
A tragic end that comes when you talk endlessly about an uninteresting story.

hello everyone.

Sai & Co. This is Sai & Co. from WAKU Challenge Lab.

Well, today I will explain about "The tragic end that comes when you talk endlessly about uninteresting stories".

If you enjoyed today's story, please share it with us😁

Now let's get down to business.

Well, everyone, aren't you around?

A person who talks endlessly about uninteresting stories.

I'm already tired of it, and I'm no longer interested and giving empty replies, but I don't notice it at all.

Still, the person who talks persistently.

I guess I'm so obsessed with myself that I can't see the other person at all.

I'm happy to be able to speak, and there are people who are listening.

​Then what will happen to such a person in the end?​

Even if you give up a hundred steps, you won't be able to touch the same topic again, and you won't enjoy yourself.

In other words, do you feel like you've lost your place?

But I'm sorry, but there are also things that are self-employed.

I was talking to myself without noticing his disinterested attitude.

So let's be careful and talk about it next time.

Even if you are good at talking about something, ask the other person's complexion and proceed with the conversation.

Just as there are topics that you want people to hear about, there are topics that you want to talk about with your partner.

Whether or not you can understand that point properly, whether or not you can talk about exactly half and half, and whether or not you will be disliked around here will change.

So, how did you like this story today?

If you think "it was good", please introduce it to your friends😁

See you soon ✌️
