

(English Below)
(”天国からのメッセージ” リックジョイナー著より抜粋 p.86~89)

 1) 終末の使徒; 


 2) 終末の預言者;


 3) 終末の伝道者;


 4) 終末の牧師;

 わたしは、羊に対してわたしの心をもつ牧者を起こします。この者たちは、わたしを愛しているので、わたしの羊を養います。あたかも自分のものであるかのように、わたしの小さい者たち一人ひとりの世話をして、わたしの羊のためには、自分のいのちを捨てるのです。わたしの民がお互いのためにいのちを捨てる ― これこそ、人の心を揺り動かす愛です。そのとき、この世はわたしを知るのです。わたしの家族に出すための極上の食物を彼らに与えています。彼らは、わたしが信頼して、わたしの家の世話をするように託した忠実な者たちです。

 5) 終末の教師;


(終)(English Below)


From『The Call (The Final Quest Series Book 2) (English Edition)』(by Rick Joyner) Chapter Five-THE DOOR

“I am about to release My last-day apostles. I will have many like Paul, John, Peter, and the others. To prepare them, I am sending many like John the Baptist who will teach them devotion to Me and lay the foundation of repentance in their lives. These apostles will also be like the Baptist. Just as the chief joy of John’s life was to hear the voice of the Bridegroom, these will have one devotion—to see My bride made ready for Me. Because of this, I will use them to build highways through the wilderness and rivers through the deserts. They will bring down the high places and raise up the lowly. When you go through that door, you will meet them.

“I am about to release My last-day prophets. They will love Me and walk with Me, even as Enoch did. They will demonstrate My power and prove to the world that I am the One true God. Each will be a pure well from which only living waters flow. At times, their water will be hot for cleansing; at times, it will be cold for refreshing. I will also give them lightning in one hand and thunder in the other. They will soar like eagles over the earth, but they will descend upon My people like doves because they will honor My family. They will come upon cities like whirlwinds and earthquakes, but they will give light to the meek and lowly. When you go through that door, you will also meet them.

“I am about to release My last-day evangelists. I will give them a cup of joy that will never run out. They will heal the sick and cast out devils; they will love Me and love righteousness; they will carry their crosses every day, not living for themselves but for Me. Through them, the world will know that I live and that I have been given all authority and power. These are the fearless ones who will attack the gates of the enemy and raid the dark places of the earth, leading many to My salvation. These, too, are just beyond that door, and you will meet them.

“I am about to release shepherds who will have My heart for the sheep. These will feed My sheep because they love Me. They will care for each of My little ones as if they were their own, and they will lay down their own lives for My sheep. This is the love that will touch men’s hearts—when My people lay down their lives for one another. Then the world will know Me. I have given them choice food to serve My household. These are the faithful ones that I will trust to watch over My own house. These, too, are beyond that door, and you will meet them.

“I am about to release My last-day teachers upon the earth. They will know Me and teach My people to know Me. They will love the truth. They will not retreat before the darkness, but they will expose it and drive it back. They will unstop the wells that your fathers dug and serve the pure waters of life. They will also carry out the treasures of Egypt and use them to build My dwelling place. You will meet these, too, just beyond that door.”


“The Call” by Rick Joyner

