Random Notes31

画像1 Don't hang around a toxic person. They'll do something wrong then blame you. Every thing they say or do wrong is your fault according to them, so stay away from them. You don't need them.
画像2 If people walk away from you and they want to be apart from your life, It might mean their season is over. It is not your fault but is the time for you to make room in your mind and meet new people. Now is the time for you to move on.
画像3 Negative experiences hurt us. I know some of the Note members who blamed everything on their past experiences. One had a disastrous lifestyle but it's not his fault apparently. He's a narcissist and a psychopath. He believes that he's a victim.
画像4 Keep your distance from people who will never admit thy are wrong and who try to make you feel like everything's your fault. Yeah. I wiped them off from my life..it's not easy, but you gotta do what you got to do.
