Pygameでシンプルなタイピング練習ゲーム #python

import pygame
from pygame.key import key_code
from pygame.locals import *
import sys
import time

def getInputkey(key_code):
    inputkey =  key_code
    if inputkey == "" :
        inputkey = "-" #変換キーを押すと""が入力されるため
    if inputkey == "space":
        inputkey = " "
    result = inputkey[0]
    return result

def main():
    pygame.init()                                   # Pygameの初期化
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))    # 大きさ640*480の画面を生成
    pygame.display.set_caption("Let's typing")              # タイトルバーに表示する文字
    font1 = pygame.font.SysFont("MS UI Gothic", 50)
    starttext = "キーを押してスタート"
    themetext = ("arigatou","thank you","konnichiwa","hello","ohayou","good morning","youkoso","welcome","iitennki","nice day")
    themeTextLine = font1.render(starttext, True, (255,255,255))
    inputTextLine = font1.render("Press the key to start", True, (255,0,0))
    pointTextLine = font1.render("point", True, (255,0,0))
    timeTextLine = font1.render("time", True, (255,0,0))
    scoreTextLine = font1.render("score", True, (255,0,0))
    inputkeys = ""
    OKpoint = 0
    count = 0 
    count1 = 0
    count2 = 0
    sum = 0
    while (1):
        screen.fill((0,0,0))        # 画面を黒色(#000000)に塗りつぶし
        # STEP3.テキストを描画
        screen.blit(themeTextLine, (40,30))
        screen.blit(inputTextLine, (80,180))
        screen.blit(pointTextLine, (120,240))
        screen.blit(timeTextLine, (120,290))
        screen.blit(scoreTextLine, (120,340))
        pygame.display.update()     # 画面を更新
        pygame.time.wait(30)        # 更新時間間隔
        # イベント処理
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:  # 閉じるボタンが押されたら終了
                pygame.quit()       # Pygameの終了(画面閉じられる)
            # キーを押したとき
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                # ESCキーなら終了
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    if count == 0: #0ならスタート画面。1ならタイピング中の画面。2ならスタート画面に戻る準備
                        itme_diff = 0
                        OKpoint = 0 
                        inputkey = getInputkey(
                        if inputkey != "":
                            count = 1
                            starttime = time.time()
                            themeTextLine = font1.render(themetext[count1], True ,(255,255,255))   
                            pointTextLine = font1.render("point = ", True, (255,0,0))
                            timeTextLine = font1.render("time = ",True,(255,0,0)) 
                            scoreTextLine = font1.render("score = ",True,(255,0,0))
                    elif count == 1:
                        themeTextLine = font1.render(themetext[count1], True ,(255,255,255))
                        inputTextLine = font1.render(str(inputkeys) , True, (255,0,0))
                        inputkey = getInputkey(    
                        inputkeys = str(inputkeys) + inputkey
                        if inputkeys != "":
                            themeTextLine = font1.render(themetext[count1], True ,(255,255,255))
                            inputTextLine = font1.render(str(inputkeys) , True, (255,0,0))
                            endtime = time.time()
                            itme_diff = endtime - starttime
                            timeTextLine = font1.render("time = " + str(round(itme_diff,2)),True,(255,0,0)) ####
                            if count1 < len(themetext):
                                if inputkeys[count2] == themetext[count1][count2]:
                                    OKpoint = OKpoint + 1
                                    pointTextLine = font1.render("point = " + str(OKpoint), True, (255,0,0))
                                    count2 = count2 + 1
                            if  len(inputkeys) >= len(themetext[count1]):
                                inputkeys = ""
                                count1 = count1 + 1
                                count2 = 0
                                if count1 < len(themetext):
                                    themeTextLine = font1.render(themetext[count1], True ,(255,255,255))
                                    inputTextLine = font1.render(str(inputkeys) , True, (255,0,0))
                                    count = 0
                                    themeTextLine = font1.render("結果", True ,(255,255,255))
                                    inputTextLine = font1.render(str(inputkeys) , True, (255,0,0))
                                    endtime = time.time()
                                    itme_diff = endtime - starttime
                                    timeTextLine = font1.render("time = " + str(round(itme_diff,2)),True,(255,0,0)) #######################
                                    sum = (100 - itme_diff) * OKpoint
                                    scoreTextLine = font1.render("score = " + str(round(sum,0)),True,(255,0,0)) 
                                    #text1 = font1.render("キーを押してスタート", True ,(255,255,255))
                                    count = 2
                    elif count == 2:
                        themeTextLine = font1.render("キーを押してスタート", True ,(255,255,255))
                        count = 0
                        count1 = 0
                        count2 = 0
                        inputkeys = ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
