[IELTS Writing Punishment for children]

It is importantfor children to learn the difference between right and wrong at early age. Punishment is neccesary to help them learn this destinction.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?
What sorts of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children?

There has been a profound increase in the argument about the necessity of punishment to teach correct manners to children.
On one side of the spectrum, there are those who insist that it is effective to change their behavior. However, critics, including myself, strongly oppose this idea because this not only has a negative impact on their personality but also causes bad relationships between children and adults.

To begin, there is an argument to be made that setting strict rules to follow the rules will make children more introverted. To illustrate this point, when the child is punished, they just remember the memory of the situation like being angry with their parents or teachers. For this reason, it is clearly evident that the punishment will be trauma for children and they become introverted.
In addition, children will not recognize the reason why it was not appropriate behavior, therefore, if adults just give the punishment for the accident, they will commit the same mistake again in the future

Furthermore, the learning method with strict rules will have a devastating effect on the relationship between pupils and adults. For instance, if adults manage their student’s manners and behavior too much, children must be frustrated by the situation and will not trust them. Therefore, it is undeniable that such educational methods will damage the relationship as younger put under stress.
Moreover, the number of crimes committed by youth will increase, as they are eager to resist their parents or teachers who are always strict with them. With this in mind, there is no doubt that using punishment for education, there are negative effects on both younger and older ages.

To conclude, from the aforementioned discussion, the overwhelming evidence seems to suggest that the punishment for children has negative effects on their development process and relationships. In my humble opinion, childcare with punishment is not only an unreasonable way to tell some message, but also the society is getting worse.
