
Organizations that don't get paid at least have no development.


I will talk about "organizations that do not raise salaries at least have no progress or development."

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Now the main subject.

Today's theme is

At first glance, I think it's natural, but

About the mechanism

I will explain psychologically "Why is that happening?"

If you have similar problems,

Please refer to this idea and utilize it for your own organization.

First of all

Think about what an organization is made up of.

That's right. The main component of an organization is people.

In other words, it depends on how people's psychology moves.

It determines whether the tissue leans up or down.

So, first of all, think from the psychology of the person who wants the salary to go up.

Of course, those who think this way

If your salary doesn't go up, you'll quit.

In other words, whether the person's ability is high or low, he or she will leave the organization.

After all it is a minus from the organization.

Since it rarely grows in a negative state,

As a result, no progress or development can be expected.

Next, unravel the psychology of those who think, "Even if the salary does not rise, it should not fall."

What do these people think?

It ’s okay if it does n’t go down.

It would be nice if we could maintain the status quo.

in short,

If it is okay to maintain the status quo

I don't have to leave

The chances of staying will increase.

As a result

When the number of such people increases

Because that organization will become an organization that prefers to maintain the status quo

You can't hope for progress or development unless you need it.

If the times change, the speed of retreat will increase at once.

How was it? This story.

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