
"They don't give me a fair evaluation, what should I do?" That's a story!!️

Hello everyone.
This is Sai & Co. from Sai & Co. WAKU Challenge Lab.
Today, I'm going to answer the question, "They don't give me a fair evaluation, what should I do?"
But before that, I have a request.
If you thought today's answer was good, please share it with your friends 😁
Now, I'll answer your question.
First, let's talk about fair evaluations, but let's think about it the other way around.
What is an unfair evaluation? That's the question.
An unfair evaluation is an evaluation that varies from person to person, right?
In other words, the person asking the question must have felt that they could have done better, but when they heard the evaluation of others, or when they saw their report card, bonus evaluation, or other evaluation sheet, it was lower than they expected, right?
On the other hand, why did people who received good evaluations get such high evaluations at the time? Just by observing them, you can probably see some things that make you think, "That person got a good evaluation this time because of that," such as good test scores, meeting deadlines for submissions, following and executing what the evaluator said, or simply having high sales.

If you can't figure it out by observing them, you can ask them directly, ask them again, or ask someone else to tell you.

In this way, try to find out what triggered the good evaluation.

If you do that, you will know the points to raise your evaluation, and if you challenge yourself thoroughly by the next evaluation date, this worry will disappear immediately.

That's my answer, but I'm aware that it's a little off as an answer to today's worry.

That's because, even if you tell someone who can't give a fair evaluation, "Evaluate fairly!", it's not something they can do in the first place.

To put it in perspective, it's like telling someone who can't swim, "Swim!" Well, it's not that they can't do it at all, but it takes a lot of time to be able to do it.​
First of all, you have to start by making them aware of it.

So, rather than expecting the other person to change, which is such an overwhelming task, and requires time, effort, and in some cases money, it's faster to change yourself, right? ​
Because changing yourself is much easier than changing others, and all you have to do is raise your hand and declare, "I'm going to change now!"

Well, even if you don't raise your hand, if you make a decision within yourself, you can change from there. ​

It's that simple. ​
However, even if it's easy to change, you still need some technique to keep it up.

I've mentioned many techniques in my previous blogs, so please refer to those this time. Let me take a moment to cut you some corners.

But, even so, there are probably some of you who still think, "I can't do it," "I can't change myself," or "Why do I have to change myself?"

For those of you, I'll tell you the ultimate secret.

There are two ways to do it.

The first is to leave the community you belong to.
​ The other way is to work your way up to a higher position than the evaluator. ​
The former is easy, right?

Because in a company, you can just say, "I'm quitting because they don't give me a fair evaluation."

The latter takes a bit of time.

After all, it requires effort, determination, and sometimes politics.

So, I've only introduced the ultimate secret technique in a hurry, but what did you think of today's answer?

This time, I've answered the problem of "They don't give me a fair evaluation, what should I do?", but in the end, what I wanted to say is that there are many ways to solve that problem. ​

If you worry alone, you will live in the dark without finding an answer, but there is not just one answer, but many, so why not rely on others sometimes? That's what I'm saying. ​
If you do that, you may be given ideas that you would never have thought of yourself.

Rather than worrying and worrying and going to that community every day with a bad feeling, why not try changing your behavior once and challenge yourself?
So, about once every three days, I've decided to pick up and answer the worries of everyone that are overflowing online.
I wonder if this way will make it easier to apply the answers to your real life? Or so I think.
So, if you're interested in today's answers to your worries, please take a look at my other blogs.
The whole thing can be read in about five minutes.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us through our official LINE.
We'll also post stories that we couldn't fit into the story there, so please add us to your friends.

Finally, if you enjoyed today's story, please share it with your friends.
Until next time✌️
