
I saw the two little birds

I got off the rickshaw. and walked a little to the bus station.
I carried a backpack and pulling rattle a small stupid trolley case.
and I was complaining "F! I don't like that, F! F! I DON'T LIKE THAAAAT."

At that time, My friend was only tobacco.
At the bus station, I kept smoking.

"Why I bring some stupid clothes like this?
Those are not the proper clothes...
I want to be alone soon. why India invite me??? "

Yesterday night, we met one woman on the road.
we talked a little and soon we clicked together.
and we invited her to our room.

She played Ukulele and sang for us.
I was moved.

She said " I think you were invited by this place "India"."

The first, actually I wasn't interested in India especially.
Regardless of the will me, things advanced.
sometimes I tried to resist, but things advanced....
at that time, It was just like someone else's matter.

So, She said to me "You were invited by India." again and again.


Fo sho ,our bus didn't start at right time.
I must wait. waiting waiting waiting.


I looked around.
Many people was also waiting each bus.
I found 2 guys from the crowd, at that time.

One guy sat there with his legs crossed. and another guy stood up.
wow, very beautiful. I was seeing them for a while.

At last, Everybody around me started to walk to the bus.
I followed them.

I found that the bus's back tire had not any groove.
I said to my boss "Look!! The tire's surface is smooth!"
Boss said "Here is India." without surprised...

The one guy also found the tire,and our eyes met,
He winked to me and put out his tongue.

I'm already happy you feel good in my diary, but you want me to be happy more? If your answer is Yes, don't hesitate to support me!