
People have a habit of being attracted to people who are interested in them

Hello everyone.

Sai&Co.WAKU Chare Lab's Sai&Co. It is.

Well, today I'm going to talk about "people have a habit of being attracted to people who are interested in them".

But before that, please.

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Then let's get to the point.

Well, everyone.

Have you all felt it at least once in your daily life?

People are "somethings you are attracted to people who are interested in you".

Is this Japanese correct?

It means showing interest to the person who shows interest in you.

Do you understand?

Well, please think carefully about the events that happen in your daily life.

Don't you have a good idea?

Because first of all, you don't want to know about people you're not interested in, do you?

Because you're not interested in us, it's hard to even recognize that person yourself, right?

So, isn't it more likely to pass?

Well, give up a hundred steps, if you do something far-fetched, you may be interested for a moment, such as having a messy appearance, but after a while, you've already forgotten about that person, right?

That's right, people are originally made to be easy to forget, the mechanism of the brain.

Otherwise, you will have to leave a lot of memories forever, so if you do that, your brain will surely become full, your spirit will collapse, and your self will collapse, right?

Painful events that happened in the past will remain forever, and by the way, there is another interesting mechanism in the human brain, and the brain also has the function of beautifying painful events in the past over time.

Otherwise, if painful memories remain painful, it will be hard to live.

Well, it's like a kind of defensive reaction.

So, most of the painful memories that happened in the past are rewritten in a way that is convenient for me, saying, "I am who I am now because of that painful experience."

Except for traumatic events.

Well, let's go back to the previous story.

Among the functions of the brain, the function I told you at the beginning, the brain is made to be easy to forget.

This also has interesting research results, and if you google the details, it will come out immediately, but there is a famous research on the forgetting curve.

To put it bluntly, there are people who have researched how long it takes for people to forget what happened.

Seeing the results, this is also surprising.

What a surprise, it seems that we have forgotten 40% of things 20 minutes after remembering a certain event.

After a day, I forget about 70% of things.

At such a pace, ordinary people forget about it.

By the way, there is a saying that "people's rumors are 75 days", right?

This is not even a manzara, is it?

In other words, after two and a half months, everyone will no longer talk about the wide show-like news of celebrities, and there is no place to cover it on TV, right?

In other words, everyone loses interest and forgets.

The fact that happened remains the same, but from the world's point of view, it means that it will almost disappear from memory in two and a half months.

That means, if you manage to endure it for two and a half months, most people will stop talking about it and don't care.

If you say, "Oh, that happened," and it's already a thing of the past.

So, probably only the person in question is concerned.

I'll go a little more, but if you know this logic, for example, when you challenge something, you may temporarily fail and be embarrassed, but if you endure it for two and a half months at most, everyone's head is already a failure. I don't say that the fact is clean and refreshing, but it means that there is almost nothing left.

The same can be said for almost everyone's actions, not just in challenging situations.

If you think like this, isn't it easier to challenge something new?

Even if something embarrassing happens, can't you stop worrying to the point of worrying so much?

It was an aside.

Now, let's get back to the main topic.

Therefore, people have the nature of not being interested in others unless they are unilaterally interested.

So, when people are interested, I can't help but get emotional and I'm also interested.

The more you are interested, the more time you contact with each other.

Then, they want to know various things about each other.

That's how human relationships are created.

That means that if you want to build relationships with people, it will be quite effective to get interested in yourself.

Of course, you can fail.

But if you decide to develop relationships with others, you won't get any results unless you hit a few, right?

Well, then, this logic, the rest is just how you practice it in your own real life.

I think you can use it when you want to make friends, when you want to make a lover, when you want to gain the trust of your boss, when you want to deepen your relationship with colleagues and colleagues, but there is only one point, it is strictly forbidden to abuse it.

This is absolutely not good.

I'll give you one last piece of advice.

So how was it?

Today's story.

In this way, I use psychology, brain science, personality analysis, etc. to make a blog in an easy-to-understand way about how to build a good relationship every day.

So if you are interested in today's blog, please take a look at this other blog as well.

You can read everything in about 5 minutes.

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We will also post stories that we couldn't finish writing, so we are waiting for your registration.

Finally, if you like today's story, please introduce it to your friends.

See you then✌️
