremendous number of senior citizens had become victims of this company, which deprived innocent people of over 20 million yen with the investment fraud.
This incident occurred at my friend’s in the evening in June, the scene of which I clearly remember.
In front of the window of his room, many press staffs stayed, but suddenly an assassin came into his room from the window with a light weapon in his hand.

Almost all viewers have forgot this terrible fraud because it happened about four decades ago, but it is extremely similar to several current fraud cases.
In the sport business world, we have heard that a few professional player become a sexual criminal by being deceived  : one of Samurai Blues was brought into a critical situation, we can call this a catastrophe to him.

The number of foreigner thieves hasn’t been small.
