Random Notes37

画像1 When you shine brightly with love, it attracts those who are struggling with darkness. It takes a strong light to touch souls consumed by darkness. Remember, love is your power, and darkness can't overcome it. Don't let the haters get to you.
画像2 Loneliness happens when we lack connection. Even if people care about us, without that connection, we can still feel lonely. And there's another kind - the need for physical touch and closeness, like hugs and having someone to share our space with.
画像3 The mental connections between my friend and me are so strong that I can sense when she is nearby. I can feel the touch of her thoughts. Circumstances never allow us to be together, but I've never felt a connection like that with anyone else.
画像4 I just love the truth and wisdom of your words. They touch my heart. Thank you so much.
