
Deriving Objectives by Working Backwards from the Conclusion

 Imagine a friend suddenly embarks on a diet. Initially, the reason might elude you, but upon discovering her dream of confidently donning a swimsuit at the beach this summer, their actions become clear. In this way, when someone’s behavior is puzzling, working backwards from the visible end result can illuminate their motivations and background.
This principle applies equally to workplace projects. If your boss imposes a stringent deadline, the urgency might be baffling. However, understanding that the ultimate goal is to prepare for securing a major client contract makes the tight schedule comprehensible. Of course, the boss’s failure to communicate this to the team is a significant issue that needs addressing.
Humans are not always rational and can act unpredictably in ways that are hard for others to fathom. For instance, if a colleague who has been performing well suddenly decides to resign one morning, and their reason seems vague and unsatisfactory, they might have been seeking an escape from their daily routine. Such actions may seem incomprehensible to those around them, but they are part of the human condition.
When embarking on something new, clearly defining the desired outcome, target values, or destination can smooth the start. For example, when starting a new business, setting a final goal like “annual sales of 100 million yen” helps identify the necessary resources and actions to reach that goal. It becomes easier to plan specifics like what products to offer, which market to target, and what marketing strategies to employ. Breaking down the desired outcome step-by-step allows you to predict the necessary items, actions, and people.
The same principle applies to writing a novel. By deciding on the final ending first, you can see what developments are needed to reach that conclusion. The actions of the characters and the progression of the story naturally follow, making it easier to craft an engaging narrative for readers.
Working backwards from the conclusion to derive objectives is an effective way to understand others’ actions and achieve your own goals. By clearly defining the final goal, you can see the necessary steps to reach it, allowing you to act more effectively and efficiently.

Greetings, I am Kuzei Ryosei, a novelist who delves into a diverse array of genres, spanning from the historical to the contemporary. My aim is to enchant readers with tales that breathe life into history and explore the intricate issues of modern society. I warmly invite you to reach out to me.
