
Effective 3 Measure we tried to do for Go-to-Japan Market about CRM used by Recruitment Agency.

Hi I'm Sho from Hochiminh City.
Now I try to write down how to get Japanese client about CRM for Recruitment Agency, developed in Vietnam and having most client in UK.

Our company was established in Japan but for some reasons, Our board members decided to move the headquarter and developing place to VN. And our service was widen in UK at first and after that it spreaded to all over the world.

However , as you guess by the fact we originated in Japan, Our boss have had market sense of Japan and our CEO could speak and understand Japanese well that after getting bigger enough they tried to get Japanese market again.

1.Empowerment of posting on LinkedIn

My first job is empower our brand popularity in Japan market . In advance my colleague had enough number of followers in his LinkedIn account and our service is famillier with it through Google chrome customization servise made by ourselves. Then I just made my account in very first week joining our company and started to regular posts on it.

at the same time I try to use twitter for getting new leads because it's more popular in Japan even for business user.But to be honest LinkedIn was better for Our GTM especially in the view of Recruitment field.

As a result, we could get some leads from post and made some contract through it.

2.Get new customer by Cold Call

As I write down above, our team tried to get new lead from social media on the beginning. That measure made a couple of good leads in some extent but we didn't reach the regular aquisition for enough amount hot lead.

While we commited to find the new way to get it, I came up with the measure of inside sales looking at past lead list on database. There were enough informaiton for making cold call for Japanese customers, Companyname and Phone Number and additionaly some data had even contact name and social media information.

To be honest I'd had no experience to do cold call in past companys but at first we started from the point of making new call script and try to call Japanese client little by little. Of course in the beggining there were little lead to aquire but as I spended more time to do it, my talking skill was getting better. And in the regular internal meeting , while our boss made us many feedback for the call quality and at last we were succeeded to make new and consistant lead source.

As of now two members contained me is in charge of cold call . Averagely we make about 500 calls per month and get ten lead safely.

3.Regular action for past lead we got

In addition to those two action, we thought that we should activate our past capital.This is as you know the past lead information.
Before I joined our company, we had not make regular contact to all lead we got from each sourse, Website and Social media , Refferal and etc... But as all business development, effective approach to existing lead and prospect is much more effective than make contact to new customer.

So while we tried to make new lead from cold call and social media, I organized past information of all leads and prioritize them in the view of the quality and quantity of information , call number and Social media account etc. After that, we distribute the past leads to each member and make call. As I expected, many of them remembered our company's name and some of them returned to our hot lead.

Even though they don't become active lead, if we could get information about their system , it means getting success of discovery important information for future lead. So this measure is one investment for the future in a sense.

Next challenge

Our Go to Market to JP is just now on the right track of success. As a next step, we already consider some good measures in a different light compared to before.

I will report you new information there for the person who think about GTM to Japan market in the future. There is a place for them to share the actual experience of get the hint and new client steadily and steadily.

Thank you for reading.
