[IELTS Writing]University Education

Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others belive that they should only be allowed to study subjects tha will be useful in the future, such as those related to sciece and techology.

In recent years, there has been a profound increase in the number of people questioning what university students should learn. On the side of the spectrum, there are those who argue that this would reduce the training for companies. However, critics, including myself, strongly oppose this view as it will damage our culture.

To begin, there is an argument to be made that students who majored in practical subjects can be accustomed to the company easily after their graduation as they have already basic knowledge about the field. To illustrate this point, most IT companies only hire programmers who have a background in computer science, resulting in a reduction in basic programming training. For this reason, it is evident that useful studies give benefits to companies which in turn leads to a booming economy.

What is more, countless economists have confirmed that employees having relative degrees shows low retirement rate which in turn reduce human resource management cost. This being the case, it is not unreasonable to assume that if universities offer only useful academic majors would positive impact on our society.

Nonetheless, despite the points outlined above, it must be stated that the limitations of the academic field would have a devastating effect on our daily lives. For instance, the literature study is regarded as unnecessary for our life directly, however, its contents would give us an important message to overcome our problems such as political or economic. Therefore, it is undeniable that the diversity of education saves our culture and life indirectly. Furthermore, the range of subjects will contribute to finding an interest or strength for students as some pupils are lousy at science or math. With this in mind, there is no doubt that if universities lose academic diversity, some people will lose the opportunity to seek their abilities.

To conclude, while some are under the impression that higher education should provide only practical things, others myself included, firmly believe that the subjects that seem to be unnecessary will contribute to our society. From my perspective, I am of fierce belief that the ability and interest are different for each, so it should be respected.
