How should artificial intelligence and humans divide roles?

What are the disadvantages of artificial intelligence compared to humans?

Comparing artificial intelligence (AI) with humans, AI is weak in the following ways:

  1. Emotional understanding and empathy: AI can process information, but it cannot truly understand emotions and empathy. For example, AI can identify emotional nuances in text, but cannot experience or feel them.

  2. Abstract Thinking and Creativity: Humans are capable of coming up with very abstract concepts and new ideas. AI does not have true creativity as it operates on training data and given information.

  3. Transferring general knowledge: AIs are often trained specifically for specific tasks, and have difficulty dealing with information and tasks outside of their scope. On the other hand, humans have the ability to transfer knowledge and experience in one field to another.

  4. Making Complex Decisions: In many situations, humans make complex decisions based on a wide range of factors, including intuition, experience, and cultural context. AI operates based on clear data and algorithms, making such multidimensional decisions difficult.

  5. Learning Efficiency and Adaptability: AI often requires large amounts of data, whereas humans can learn from fewer examples and experiences. Humans are also better at adapting to unfamiliar situations.

  6. Physical senses and perceptions: AI can obtain information through devices such as sensors and cameras, but it cannot have a wide range of senses such as the five human senses and bodily sensations.

  7. Understanding cultures and backgrounds: AI has difficulty deeply understanding specific cultures and backgrounds, and it is difficult for AI to understand the nuances and subtle differences of people with diverse backgrounds and cultures.

In this way, AI is very good at performing specific tasks and calculations quickly, but it cannot have the diverse abilities, senses, and experiences that humans have. When using AI, it is important to take advantage of its strengths and use it as a complement to humans.

What are artificial intelligences better at than humans?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is better than humans in the following ways:

  1. Fast Computing Power: Complex mathematical calculations and data processing can be done very quickly.

  2. Processing large amounts of data: AI is good at analyzing large amounts of data simultaneously and finding patterns. For example, machine learning training involves processing many data points.

  3. Maintaining Consistency: AI is not fatigued or affected by emotions, so it is consistent in producing the same results under the same conditions.

  4. Storage of large amounts of information: You can access and use information stored in systems such as databases and cloud storage without forgetting it.

  5. Optimizing for specific tasks: An AI specialized for a specific task can perform that task extremely efficiently.

  6. Work 24 hours a day: AI can work 24 hours a day without rest or sleep.

  7. Handle multiple tasks simultaneously: Take advantage of your computer's multitasking ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time.

  8. Less affected by environmental conditions: For example, image recognition AI may have a higher recognition rate than the human eye in both dark and bright places.

  9. Quantitative analysis: We are good at analysis and prediction based on numbers and data.

  10. Routine work: Able to efficiently perform repetitive tasks and rule-based tasks.

But these strengths don't mean AI is "good at everything". The performance of AI is highly dependent on the design, training methods, and data used. AI and humans can achieve better results by working together while leveraging their respective strengths.

How should artificial intelligence and humans divide roles?

Regarding the division of roles when artificial intelligence (AI) and humans collaborate, the following division of roles can be considered. This allows you to make the most of each individual's characteristics and strengths.

  1. Data processing and analysis:
    AI: Collects, organizes, and analyzes large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends.
    Humans: Determine the direction of business and research and make strategic decisions based on the results of AI analysis.

  2. Creativity and planning:
    AI: Can generate various suggestions and ideas based on existing data and patterns.
    Humans: bring in intuition, experience, and cultural context to create deeper ingenuity and new ideas.

  3. Communication:
    AI: Efficiently handles routine communications such as basic customer support and answers to FAQs.
    Human: Reads emotional nuances and non-verbal information to communicate and negotiate on a deeper level.

  4. Learning and adapting:
    AI: Aims to perform with high accuracy by learning deeply for specific tasks and datasets.
    Human: Uses extensive knowledge and experience to quickly adapt to diverse situations and new information.

  5. Emotion and Empathy:
    AI: It is possible to discern emotional tones from text and speech, but true empathy and understanding is difficult.
    Humans: They are good at understanding other people's emotions and backgrounds, empathizing, comforting, and encouraging them.

  6. Ethical and Moral Judgments:
    AI: Makes decisions according to given rules and guidelines, but cannot voluntarily make ethical decisions.
    Human: Makes ethical and moral judgments based on cultural and social context.

These divisions of roles are just one example, but it is ideal for AI and humans to work together in a way that makes use of their respective strengths and complements each other. With the right balance and cooperation, their collaboration can lead to innovative results in many areas.
