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0  はじめに

いくつかの事例を挙げながらPrompt Engineeringに関する話を複数のnoteにわけて紹介する予定です。ご興味のある方は他のnoteも合わせて参考にしてください。


1  利用するモデル


2  復習するオンライン講義


■The Science of Well-Being

■Learning How to Learn

3  The Science of Well-Beingの復習

AIとThe Science of Well-Beingで学んだ内容を復習する様子は下記のスレッドを参考にしてください。


Human: Do you know the science of well being from Yale university?
AI: Yes, I do.
Human: Who is teaching the course?
AI: The course is taught by Professor Laurie Santos.
Human: What are some key takeaways from the lecture?
AI: Some key takeaways from the lecture include the importance of managing one's thoughts and emotions, investing time in things that make us happy, and staying physically active.
Human: What did professor Santos say about managing one's emotions?
AI: Professor Santos said that it is important to be aware of our emotions and manage them in a healthy way.
Human: Did she give some examples of how we could manage them in a healthy way?
AI: Yes, she did. Some examples include talking to a friend about how we're feeling, journaling, and practicing meditation.



Human: I remember she also mentioned research about talking to people in a public space such as train riding. Would you please help me refresh my memory?
AI: Yes, I can. Professor Santos mentioned research that suggests talking to people in a public space, such as on a train, can help improve our mood and reduce stress levels.
Human: But, most people don't talk to strangers. Why is that?
AI: There can be many reasons why people don't talk to strangers. Some people may feel shy or uncomfortable, while others may not want to intrude on someone else's personal space.


Human: Can you test me with multiple choice questions for the topics covered in the lecture?
1. How can people increase their happiness?
a. By practicing gratitude
b. By winning
C. By comparing themselves to others

2. What is "a calling"?
a. A term used to describe a career that is personally meaningful and fulfilling
b. A way to measure happiness
c. A method of managing emotions

3. What is personal space?
a. The space around us that we consider to be our own
b. The space between us and others
C. The amount of space we need to feel comfortable

4  Learning How to Learnの復習

The Science of Well-Beingと同様、まずはどんなトピックについて話すかを人工知能と共有するのが重要です。

そのあとは、Key Takeawaysを引き出してどんな内容を学んだのかを思い出す。

Human: What are some key takeaways from the course?
AI: Some key takeaways from "Learning How to Learn" include learning how to effectively manage your time, how to break down complex tasks into smaller and more manageable pieces, and how to create an effective learning environment for yourself.


Human: Professor Barbara used a term to describe those smaller and more manageable pieces. What was the term she used?
AI: The term Dr. Barbara used was "chunking."


Human: It seems to me the diffuse mode is counterintuitive. If we want to remember what we learned, we should deliberately utilize the focused mode instead. What is the role of the diffuse mode in the context of learning?
AI: The diffuse mode is important for learning because it allows our minds to process information in a more relaxed state. This can be helpful in solidifying information that we have learned in the focused mode and allowing us to see the big picture.


Human: Let's say l have one hour to study. How much time should I allocate to the focused and diffuse mode?
AI: The amount of time you should spend in the focused and diffuse mode depends on the task at hand. If you are trying to learn a new skill, you may want to spend more time in the focused mode so that you can practice and master the skill. If you are trying to review information for an upcoming test, you may want to spend more time in the diffuse mode so that you can passively absorb the information.

5  まとめ


①講義内容を思い起こす(Active Recall)




