英検1級2次試験サンプルスピーチ: Is the extinction of some plant and animal species inevitable?

I believe that the extinction of some plant and animal species is inevitable due to worsening globalization and the advancing urbanization in major cities.

Firstly, due to the global warming the average temperature of the earth is increasing year annually. Desertification issues and lextreme weather conditions and no rains affect some animals. Some animals can't exist due to worsening temperature. It is difficult for animals and plants to live longer than past years.

Secondly, urbanization is progressing these days. New buildings and infras. has been developed. Forest and many nature has been destroyed because of developing infrastructures by humans. To have more spaces to dropping more infrastructures, humans need to destroy nature. Animals and plants have been decreasing.

For these reasons, it is not easy for some animals have to live in modern society. In conclusion, I believe that the extinction of some plant and animal species is inevitable.


How do you think our leaders should address this issue? Japanese leaders should focus on eco-friendly in developing new infrastructures and buildings. Aldo add eco-friendly programs or initiatives.

②Some people say that species extinction is a natural process. What are your thoughts about that?
I believe that species extinction is a natural process which is evident by the era of the dinosaurs.
