
No matter what you say to someone who doesn't care about the other person, it only sounds like an excuse.

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.WAKU Chare Lab's Sai&Co. It is.

Well, today I'm going to talk about "No matter what you say to those who don't care about the other person, it only sounds like an excuse."

But before that, please.

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Then it's the main topic.

Well, everyone.

Isn't there anyone around you, such a person?

That's because people who only push through their own principles and don't even feel like taking care of the other person at all.

Well, it may be a little too much to say at all, but people who push about 70% to 80%.

If you hit this percentage, it's not an exaggeration to say that you can't be worried at all anymore, right?

Because, if you see 70% and 80% of the other person's unpleasant points, everything will be pulled to the bad side of that person's impression, so it will be certified that all of that person is a bad person, and it's better to eliminate it for me.

Most people though.

Because of the nature of people, it can't be helped.

The criteria for judging whether people are good or bad is designed to be "certified as a good person" when there is more than half of the parts that are better than bad places and comfortable for you.

So, first of all, if you want to be liked by people, it's the first step to plant more than half of this good impression on the other person.

Yes, so it was a little useful information.

Now, let's get back to the main topic.

First of all, I will think about people who can't care about the other person.

What kind of person is a person who can't care about the other person, of course, is a person who can't think about the other person, can't be attentive, can't worry, or is close to a state where he can't.

That means you can't care about the other person, then, "Who are you worried about?" That's what I'm talking about.

Who do you think it is?

If it's not someone else, who do you think is the rest?

There's only one person left, right?

Even so, there are a lot of people who don't notice it.

It's a rather blind spot, but the answer is "myself".

Yes, in other words, almost all people who can't care about others care about themselves, so they can't afford to care about others.

By the way, there are people who are the exact opposite.

People who care about others, not themselves.

This is, at first glance, it seems like the extreme of the hospitality industry, but if you shake it too far, it will be difficult.

It's so-called self-sacrifice.

This is it, rather than your own life, it has a stronger meaning of living someone else's life, so if you have such a temperament, you may want to reconsider a little.

I think that if you increase the rate of care for yourself a little more, you can still live a happy life.

Well, you know that people who don't care about others are the best, don't you?

Then, what kind of impression do many people have when they say that the best people only care about themselves?

After all, what's a lot is self-intention?

You only think about your own interests, you only say your own convenience, "Do you think that the world is moving around you?" Or something like that?

Then, when you explain something to such a person, it can be a matter of work, a private matter, a matter of school, or anything, the location.

When I had to explain something, I explained to that person what I thought seriously, what happened, and that I really believed that I couldn't keep my promise because of it.

But that person is a person who doesn't care about the other person.

Well, how will it come out?

I'm sure it will come like this.

I can't care about the other person, so I will refute the explanation with my own principle.

As the other person's justice is your own injustice, almost all of the explanations conveyed by the other person sound like an excuse from that person's eye.

That's why people who don't care about the other person are people with a pretty troublesome temperament.

The root of everything is that you don't care about the other person.

A person who is considerate of the other person is a person who can think about things from the other person's point of view, so the explanation that the other person says will be heard as a proper explanation.

So, if there are people around you who can't care about the other person, I think it's better to have contact with such a person as much as possible in the future.

After reading today's blog, "Maybe I won't be able to do it?" If you get caught even a little, I recommend that you correct that temperament little by little as soon as possible.

It's too late to be drawn around.

Well, how was it, today's story?

I also use psychology, brain science, personality analysis, etc. to make a blog about how to do it well with people around me like this in an easy-to-understand way.

So, if you are interested in today's blog, please bring your finger to this other blog once.

Everything can be read in about 5 minutes.

We accept questions, impressions, and consultations from the official LINE.

I will also post stories that I couldn't write, so I'm waiting for your registration.

Finally, if you say that today's story was good, please introduce it to your friends.

See you later✌️
