
ひとりではじめてのillustrator ~How was it going, my first time to try illustrator??~

先週からSocial Compassでインターンシップさせて頂いています、Yukaです!

Hi, I am Yuka and work as an internship in Social Compass since last week.

social Compassの代表の中村さんの真似をして、私もインターンシップのマガジンとしてnoteを始めてみました=DDD

My boss, Mr Nakamura write note everyday, so I started note to imitate him =DDD

今回のカンボジア渡航は3回目ですが、今までは短期滞在で今回が初めての長期滞在!そろそろカンボジアに来て5か月経ちます!いろいろなご縁があって、中村さんの会社、Social Compassでインターンシップをやらせていただけることになり今に至ります。

I have been to Cambodia second times before then this time is the third times, but this time, I have lived here for a long time, now has been for around 5months. I am really thankful for the opportunity to work as an internship in the company that Mr Nakamura runs.


I almost haven't experienced running the design software called illustrator and Photoshop, but my boss required me to create 100 logo designs, moreover, he let me learn how to use these softwares by myself, so, I was like OMG.


Anyhow, I tried to open illustrator. but hmmm...


Okay, I also tried to open Photoshop, but emmmm...


Wait,,,, what is "logo design"?????


What should I create...???


I read the logo design book in the office and googled "logo design".


On Day1, I really suffered from the way to use "pen tool".

I wanted to draw a straight line but it became a curve...

So I was like wtf!!!!


Here is my logo design for Day1.



Well, the theme is "hand". Maybe you will get the theme once I tell you what it is.


However, I did not know how to use the pen tool that's why the line is too messy.


I couldn't create a good logo design on Day1 so I really got upset with myself. I kept practising how to use illustrator at home too.


Then, finally! I could create one logo design the next day.

All is owing to "〇〇〇〇〇〇"


Are you wondering what the secret word?

If you are, please have a look at the article tomorrow too, I will upload the one next night;)))) Thank you for reading that!
