

Benny Hinn Seven Streams of Anointing - Billy Graham Death (1:24:06)

Benny Hinn sermon 2017 __Sseven Streams of Anointing__Benny Hinn Ministries (1:24:06)

Seven Streaming of Anointing by Pator Benny Hinn


「油注ぎの7つの流れ(Seven Streams of Anointing)」(1:24:06)(英語)〔再婚(2013年3月3日、同じ妻スザンヌと結婚)頃に語られたメッセージ。〕





Start form 1:38
Now lift your hands and say Lord, I’m ready for all of it. Amen.
Now first of all, the next just few minuses I want to get your attention about what I truly believe is coming. There is three things that have to happen. I’m gonna shock you a little bit. I think if someone ‘s good to shock people.

Back in 1989, the Lord spoke to me very clearly and I was criticized for it. but I don’t care.
God very clearly said to me. He said when Oral Roberts and Billy Graham die will be the sign, the beginning. This will be the sign to the church that the greatest move of God on earth will begin. Now it’s back in 89. Oral Roberts passed away few years ago. Billy is still alive. But we don’t know how long he’ll be here.
Why is that? Well, it’s very very Biblical. Because the death of giants changed the seasons. Biblically speaking and historically, if you look at the Bible when Moses died it says clearly, after the death of Moses God said Joshua rise and cross. Well, when you look at history, the death of giants like Kathryn Kuhlman and others brought about change in the church. The death of Kathryn Kuhlman brought the end of the Charismatic Movement to the world. And the beginning of the Word Movement began with her death.
So you know I don’t wanna have to go back into history and prove all this too. But it’s just a pure fact. We are going to see a change. It could happen tomorrow. It could happen next year. It could happen next month. Only God knows but it’s gonna happen. And you need to prepare for it. Because it’s gonna happen suddenly. Did you hear that? It’s gonna happen fast. God will not just you know there’ll be no warm-up session. Wham! One day it’s over.
So get ready for it. Because when the Lord moves He moves quickly. He says I’ll do a quick work. And He always does.

But three things are going to happen when this amazing change happens. When season is, first, an amazing move of evangelism. More people will be saved in that move. Then probably in the last 2000 years of church history, it could very well also cause some world shaking event. It could happen we don’t know but it’s gonna be a very sudden move of the Spirit. Just like back in the Jesus Movement in the 70s. When when God moved so powerfully and many many came into the Kingdom within five years. Swept in by the millions. It could happen and will happen again.

Now the second thing that’s gonna happen is an amazing move of miracles like healings taking place in people’s homes, not just in churches. There will be miracles physical healings take place in your kitchen, in your living rooms, in schools, in universities, on the streets. People will be mightily healed by the power of God. And I don’t think we’ve seen the real power of God most of us have not. Some have. I have not only in my own meetings but in Kathryn Kuhlman’s meetings. I mean I saw with my own eyes a lady twisted with arthritis form head to toes untwist. She untwisted in her seat. I saw a lady in India in my own meeting with a tumor on her stomach just dropped on the platform in from of my eyes. We saw a young boy in born in in Buenos Aires, Argentina on the on the platform crippled totally crippled. God literally healed him while we saw it without our own eyes as though someone was stretching legs like rubbers. God will, the Lord literally performed a miracle that we saw with our eyes this crippled boy, it was like invisible hands inside of him were pulling his legs. The place freaked out a hundred thousand people saw it on the screen. And this boy got up and walked away perfectly whole.

Another one in Venezuela. This girl crippled from the waist down because of she had a baby three years earlier. And and God healed her in such a way. It shock the country that Chavez, the President Chavez saw the miracle and began crying and invited me, if you can believe this, to have a crusade on the military grounds in, in, in, in the capital. And Sure and Sheryl was right there and my staff thought I had 30 to 40 military generals on the platform from Venezuela. Because when they saw the part of God and this girl joined the army so she was one of the military people who was crippled. And God healed her. And they stood behind me. All these generals and When I lift my hand they were all on the floor. Boom, every one of them talking in tongues. And we’ve seen power people. I’ve seen power with my own eyes. And especially at Kathleen’s meetings.

So I mean you know you cannot deny “I am Who I am.“ Because of what God has done. We are going to see it again. But in a powerful, in a powerful way, I mean like powerful way, you remember fathered the Oreo fathered the Ore from New York. The Catholic priests God used to shake America. And then the Catholic Church had to shut him down. They got scared of him. That man had real miracles. Those kind of miracles are coming back to America. America needs to see the power of God again. Or we are sunk. We’ve had so many preachers and no power. All talk and sweat and spit and no power. It’s time we have the power. We need the power back.

Lift our hands. Say we gotta have the power back. Come on. Because you know preaching is good but no power is bad. Because if you only have the word, if you only have the word, you will dry up. If you only have the power, you’ll blow up. We need both so we can grow up. Too much word will dry you up and too much power will brow you up. So gotta have both. So we are gonna see a mighty move of evangelism and a mighty move of miracles.

But get ready for the third one. We are going to see the, the true meaning of prosperity in our life. Biblical prosperity. Because they all always happen together. If you look in Acts, they were saved, they were healed, and none lacked among them. You read form Acts 2, Acts 4. They got saved, they got healed, and miracles took place with such power that none, none, none means nobody racked among them. Nobody was in debt. There was so much money in the church that they sold the properties and brought it to the church. You’ll remember that in Acts 5. If you dare a few preachers and new preachers dare to preach that on Sunday morning and ask people to bring their many, think if you ever dare to say go sell your house and bring me your money. They’d shoot you. Throw rocks at ya. Who knows what they’ll do to you? But they did it back in the book of Acts because there was a mighty move of the Spirit. People were completely sold out. Why would Barnabas sell his property in Cyprus and bring the money and place it at the feet of the Apostles. For what purpose? Fo the preaching of the Gospel. They believed in the gospel. And Ananias and Sapphira held back their money. They died. Because they were not willing to spread the Gospel. They lied to the Holy Spirit. Now but Gospel is free, yes, but the means to deliver the Gospel is very very expensive.

Let me teach you a few things about prosperity. Take a pen and paper. Write them down. Come on. I’m gonna give you biblical foundations that you can rely on that you can preach to your people and they work. This is a principle that works. Do not be embarrassed or ashamed to challenge people biblically about money. The scriptures are very clear in this. In the scripture we read first of all in Deuteronomy 8:18; “Remember the LORD thy God.” It means put Him first. ‘Remember the LORD our God. It is He that gives you power to get wealth.’ Right? Why? That He might establish His covenant. His covenant is the Gospel. God wants the Gospel preached. But He wants His people to understand that only by putting God first. Put His interests ahead of yours. You put God first. It says remember the LORD thy God. Put Him first that He’ll give you power to get wealth that He might establish His covenant. (~12:21)






イエス様もなさった個人預言 の聖書の実例の解説、現在の個人預言の映像リンク集付き

【なぜ、ライジング・デスティニー(シャイニング・デスティニー)を始めたのか(過去20年間の日本宣教史年表付) 】
【The Reason We started Rising Destiny (Shining Destiny): The History of Japanese Mission in the Past 20 Years】

