
If you make a mistake, your anger will be halved if you apologize before the other person notices.

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.WAKU Chare Lab's Sai&Co. It is.

Well, today, I will talk about "When you make a mistake, if you apologize before the other person notices, your anger will be halved."

But before that, please.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If so, please share it with your friends😁

Then it's the main topic.

Well, everyone.

Today, I will briefly talk about how to deal with troubles and complaints.

What would you do if it were you all?

If you get complaints from a customer, a friend, or someone you know, will you apologize right away?

Or do you want to wait and see for a moment?

Or do you want to face it?

Actually, if anything, it's more likely to gain later if you apologize right away.

Moreover, there is a more effective way to apologize.

That's also the main theme of today. It's a way to "apologize before the other person notices."

Of course, this method also has a big impact on whether you are aware that you are wrong or not.

If you don't notice, there's no need to apologize in the first place.

But you're here a lot, aren't you?

People who apologize for the time being, such as "I'm sorry" or "I'm sorry" even though they didn't do anything.

That person doesn't do anything wrong, even though he didn't make any mistakes, he must be already ingrained, he's apologizing.

It's a bit of a sideline, but it's definitely better to stop this person who has a habit of saying apologizing first.

Of course, there is no problem if you have an intention to say it, but if you have no thought and are out of the unconscious, you will be happier in life if you almost quit.

That's because I'll explain it casually this time, but the topic is different.

If you unconsciously apologize immediately, you will enter into self-denial, so you will make a self-suggestion of "I'm a bad person".

Then, no matter what you do, you will have a mind that you can't do it, so it tends to be a thought that can only be highlighted by no good or unhappiness.

Then, you can only walk an unhappy life, so it's a mindset that I don't recommend for those who don't want to be like that.

Well, I'm finally going back here, but it's about the way to apologize before the other person notices.

Why should I do that? So, do you think it will be considered for the most part?

After all, it's before the other party notices, so from the other person's point of view, "Huh?" It's like that.

In other words, you will be apologized as if you were caught off guard, so surprise comes before you get angry.

The other party is also apologizing, and now, under the sudden turn, you can't get angry because of the barometer of anger, right?

It's like, "Oh, be careful," at least even if you're told.

For the most part, if you think about the principle of getting angry, you will understand well.

When we get angry, it's not like we get angry all of a sudden because of something.

Once you think about it.

If there is an event that you don't like, or if there is an event that doesn't make sense.

And then I think about it, "Eh? This is strange, isn't it?" It's like that.

Then, more and more this time, I start to think about strange reasons, and eventually my thoughts turn the sense of discomfort into anger, and the anger swells up, and in the end I jump out to the person in front of me.

In other words, there is a time lag in anger, and it's just making yourself angry.

Because anger is also said to be a secondary emotion.

That's why before that, there is a primary emotion.

So, this method I introduced today is a way to approach before reaching the secondary emotion and calm it down before it exceeds the boiling point.

However, I will repeat the difficult points again, but it is necessary to notice it before the other person.

In other words, if you don't have the power to pay attention to, observe, and notice trivial things, it may be quite a difficult trick.

So how was it?

Today's story.

Every day like this, I blog about how to deal with complaints in an easy-to-understand manner using psychology, brain science, and personality analysis.

So, if you are interested in today's blog, please bring your finger to this other blog once.

Everything can be read in about 5 minutes.

We accept questions, impressions, and consultations from the official LINE.

I will also post stories that I couldn't write, so I'm waiting for your registration.

Finally, if you say that today's story was good, please introduce it to your friends.

See you later✌️
