
10th of April

In Japan, in my view, it's challenging to foster pop culture. Recently, I came across a news article discussing an American musician's eco-friendly approach to releasing her next song on vinyl, which caught my attention. The article highlighted the surge in vinyl sales in the UK last year, despite the prevalence of digital music platforms. While digital remains the primary mode of music consumption, vinyl is seen as a hip alternative by musicians and enthusiasts alike. Consequently, some artists opt to release their music on vinyl. The article suggested that in the UK, the vinyl culture has seamlessly integrated into their music scene. Conversely, in Japan, vinyl sales are relatively low, and local artists seldom release their music on vinyl. Instead, the Japanese music market still favors CDs, mainly due to higher profitability. I've long believed this approach reflects a lack of creativity and innovation on the part of creators and record companies. Moreover, with fewer households owning CD players, how people can access music?
