


MidjourneyとStable Diffusionで使える事は確認しています。

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[prompt] Anime, cute cat ears girl.と入れるだけでこのような画像が作れるプロンプトを作成してくれます。


Midjourney 1回出し

Within the confines of a detailed anime realm, a girl with fluffy cloud-like cat ears sits delicately on an ornate balcony railing. Her cerulean eyes reflect the vast expanse of the universe, filled with wonder and a touch of melancholy. Sun-kissed golden locks flow around her, adorned with tiny star-shaped trinkets. The backdrop is a twilight cityscape, with lanterns floating upwards, their warm glow contrasting the cool blue of the dusk. Her pose is relaxed, one leg dangling freely while the other is pulled close, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on her thigh. Silky drapes flutter around her, their texture like liquid moonlight. Ambient light from the lanterns creates a balance of warm and cold tones, casting intricate patterns on her face. The overall mood is a blend of nostalgia, hope, and whimsy. masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
Set in a vibrant anime dimension, a young girl proudly showcases her feline lineage with majestic cat ears dusted in specks of gold. Her eyes, pools of molten chocolate, seem to hold ancient wisdom. Auburn hair cascades over her shoulders, embellished with autumn leaves. She's captured in a joyful leap, amidst a whirlwind of amber and crimson leaves. The setting sun paints the sky in shades of pink and purple, with the silhouette of an old town in the distance. The rustle of leaves and the soft glow of lamplights create an ambiance of celebration and transition. The textured cobblestone path she leaps over glistens with the evening dew. The dynamics of her movement, coupled with the vivid colors, evoke feelings of joy and the embrace of change. masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
In an ethereal anime world, a maiden gracefully stands by a tranquil lake, her distinctive cat ears adorned with dewdrops and tiny flowers. Her violet eyes, deep and reflective, mimic the calm waters she's gazing into. Icy-blue hair flows down her back, interwoven with lily pads and water reeds. The dawn's first light paints a soft gradient in the sky, reflecting on the water's surface, enveloping her in a surreal luminescence. The composition is such that it captures ripples emanating from a stone she's just dropped, the droplets creating a harmonious dance around her. The ambiance is serene, with a chorus of crickets and the distant hoot of an owl. Every detail, from the texture of her lace gown to the mist rising from the lake, is captured in stunning clarity, oozing a mood of peace and introspection. masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
In a dazzling anime universe, a girl with cat ears that shimmer like polished opal stands amidst a blooming cherry blossom grove. Her eyes, an entrancing shade of jade, convey a tale of adventures yet to be had. Chestnut curls, interlaced with pink blossom petals, cascade down to her waist. She's captured holding a traditional paper fan, its intricate designs mirroring the world around her. Surrounding her are luminescent butterflies, their wings a kaleidoscope of colors. The environment exudes spring's rebirth, with sunbeams filtering through the blossoms, creating patterns on the soft grass beneath her feet. The mood evokes renewal, beauty, and fleeting moments of youth. masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
Within the rich tapestry of an anime landscape, a young girl with cat ears resembling twilight velvet peers curiously from behind a grand library's pillar. Her onyx eyes, filled with mischief and wonder, scan the countless bookshelves stretching to infinity. Her hair, a waterfall of raven black, is held together with a sapphire-studded clip. The ambiance is that of hushed whispers and the rustling of ancient parchment. Golden light from ornate chandeliers casts intricate shadows, revealing the velvety texture of her gown and the polished marble floors. The scene is steeped in knowledge, mystery, and the timeless allure of stories waiting to be discovered. masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
Anime girl with luminous golden cat ears gracefully peeking out from her lavender hair, her azure eyes half-lidded with a mysterious smile, poised elegantly amidst a twilight cityscape. The gleaming city lights below reflect in her eyes, creating a dreamy atmosphere. Super detailed city skyline at the backdrop, lightly bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. Tiny fireflies surround her, adding to the magical aura, masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
Anime, cute cat ears girl, brown hair, green eyes, wearing a maid outfit and a ribbon on her head, blushing and looking at the camera shyly, standing in a kitchen with various dishes and utensils on the counter, a cake in front of her with a candle and a message saying “Happy Birthday”, bright lighting and pastel colors, sweet and lovely mood, masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
Anime, cute cat ears girl, black hair, red eyes, wearing a leather jacket and a skirt with chains, smirking and holding a guitar, standing on a stage with speakers and lights behind her, a crowd of fans cheering for her in front of her, dark colors and contrast lighting, cool and rock vibe, masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K

Stable Diffusion 1回出し

Within the rich tapestry of an anime landscape, a young girl with cat ears resembling twilight velvet peers curiously from behind a grand library's pillar. Her onyx eyes, filled with mischief and wonder, scan the countless bookshelves stretching to infinity. Her hair, a waterfall of raven black, is held together with a sapphire-studded clip. The ambiance is that of hushed whispers and the rustling of ancient parchment. Golden light from ornate chandeliers casts intricate shadows, revealing the velvety texture of her gown and the polished marble floors. The scene is steeped in knowledge, mystery, and the timeless allure of stories waiting to be discovered. masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
In an ethereal anime world, a maiden gracefully stands by a tranquil lake, her distinctive cat ears adorned with dewdrops and tiny flowers. Her violet eyes, deep and reflective, mimic the calm waters she's gazing into. Icy-blue hair flows down her back, interwoven with lily pads and water reeds. The dawn's first light paints a soft gradient in the sky, reflecting on the water's surface, enveloping her in a surreal luminescence. The composition is such that it captures ripples emanating from a stone she's just dropped, the droplets creating a harmonious dance around her. The ambiance is serene, with a chorus of crickets and the distant hoot of an owl. Every detail, from the texture of her lace gown to the mist rising from the lake, is captured in stunning clarity, oozing a mood of peace and introspection. masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
Set in a vibrant anime dimension, a young girl proudly showcases her feline lineage with majestic cat ears dusted in specks of gold. Her eyes, pools of molten chocolate, seem to hold ancient wisdom. Auburn hair cascades over her shoulders, embellished with autumn leaves. She's captured in a joyful leap, amidst a whirlwind of amber and crimson leaves. The setting sun paints the sky in shades of pink and purple, with the silhouette of an old town in the distance. The rustle of leaves and the soft glow of lamplights create an ambiance of celebration and transition. The textured cobblestone path she leaps over glistens with the evening dew. The dynamics of her movement, coupled with the vivid colors, evoke feelings of joy and the embrace of change. masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K
Within the confines of a detailed anime realm, a girl with fluffy cloud-like cat ears sits delicately on an ornate balcony railing. Her cerulean eyes reflect the vast expanse of the universe, filled with wonder and a touch of melancholy. Sun-kissed golden locks flow around her, adorned with tiny star-shaped trinkets. The backdrop is a twilight cityscape, with lanterns floating upwards, their warm glow contrasting the cool blue of the dusk. Her pose is relaxed, one leg dangling freely while the other is pulled close, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on her thigh. Silky drapes flutter around her, their texture like liquid moonlight. Ambient light from the lanterns creates a balance of warm and cold tones, casting intricate patterns on her face. The overall mood is a blend of nostalgia, hope, and whimsy. masterpiece, highest quality, super cute moment captured, depth of field, super detailed, super high resolution, C4D, Octane renderer, 3D modeling, 8K, 16K




12,754字 / 20画像

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