



以下、“TIME”最新記事のThe Brief Openerから引用しつつ、重要なキーワードを拾っていきます。







TRUMP’S CAMPAIGN HOPES the President’s evangelical and Jewish supporters, unnerved by his handling of COVID-19 and the subsequent economic crisis, are watching too. “It reinforces to social conservatives why they took the risk on Donald Trump and why that risk ultimately paid off.” says a senior Trump campaign adviser and confidant, speaking anonymously to discuss campaign strategy. It also reinforces to conservative Jewish voters that they “have a strong supporter in the White House,” he says.

evangelical 福音の、福音主義の

Jewish ユダヤの、ユダヤ人の

unnerve の気力を失わせる、びくびくさせる

subsequent 後の

reinforce をより強固にする

ultimately 最終的に、結局

confidant 腹心、相談相手

anonymously 匿名で

strategy 戦略

conservative 保守的な

Some evangelical fear the pandemic is a sign that “things had gone awry spiritually” for the Administration, says Mark Tooley, editor of the foreign-policy-focused Christian journal Providence. A July Pew Research poll showed white evangelical support for Trump has fallen, though 8 in 10 say they’d still vote for him. This diplomatic breakthrough might convince “some who were tottering on the edge” that “God’s blessing remains,” Tooley says.

awry 曲がった、歪んだ

spiritually 精神的に、宗教的に

Administration 行政、管理

Providence 摂理、神意

vote for に投票する

breakthrough 画期的な出来事

convince を納得させる

tottering よろめく、ゆらぐ

on the edge ぎりぎりのところで

God’s blessing 神の祝福

The deal also cements trump’s hold on at least part of the Jewish vote, says a major Jewish donor who spoke on condition of anonymity. Most Jewish voters traditionally vote Democratic, as opposed to the conservative Jews who make up Trump’s base, he says, but having one fewer Arab country as Israel’s enemy is “a real feather in his cap with the Jewish voters.”

hold on 持ちこたえる

anonymity 匿名

traditionally 伝統的に

conservative 保守的な

base 起訴、根拠

Democratic strategist Joel Rubin agrees it will be welcomed by many - if it delivers peace in the region. “We re happy that Israel is getting a win, but if it means less prospects for peace with Palestinians and more opportunities for confrontation with Iran, we’re not happy,” says Rubin. “We want it to be the pedestal to more peace, not the gateway to more conflict.”

strategist 戦略家

prospects 見込み

confrontation 対面、対決

pedestal 台座

gateway 出入口

Trump is bullish that he may yet get one more elusive win out of the deal. Administration officials are confident that Iran, seeing its adversaries coalesce, can be backed into a corner on negotiating its nuclear program. On Aug.17 the President punctuated that point in a Wisconsin campaign speech: “If we win, and when we win, we’re going to have a deal with Iran immediately.”

bullish 楽観的な、上向きの

elusive 理解しにくい、達成困難な、捕えにくい

out of the deal 管轄外の

coalesce 合体する、癒着する

punctuated を何度も中断する

have a deal with と取引する







