
How to maximize your potential, which you should do in your suddenly free time.

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.WAKU Chare Lab's Sai&Co. It is.

Today, I will talk about "How to maximize your potential that you should do in your suddenly free time."

First of all, if you say "It was good" about this story today, please share it😁

That's the main topic.

Well, everyone.

First of all, I would like to ask everyone.

Have you ever had this experience?

The plan I was making was suddenly canceled and I had some free time.

What would you all do at a time like this?

Contact your friends and have a little tea, go to pachinko to kill time, or take a nap...

Well, everyone will be different from what they do, but in fact, by making effective use of this sudden free time, you can maximize your potential better.

So, first of all, let's think about the situation we are in now.

What do you think?

Isn't it getting quite easy to get tired?

Why on earth is this?

It is said that modern people live in a high-stress society.

Why is this? ...

I'll tell you the answer.

That's because there's a lot of information that jumps into me.

Especially in the city, this information is going left and right.

In order to interpret this, you must first understand from the mechanism of catching our information.

What we usually use as a mechanism to catch information is the so-called five senses.

We use these five senses to incorporate various information into ourselves, from the surrounding environment where we are placed.

Please take a look around where you are now.

What do you think?

Can't you input through various landscapes?

Don't various sounds input through your ears?

Like this, through various smells, touch, and taste, we catch countless information from the surrounding environment.

Well, have you somehow come up with an image?

That's right, we always live 24 hours a day in this countless transmitted environment.

If that's the case, don't you think you'll get quite tired even if you don't move your body or work your head?

However, not all of them are taken into themselves as information, of course, but there are organs that divide the information into what is necessary and what is not.

That's the brain.

The brain says, "This is necessary information, this is ... well, I don't need it now!" That's why he's doing well.

The introduction has been a long time, but as it is in today's theme, the way to maximize your potential that you should suddenly do in your free time is ...

It's to be dazed.

What is it like?

Did you lose your time?

"What's that!" I think I can hear a voice, but actually this is a very important thing.

It's really important, so I'll say it again.

Please be dazed.

Because we live in such a countless information society, the brain is always full activity.

Although the brain's potential itself is still more than 90% undeveloped, it still actually makes your head and body tired.

That means this is a signal that you definitely have to rest.

So you should definitely be dazed in the sense of having that rest time.

At that time, smartphones are also sealed, reading is also sealed, and of course TV, radio, and chatting are also prohibited.

I'm just dazed.

That's why I refresh my head.

If you can refresh your head, you can start working efficiently again.

Well, how was it? Today's story.

Now that I'm tired without knowing it, why don't you make this dazed time once?

So if you say "It was good" to this story today, please introduce it to your friends.

See you later✌️
