
🐛Bookworms Actually Suck??

Today's May 5th and I'm in the middle of 'Golden Week' right now. I didn't have anything to do today, so I spent the whole day reading books that I had wanted to read. These are '多動力'  '捨て本' '書を捨てよ、町へ出よう' and '読書について'. I learned so much from these books. Some are what I had though about before but forgot as time went by and others are something new I wouldn't have been enlightened if I hadn't read those books. 

I learned practical lessons that are helpful to lead more fulfilling and full-of-opportunities life from the first three books, and the forth book told me about how reading too many books affects your thoughts in a bad manner. 

But Still The Reality is…

I know this sounds pretty obvious and simple, but after reading those Japanese books, I realized how much gap there is still between English and Japanese to think about things and express my ideas/ opinions (/ creativity?). But it is what it is. I don't expect to be fluent in English fast without making as much effort as I can. I'm just keeping what I've been doing because I know the progress is only made slow. 

I'm Finally Coming This Far…

Recently I'm coming to enjoy the mistakes I make while speaking English and frustration and annoyance that come from not being able to come up with right vocabulary within a second or to still miss some words out of what others are saying :) I guess this is a positive outcome from having kept trying to cut in a group of international students or joining parties lots of international people attend!

I'm sorry guys, some of you might have got attracted by the title of this article but this turned out to be kind of irrelevant from it. Well this title comes from the book '読書について' and that explains that reading hundreds of thousands of books is no use unless you try putting your thoughts and values that have already been constructed in mind against what the author argues in the book. So you have to battle the books you read with the viewpoint and values you already have. Reading books is wrestling!!
