

こんにちは、Choimirai Schoolのサンミンです。

0  はじめに


注意欠陥・多動性障害(ADHD)とは発達障害の一種の病気です。 特徴的な症状として、年齢に見合わない「不注意さ」、好きなこと以外に対する集中力がなくほとんど関心や興味を示さない「多動性」、思いついたことをよく考えずに即座に行動に移してしまう「衝動性」が見られます。





1  ChatGPTを使うメリット

I have been reading in this subreddit and at the internet at large about how Al will lead to mass unemployment. However in my case it has made me a much better student in Computer Science helping me get top of the class in my data structures exam. And I was regarded as the slow one in my program.


For me Google, Youtube, textbooks were hard. It would be so easy for me to get hung up on a difficult concept or get distracted by all the ads and notifications Google sends. What ChatGPT has given me was the ability to learn the best way I can, by having a conversation and doing.


I know it sounds weird, but my brain works like the dog from the movie, "Up". I find it easier to learn with ChatGPT because I can treat it like my personal tutor. It allows me to ask for clarification and get a deeper understanding of concepts. I am also able to read and do homework more efficiently by using ChatGPT to help me understand dense textbook material.


2  ChatGPTをクラスで活用した事例


I can give an example. The way I study now is I have two screens: one with my C++ IDE (or math textbook) and another with ChatGPT and my textbook and homework.


The first thing I do is I copy and paste my homework question into ChatGPT and ask it to simplify the question "what is the professor trying to get me to do?" Or "What concepts am I being asked to apply?" Or just "explain me the question like I'm in the fourth grade".

まず最初にすることは、宿題の問題をChatGPTにコピー&ペーストして、"教授は私に何をさせようとしているのか?"という疑問を単純化するように依頼します。あるいは、"どのような概念を適用するよう求められているのか?" あるいは、「私が小学4年生であるかのように、問題を解説してください」とも。

I NEVER ask it to code for me! It just does not help learning.


Once I know what I should be focusing on open the textbook to the chapters needed where the concepts being taught are.


I first copy and paste a paragraph into chatGPT and ask it to simplify it or summarize it. That way I already know what it is talking about before I begin to read. Then read it myself to "fill in the blank". Sometimes l go back to ChatGPT and ask it about a specific word that didn't make sense, or paste an example code and ask it "so why did the book do this?"


And then I just go back and forth with it while I code "why didn't this work" or "is their a way to make this code less complex" "what does this error mean".


3 まとめ

実際、Anthropic AI社の研究によりますと対話形式AIを活用することで学習効果は32%も向上するようです。ADHDに関係なくChatGPTのようなAIを学習に導入するメリットは大きいです。

